An affectionate smile spread across her face as the dark pair attempted her name. It would probably be a long while before they could pronounce it the way it was intended, but she didn't mind. After all, the syllables in her name were probably strange to the infants who could only know a few words. Answering the female's question with a simple nod, she offered up an alternative name. "You can call me Pella if you'd like." She hoped that the alias would be easier to say. Of course she didn't expect them to call her that. If it was easier they could come up with any combination of her name, and she would be happy.Before she could answer Karpos' first question, he blurted out another one. Confusion spread across her face as she tried to figure out what he meant. How did wolves fly? Honestly, she might like to know the answer to that as well. A small giggle fell from her lips at the outrageous query. By no means was she laughing at him, nor did she want him to take it that way. It was just the thought of wolves with wings that had set off her laughter. Then little Adsila chimed in, using her own logic as a response. "It's true." She agreed with Adsi. "But wolves don't need wings. Though the birds may rule the air, we control the ground beneath our feet." Whether they could comprehend this sequence of words or not, she was unsure, but one day they would.
Sunny eyes traced the younger female as she advanced. A slight discomfort worked it's way into Capella's spine as the cub stared into her face. It was a strange realization that manners didn't apply to pups. Whereas an adult staring like that would have likely provoked a defensive reaction, her body remained neutral. Even her tail continued to swing ever so lightly across the soil underneath. She wasn't allowed to think for long though, as Adsila's attention turned away from her face, and rested on her tail. Adsila's posture, though flawed, told Capella of her intentions. Allowing her tail to move at a slower pace, to give the little one a chance, a huge smile conquered her lips. This was the beginning of something new.
Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3