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The Perfect Placement — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
The longer the meeting lasted, the more Simaea stood. From Keith's side she slowly extended her legs, until at long last she was standing up with her head ducked below Keith and Minka's. Small talk ensued, things Simaea knew little about, hunts and something called a weasel. It wasn't until Narime mentioned finding herself a birthing den that Simaea's ears swiveled forwards. "I could help, Mr. Anglo if you want, I have been exploring the caves and found a good den for myself. I could show him several if you'd like." A shy smile shot across her face at Anglo, he still made her nervous so she had to keep reminding herself that things were different now.

Simaea had more to say and was busy for a moment steeling herself to speak, which would give Narime ample time to tell her whether or not she thought it was a good idea. Long moments passed for Simaea in which her face was twisted into a look halfway between determined and physically ill. At last her jaws opened and a burp came unbidden from the depths of her stomach. Fairly sure she had just gained everyone's attention she spoke, Narime, Sloane, I was taught a little healing before I came here, I was wondering if maybe you could tell me where to go now to continue learning? I'd like to help you when the birth comes Narime" With the words out Simaea stared at her paws looking acutely embarrassed.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Minka thought back to the prey she had taken over her short two years, trying to remember what she had caught that wasn't something she regularly stalked. Her head tilted slightly to the right as she pondered then a smile came to her face, "A beaver yes! Only once though, their rubber tails always put me off, something about it ruins my appetite." A slight shudder ran through her spine at the memory of being hit in the face with the rudder multiple times but she chuckled, even an eventful hunt was a good one in her mind. The leader appointed one of the males she didn't know to hunt for a den and the thought of pups sent her tail wagging slowly, she knew nothing brought a pack together like a task such as protecting newborns. She looked around at her pack mates and suddenly realized how few of them she knew, she was standing next to Narimé and to her side was Simaea who seemed comfortable around her now.

Glancing at the dark male as he spoke Minka could see the anxiousness upon his face, the fae didn't blame him, she knew how much she wished to prove herself as well. He seemed to have ants in his pants, ready to go forth at his task, staying seated seemed to be a great personal feat. Simaea was now standing next to her but her head was tucked down and the fae nudged her with her muzzle fondly a smile playing upon her face. The tawny girl watched curiously as the dark femme next to her as her facial expression twisted, and Minka nudged her again in an encouraging manner. After Simaea asked her question the femme realized she had one of her own, clearing her throat she addressed her leaders, "Jokes aside the caches are low, perhaps I can lead a hunting expedition? I scented some Caribou in the area nearby recently." She looked to their paws respectfully not making eye contact as she awaited their answer, her tail lowered to show submission.

table by mimi
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé nodded in approval after Simaea's question to join Anglo in a hunt for a birthing den. It was good that her members were getting to know each other better. Though something seemed off with Sloane today. He was not his usual self, or perhaps her mate was happy to see her taking charge for once? So far he had not spoken too much which worried Narimé.

Minka's idea of a pack hunt was a good one. Especially since the caches were so low. However the thought jogged the silver she wolfs memory. She had to give them roles still.

"That reminds me. Minka, Simaea. You two have proven yourselves talented in your own area's of interest; hunting and healing. I think you both deserve your full roles. " She paused moving her belly sideways as a wave of discomfort rolled over her. "Minka Leigh, your role from now on will be as our lead huntress. Though you are already second and have been doing that job well. " She paused once more as a rumble echoed from her stomach. "and Simaea, you will be our healer. There are two great healers that you could learn from as our packs will be allied with both Willow Ridge and Secret Woodlands. However I suggest going to Nina in Secret Woodlands as you will have time to spend with your brother while you are not studying." She smiled knowing that Simaea would be happy to see her brother so soon again.

Nari's blue eyes traveled to Sloane once more to see if he approved of her decisions. The rusted alpha looked to be lost in thought however. Sidling herself up next to her mate Nari gently tried to get his attention. Then she turned her gaze back to Anglo and Kieth.

"You two are the only wolves I am unsure of what roles to give you. Do either of you have certain skills or a liking to a certain role? "

Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
So sorry for the long wait everyone! Been busy.

Kieth smiled when he saw Simaea emerge from the depths of the cave, it seemed that she had decided to go exploring earlier that morning. The exchange between the black yearling and his silver queen made him chuckle, it was true. Every time the cache was filled, it seemed to always be empty a few hours later. But he didn't mind, if Narimé was hungry, she would eat and he would go and hunt for more prey. During the past week he had gotten much better at stalking and chasing down prey, the daily hunts had honed his skills, and he could easily catch small prey now.

As soon as Simaea turned around and faced her other pack mates, Kieth saw her ears lay flat on her head and she crouched down low to the ground; her belly almost touching the soil as she crawled backwards. The black yearling didn't stop moving until she stood near his legs, and Kieth lowered his head and nuzzled her neck with his white muzzle, hoping to chase away her fear.

His pale grey eyes drifted to his Silver Queen and the brown and grey female standing next to her. As he listened to their conversation, the grey male heard Narimé call the other fae Minka. Minka. An unusual name, but a name nonetheless.

He pricked his ears as his silver queen requested that Anglo search around for a birthing den. His pale grey eyes flicked to the darker male, and he could sense anxiousness coming off of him in waves. He knew the feeling to prove to his leaders and family that he could do what he was told, and always strived to do the best he could. That was most likely what Anglo was feeling now, and he gave a knowing smile.

The grey male listened to the conversation around him, although he didn't speak or utter a single sound. But when Narimé started to speak again, this time involving ranks and roles, she had his full attention. Kieth nodded as his Silver Queen spoke about Minka and Simaea's roles. He knew that the black yearling wanted to learn the art of healing, although he wasn't so sure about the brown and grey fae. But if Narimé chose her to be the Lead Huntress, it must mean that she was extremely good at hunting.

When Narimé turned to him and Anglo, and asked if they had a certain role they excelled in or had a liking to. A thoughtful expression crossed the grey male's face as he thought about it. He was good at hunting and wasn't too bad at being a guardian, but he didn't really want those roles assigned to him. But the one thing he loved to do was teach pups and yearlings, and give sound advice and correct information to his leaders. And even though he was kind, he could become strict if needed, and he just loved to be around pups.

Lifting his white muzzle, Kieth looked at his Silver Queen, although not directly into her eyes. "When the time comes, I can be of assistance by looking after the pups as they grow and learn, and continue to do so when they become yearlings and the next generation is born."

544 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Littlewing who has 13 posts.
Inactive III. Guardian
Anglo Quinsarc
As his family around him speaks, Anglo tries to decide quickly as to what his role within his new pack should be. He wasn't a bad hunter, but he usually helped take down the prey- he wasn't much suited for that. His nose twitches as he stands and thinks. Anglo listens to Keith as soon as he speaks. Watching over the pups? That would be a neat role. He smiles gently, and lowers his head before he speaks up. "Narimé, it would be a pleasure if I could assume role of guardian."

He lifts his head now "I do believe I would be best at that." His smile is gone now, and his face remains stoic as he awaits the word of his leadess. His orange-brown gaze shifts to Keith, and the dark male's tail wags slowly. He got good vibes off of Keith. The male wonders momentarily if they would ever become good friends. That would certainly be neat! As the Quinsarc man waits for words, he now looks to the wolf that had seemed very shy before. Simaea. She had piped up moments before, saying that she would assist Anglo in finding a proper birthing den. Oh, good. A woman- she would know what to look for! As Anglo sits, he feels as if he is going to burst with excitement. He wanted to take every moment of his day to prove his worth to his new family.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Minka could feel herself practically bursting with joy as Nari named her the lead huntress of the pack, she knew that especially once the pups came what an important role that would be. While some might feel anxious at the thought of being both second and lead hunter the fae felt nothing of the sort. A beaming smile spread across her features and her tail began to wag, but she dipped her muzzle in respect for her leader as she responded, "Thank you Narimé, I will not let you or the pack down, it is an honour to hold such a title." She raised her muzzle and met her alpha in the eye, her own orbs twinkling with elation and the smile returned to her face. Her mind was already turning with plans for the pack hunt, and looking first to her queen with respect she addressed the rest of the pack, "With the permission of both Narimé and Sloane I would like to lead a pack hunt, I believe that tomorrow just after dawn would be the best time to do so." Her tail remained lower when she looked to her alphas, waiting for their approval or disapproval of the hunt.

She turned her attention to Simaea as she was named healer a smile of pride upon her face, she knew how hard that the girl had been working to become a well trained healer. Now she would have the chance to be mentored to become the best that she could be, bringing more than the pack would ever need Minka was sure. The short lesson that the girl had tried to teach the tawny woman has gone right over her head, though it brought a smile to her face every time she thought of how stern she had been about sleeping. She dipped her muzzle towards the dark girl out of respect and congratulations, and then turned her attention to the two males that she did not know. The one seemed to be on very good terms with Simaea and the other, he seemed to know even less of the pack than the femme herself, so she assumed that he was also new to the family.

table by mimi
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
@Anglo @Kieth @Sloane -- You guys need to do an exit post please <3

Nari smiled nodding her head at Kieth's request to be a teacher. She herself only had her father to teach her how to hunt and survive in the very beginning. Although Sibo had done a good job in that aspect Nari had still been floundering around in the world when she got to Elettra. Not only had @Elettra been her alpha but now Narimé could see that she had also been a teacher to her. There were so many things the silver wolf had to thank the black regal among the willows. Now Narimé's pups would have a teacher right from the start to help raise their awareness of the world and its beauty and dangers.

"I can't see any other wolf better to teach my pups than you Kieth...well.. apart from Sloane and I... but..wel..You know what I mean.." Nari fumbled out the last bit then turned her gaze slightly embarrassed to Anglo. "and I'm sure you'll make a good guardian. Sloane would be the best wolf to look to if you have any questions about the job or something." With that Nari turned her blue eyes to Sloane a worried look on her expression shielded from the others but still plainly in view to Sloane in her glittering eyes. He was being oddly quiet and she wanted to know why. Though Nari would ask him later when they were more alone. Maybe he's bothered by something? She thought quietly turning her head at the sound of Minka's voice.

Minka spoke of leading a pack hunt to which Nari felt a pang of sadness. She missed hunting so much, but Nari knew she couldn't go out with her stomach the way it was. Not to mention the danger she would put herself and the pups in. Plus I'm so fat now I would never be able to keep up with a deer... Sighing she put a smile upon her maw while gazing into the forest around them.

"I'm used to hunting around the willows, the meadow, and the marsh. Early morning hunting on the edges of the meadow near the willows should produce good results. The deer come out early morning feast in the meadow then head back into the forest till dusk when they come out again. " Nari gave her a little advice though she was sure Minka didn't really need it. In truth Nari thought of Minka as someone she could compete with. Perhaps after she was feeling well again and the pups were born she might be able to go out hunting with Minka and they could see who brought in more fresh kill.

Nari lay herself down sideways on the ground and let her eyes close. She wouldn't be moving from her place for a while until Simaea and Anglo had found her a few birthing den sites to look at. Nausea wasn't bothering her too much right now but dizziness was starting to pick at the silver wolf. Right now all she wanted was to feel better. "I guess that's all I wanted to talk to you guys about. If you were doing something before this meeting you can go back to that. I think I'm going to rest for a little bit right now..." She spoke quickly then yawned. Perhaps if Nari couldn't sleep at night she might be able to get a small nap in just then?

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2013, 04:59 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

Minka watched curiously out of the corner of her eye to Sloane, who has remained silent for the whole meeting, lost in his thoughts. A slight tinge of worry crept through her but she beat it down silently He is an alpha and is expecting his first litter soon, I'm sure he has a lot of thoughts that don't concern you any. Blinking she quickly looked away, hoping that nobody had caught her looking at him, she was sure they were all wondering why he was quiet but she didn't want to cause any kind of panic. She watched the slight expression of sadness upon her queen's face and her own brow furrowed in response, she had not meant to cause her alpha to become upset in any manner. She opened her jaws to retract her request but her leader answered her first, and a look of gratitude spread across her maw. She bowed her head respectively while she answered, "Thank you Narimé, I am greatly thankful for your advice." Her tail wagged as it seemed their meeting was coming to an end, fatigue seemed to come over the leader and Minka looked instinctively to Simaea, if anybody here knew if this was normal or not it would be her.

They were dismissed and the femme stepped slowly before her queen who lay before her, bending down she gently nudged the woman's muzzle with her own and gave her a slight lick on the chin. Turning to her silent king she nodded to him, her tail lowered as she approached, she repeated the gesture of nudging his muzzle. She turned her golden gaze back towards her pack mates and gave them all a silent nod of respect before bounding out of the area, maybe a slight nap would return all of her strength after that bought of sickness.

table by mimi
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
Simaea listened politely to everything that was said, her silence kept long and drawn out. She observed her pack mates and absorbed what they were saying. Minka whom was to be the new huntress would lead a hunt, Keith was to be a teacher, which Simaea found extremely fitting. Anglo would be guardian, and Simaea was finally going to be officially titled as healer. Her mind was a whirlwind while she listened to the proceedings. Thoughts of finally being a healer were thick in her mind while she listened absentmindedly to the speech everyone else gave in appreciation for their new roles.

She noticed for all her excitement and bright eyes that Narime was not well, her discomfort had gone on much longer than Simaea knew was acceptable. Something could be very wrong with the lady of the cavern. However she had not yet taken the time to seek the young Nite out. So with a phrase that Shantai had often used in mind, "The sick can only be healed if they wish to be." Simaea merely nodded her head in an oddly solemn way to Narime, "Thank you Narime, if you need me. I'll be back in the cave searching." A very pointed look was offered to her lady as she lay down. Simaea knew something was off, and of Nari wished to be helped she would be. But not a moment before.

Crap post is Crap
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(Sorry for the inexcusable delay in his response to everything. All I can say is life has been overloading us!)

He almost jumped when Narime' moved closer to him, eying him with a worried expression. He gave her a small smile, love shining in his eyes as ever. Sloane had listened to everything, hearing much of it almost as if he was in a haze. The only excuse that he had was that he hadn't been sleeping much better than Narime because of his worry for her and that was really no excuse at all. Another reason for his nearly complete silence was that he was enjoying Narime's take charge attitude. The confidence and command with which she was leading the meeting was surely something she'd have never imagined herself doing just a few short weeks ago. She stuttered slightly on a few words, but she'd already come so far from their visit to the Woodlands to reunite Simaea and Hollow and cement an alliance with Nina and Koda's pack. He remembered well her deep worry that she wouldn't be a good enough alpha. The huge russet male had never had a doubt and hopefully she was proving it to herself as well right now.

He nodded his head in approval as each wolf was given a role. He thought that they couldn't have been any more fitting and now they had a lead Hunter, lead Guardian, a Teacher and a Healer. Not a bad start at all! Everyone seemed to have found a niche that filled an important need within the pack. He also noted the protective way that Kieth comforted young Simaea. She had nothing to fear within the pack, but it must be overwhelming to the poor girl. She'd had such a traumatic past and was not used to being around others. He was pleased that they'd developed a friendship.

When Narime' lay down, he could feel the waves of fatigue rolling off of her and he could sympathize. Of course he wasn't supporting the lives of their young and feeling nauseous. But his unspoken worry wore him out as well. "Yes, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck on finding a suitable den for Narime'. Please report back as soon as you can." Giving his silver lady a doting look he added, "For now, I shall stay with my Lady." With those words he lay down by Narime', letting their pelts melt in a wonderfully familiar way and laying his russet head on her shoulders protectively.

Knight of Honor