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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
Willow Ridge, one of your pack mates is missing!

Enough! All of you are beneath me. I am a god,
prince sköll
you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied.

August 6th; Late afternoon; Overcast; 72° F/22° C

I'm jus' gonna play o'er here, Sköll had promised both @Skana and @Guiness when they had come by to make sure he and his brother and sister were sticking to the confines of their rendezvous site. I'm practicing my tracking an' pouncing. An innocent grin seemed to have won them over but as the young prince sauntered over to one of the stately willow trees, he slipped between the leafy curtain then continued to leisurely walk right on through the veil on the other side. Once certain that he would not be followed by @Asriel or @Morganna, he quickly made haste to where that silvery woman, @Narimé, had appeared on the borders. By now, he knew quite a bit about the territory lines @Elettra kept, and he knew very well that if no one was looking, he could easily walk right over them into the vast wilderness that he had yet to discover.

Pausing just beside a distinct landmark - a dead willow whose branches no longer bore the fresh, verdant leaves of summertime - he checked over both of his shoulders before taking off with his ivory chin held up and his tail waving about behind him like black banner. After about 15 lengthy meters or so, he stopped as though to make sure that he could still see the willows at his back. The vibrant light green canopies and the barren branches of the dead willow were still there, and it was with a smug nod that he continued onward, confident in the feat he was about to undertake. Since that visitor had come to Willow Ridge with the gift of a freshly caught baby deer, he was going to seek her out and find out just how and where she had found such a delectable treat.

Now... If only he could figure out where Narimé lived.

His pair of sharp, bright gray eyes scanned the rising landscape in front of him, picking out the few trees the signaled the edge of the Drooping Willows. A fallen log that could have been struck by lightning and knocked down by rotting over time and pulled to the earth by gravity served as a rather obvious answer. If he could live anywhere, he would want to live by such a sight. He would use it as a sort of post, a favorite lookout spot. By the look of its darkened bark, Sköll was also sure that if he laid down next to it, he would camouflage quite easily and unsuspecting travelers would be in for quite a surprise when trespassing on his domain.

Two hefty sable paws thumped against the log and he playfully jumped up on his two hind legs to try and climb it. When he couldn't, he ran around it twice before attempting to climb back onto it. He managed to drape his skinny frame over it but then unexpectedly proceeded to fall down onto the other side after being unable to find his feet beneath him. Tumbling into a heap of black and silvery fur, he righted himself with a shake of his coat, but when he turned to look over his shoulder, he found that he could not see the tops of the willows from where he stood!

Panic! his brain cried out. He inhaled a deep breath of air but failed to release it as his heart started thumping about in his small rib cage. As if by instinct alone, he pressed his nose to the ground. His mouse! Where was his mouse! He needed it! He needed it NOW! Whimpers began to come up in waves from his throat. Where was his toy mouse? The poor dilapidated corpse that reeked of decay had to be around here somewhere unless...

Oh... no... no-no-no-no-NO.

Sköll remembered putting it down to tell his superiors that he was just going to play underneath the willow tree just outside the den clearing. Nasally whines were starting to accompany and override the pitiful sounds that were coming from him now that he did not have his mouse. His dark ears folded back no matter how hard he tried to keep them up, to keep them straight and proud like he ought to as a Prince of Willow Ridge. There was no fighting it though, Sköll believed himself to be lost...

He let out a few yelps, ones that suggested that he was being tackled by his brother again. In the end, it turned out to be a sad attempt in trying to summon Angier, the tawny giant who often tried to coach him whenever Asriel had proven to be the winner in yet another one of their playful scuffles. Pressing himself to the dark log, he looked to the sky and observed the clouds; with his luck he would hopefully be home by dinner time, or whenever someone came to the den with a belly full of foodstuff to share. In thought, he pressed his thin tongue over each eyetooth on either side of his upper jaw. He could try to catch another mouse, he realized, but he was not going to risk leaving this particular spot if there was a chance for someone to find him.

Think, he commanded himself in his head. Sköll, think... He brought his head up to peer over the log again, staring at the wall of tall grass that seemed to have come up from nowhere and the rolling meadow that laid well beyond it if he stood on the very tips of his toes. Hmm. His stomach grumbled and he tried to focus on the woman from Whisper Caverns again and the fawn she had brought them. Pressing his black-lined lips together so hard that they disappeared between the ivory fur that lined his chin, he exhaled stubbornly as he sat back down, idly leaning his shoulder into the cracked bark to his left. Maybe if he had had his mouse he could have carried on with his task but, for now, Sköll Archer was rather stuck in deciding whether or not it was well worth it trying to find his way back home on his own .

template base by GINNYSAURUS
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2013, 11:08 AM by Skoll.)
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall

Willows. The lady again racked her mind for where they were in her old mental map. Between the marsh, and the meadow. Close, she knew she had to be close. This was where they had went hunting caribou, and where she had been given what she had thought the worst news of her entire existence. (It hadn't, but at times she still was trying to realize what that made her). For the life of her, all she saw was the meadow stretching out before her, as if it might not end. She looked for the trees, the ones they had ushered the herd to. To her left, she was certain that was them. Today, her paws felt like they were on fire, not numb but burning with each step. While the lagoon may appear tempting, it was not to her. Instead she told herself she would walk to those trees, and rest. If she had to she would enter the marsh, finding it perfectly fine to get muddy to sooth her aches. Onward she went, trying not to let panic snare her in its strong arms. If it got her, she wasn't sure it would let her go again.

The light green leaves that swayed in the breeze began to form individually before her pale, yellow eyes. The lady panted from the heat, but eagerly took in their scent, their light colored bark. Somewhere, Elettra Archer had to be. Lettie slowly dropped to a walk, letting her breath work its way to be even. Also knowing she better be paying attention to other scents that filled the air. She highly doubted Willow Ridge was easy to find. It just had to be that way, because she was tired, and not even sure of its existence. White crown lowered, her face swept through the tall blades in her search. She would not quite find what she wanted.

Slowly, she came upon the small prince. Actually not even seeing the charcoal cloaked pup, but the tree he had been perched on. Then more trees, and no definite trails, no firm clues she was onto something. From the strange log tiny crying pierced the air, and the white wolf tucked herself in the grass. Something was hurt, and she worried what. The cries begin to change, more anxious, followed by a pathetic yip instinctively she knew it was a pup. But, what was the matter?

Half crawling through the grass, picking her way to the commotion she saw nothing. Then ended up spooking, falling on her chin when a dark face with silver flecks peeked over the log. It's only a pup. Lettie told herself, picking herself off the ground, and debating if she should approach. She hated when wolves approached her, talking to her in a strange voice. Okay, she couldn't be scared of a child. That was down right pathetic. Forcing herself to stand, she ambled over to the fallen log, finding herself glimpsing the ground, and the ruined bark. "Little bear?" She asked, hoping the words might conjure the boy again.

(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2013, 06:20 AM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
What a perfect opportunity!

Unfortunately, two of her pack mates was missing this late afternoon. Though @Tempest's scent still clung to the air, an obvious lack of presence allowed the Leader to know her hunter (the last and so, only official hunter within her ranks) had strayed. The leave of the woman plagued her, as the pack's ranks faltered further. Party's new arrival had done well enough to ease her mind with this, though obvious wonder of how Guiness might take the news stirred her interest. Though for hours, days even, these thoughts stirred within the woman's mind, she is left to toss this aside to the news of something very important to her - Skoll was gone.
Upon her return to the den, an obvious head count left her with certainty that her child had strayed, leaving the woman to left from which she came, out into the open territory beyond the borders of her home. With his age, came his distance, straying much further then he had the last time he crossed the borders out of his mother's sights. Once more she is left to retrieve the child, directing any and all members whom she passed up with a snap of her jaws to keep close eye on the remaining two children. What would they have done if she birthed four? Five even!?
Huffing, she sets off, long and sturdy limbs closing the distance between her and her child swiftly as nose pointed to the wind and the cloudy skies above, tracking the new trail of her youth. He was the most adventurous, by far. Skoll had an exploring soul, whilst Morganna played with dangerous 'toys' and Asriel already set himself to being top dog within the ranks.
Already within the Hush Meadow, south west of her territory and the Drooping Willow lands, Elettra grows with more surprise on how far Skoll was able to get so quickly, using the long limbs he had been birthed with to his advantage. Obviously, he looked more like his mother then the other children had, harboring flecks of silver and grey hues within his coating then ginger or cream of their father. Even more so, came his eye coloration, directly from Elettra and from there, her mother and further, her grandfather on that side. A bright and pale coloration directly from the Archer line. Her own burn now with a certain determination, scenting not only her child, but a stranger. The scent plays at her memory though Elettra is blinded by it momentarily by worry and thus, anger. In a full charge, the mother comes barreling forward to the edges of the meadow, a roaring growl echoing from parted lips with every intention to destroy the threat to her child. ...And then recognition hit.
Elettra slams fully onto her breaks, causing all four paws to slide forth as she stopped, sliding most ungracefully along the tall grasses until her footing is fully lost from under her, body falling hard on her left side with a loud 'yip' to follow. She comes to a complete stop on her side, limbs a mangled mess and head facing directly into Arlette's view. Wide-eyed and dumbfounded, she speaks: "....Arlette?"
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
Enough! All of you are beneath me. I am a god,
prince Sköll
you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied.

The sound of someone coming his way pulled and tugged at his ears and the first instinct to come to light was one of fear, but it was quickly replaced by his will to act. At 3 months old he might not have been able to find a way in overthrowing his brother Asriel's attempts of harassing and claiming dominance over him, but Sköll, for sure, knew how to handle himself when he was on his own. He held still, hoping that his assumptions would prove to be true... that his stark black coat would provide him adequate cover should he find that he didn't want to be discovered by whatever and whoever was fast approaching towards him. It was a white-furred woman and her bright ivory coat had him awestruck. He'd never seen anyone quite like her before in his life.

He stared and stared, even if he knew that it was absolutely impolite to gawk at others, and in turn the woman gave a start. Oops... He blinked, his ivory chin separating from the upper part of his muzzle to reveal his pale pink tongue, a sharp eyetooth and the rest of the milk teeth he still possessed. Not sure what he ought to say to her as she righted herself, Sköll watched her every move with wide, ghost gray eyes. Her own irises were a pale color too, but they were much more startling than his sister Morganna's and brighter than his brother Asriel's. This woman was seemingly the opposite of his mother, too, he quickly noticed. Light to dark, warm to cool; she didn't seem as tall his mother, but in being so small and somewhat curled up as he was, he couldn't be so sure.

She addressed him but she did not choose his name or his royal title like he had downright expected her to; really, everyone he had ever known had addressed him as such, and he had not anticipated her to choose the words she had uttered. "Little bear?" One side of his muzzle wrinkled up in ridges. He didn't like the name at all. Didn't she know who he was? She really should have... Everyone else did or so he thought.

"NO!" he practically wailed at her, scolding her for calling him such a thing. Whatever a little bear was, he did not want to be one. "No! Go 'way. Sköll no wanchoooo." Then, he thought of something... It was a bit far-fetched, but gave it a shot. Maybe she was white because she would know about the whereabouts of his toy mouse. Maybe she was a Queen Mouse! Oh... That was it...

With as much force as he could exude, he stood up with his skinny tail curled over his back (just like he had seen his mother and Asiriel do when they wanted to be in charge). "Gimme my mouse," he ordered, a boyish glare settling onto his face in the most threatening manner he could uphold. "GIMM--" He was stopped in mid-sentence as the familiar form of the almighty Leader of Willow Ridge successfully came to the end of her hunt. "MAMA!" His tail immediately started to wag and he fled from the camouflage of the shadowy bark behind him. In relief he buried his head into her side, whatever he could nuzzle up against before she, too, could find her feet beneath her. To even think that he actually thought he wouldn't have seen her again so soon had him really considering just how well he perceived things, even at such a young age with a brain like a sponge.

"Mama," he partially whimpered, ignoring what she had just called the woman (Aur-ell-yeh? or something like that...). "Mama, she called me a will bear... She din't call me P'ince Sköll..."

template base by GINNYSAURUS
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Just like last time he'd been out Titan followed the trail he knew from the main den to Whisper Caverns border. This time however the young male decided that he wanted to mark all of the border. It occurred to him that Titan wouldn't get lost if he simply followed his pack mates scents along the border. So he decided that today he would go all the way around his territory and mark every part of it. Just to help his momma and dad.

The dark pup had made it to the border where not too far away he'd met Ashanti. Now he was circling the territory learning the route for himself. You could say Titan knew 20% of his parents territory now not including the main den within Secret Caverns.

His paw steps led him to an area of meadow where the forest receded. At first Titan was unsure whether to keep on going or not. It wasn't until he remembered that he was following a scent trail that he grinned to himself, lifted his head, and then carried on confidently along.

The sound of a bird stopped the pup in his tracks. Or at least he thought it was a bird at first. The sound was so far away that he couldn't quite tell what it was. Until he heard it again. His ears pulled forward listening to the sound from across the meadow.It sounded like his brother Yuka almost howling. Unsure why Yuka was so far outside the borders Titan quickly passed over the border to retrieve his brother.

Too bad it wasn't Yuka yipping from so far away.

Titan found himself far into the meadow now. When he turned around the hill that was part of the golden meadow hid the forest behind it. Suddenly frightened Titan stopped and looked around him. The sound was gone now. Though he could hear a loud voice from not too far away. The young Thorben turned his head to look out in front of him again. Did someone say mouse? He wondered why Yuka was yelling about a mouse. His ears still had not perceived the fact that Skoll's voice was not Yuka's. Apparently they both sounded quite alike to the dark boy.

Looking around with a concerned expression on his little face Titan noticed a single dead tree's branches dead ahead over the meadows long grass. Maybe I can see the forest from there.. The dark lad ventured forward forgetting about the fact that he could simply retrace his smell back to the borders.

Three smells hit the roof of his mouth as Titan panted along through the grass. All three of them did not smell like his parents at all. The blue eyed boy stopped wondering if he should go any farther. But Yuka's out here somewhere.. Maybe he got captured by them! I have to help! With that last thought Titan puffed out his chest and trotted forward with his head held as high as he could.

What he saw dampened the pups resolve for a moment. Two big adult wolves. One that kind of looked like Ashanti but didn't smell like her. The other was a dark woman with a graying muzzle. The third was another dark pup just like him standing between the women but closer to the dark lady. Where was Yuka?

"Where's Yuka! What did you do width my brother!" He still didn't know that it was really Skoll he had heard before. Though Titan was likely to find out soon that his brother definitely wasn't out here.


(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 04:20 AM by Arlette.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
that's what i figured ^^ with the prince here.
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall

Sorta seemed to have caught his attention, staring eyes of hardened grey, she wondered if they were willing her to turn around. If it wasn't for who he could possibly belong too, she would have. Just thinking he could be Elettra's gave her heart a different kind a beat, of joy the silver lady had had her own. Arlette held onto any smiles that might steal across her face, and made sure to hold her distance. This child could very well belong to anyone, being her luck. He seemed very displeased with her chosen words. A small frown held to her face, white ears bent backward. Well, she certainly had caught his attention by calling him such. What was she to do with it? In the end she was about to let him win, let him think he did scare her away. The interest clearly nothing mutual any more. Then the little one demanded for his mouse. White brow stitched in concern across her pale eyes. Mouse? Trying to find it, she looked to the ground quickly, if one might appear he had dropped. Lettie wouldn't see one. She could certainly here what was coming.

If the boy was much more a little bear than a wolf, mother came striding out in perfect timing. Yes, Arlette knew without a doubt it was Elettra by her wicked threat, but it didn't stop her from casting her head down, shrinking into the grass ready to take on a hit she didn't want to think about. Maybe, being a couple wolf lengths from the log would help, or the fact she wanted the earth to eat her. Daring to peak from beyond her white lashes, she could see the Archer falter, slamming hard against the ground. Lettie winced at the sound of pain, and immediately set off to help right her. Yes, it's me! She wanted to say, but only let her eyes now meet her familiar silver face, a small smile at the edge of her lips. Ignoring little Prince Sköll for the time being, she was going to stand on El's other side, make sure she could get back up when there would be a third surprise to the day. Another young one demanding his brother, and Arlette froze in front of Elettra. This one must not be hers. So lost, Lettie looked to the silver lady for help, or how she could help her in this strange situation.

(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 03:48 AM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
'With a brain like sponge' XD

...And there was her child, quick to come to her side with waving tail, with excitement to have found her once more and, as last Elettra had caught him wondering beyond the borders of their home, with a loner at his wake. Fortunately, with him having gone much farther then he had last time in his venture (only expected due to the fact that he was much older and larger then before) he had met up with a rogue that was, in fact, a friend of hers. Though she had not seen Arlette since she was a child, without a doubt, this was the woman that Elettra had once guarded with her life, as she had the mother who birthed her. The Matriarch remembered this child, specifically, was one Elettra had been the most protective of, if only due to her innocent, meek position which Elettra had every intention to make sure no one was going to walk all over.
"That is because the world does not know you, Sköll. The world is not ready, and neither are you." Her words are true and spoken seriously, a hint of a hiss edging her tongue at the last part, referencing to the fact that he was not ready to go out into the world (as he had so obviously done) just yet. Silver slits narrow to her son, though she touches him with her muzzle, nudging his roughly along his body to make sure there was no bumps and bruises she should know about. Then, addressing her child's safety, she adjusts, working her way to standing up now that Arlette silently would position herself close to her side in order to help her do so. Realization, as she lifts, strikes that they were not the only three....
An easy sniff towards the other child as she lowered her head close to the ground told her that the child smelt of Whisper Caverns. Obviously, this was the son of Narime, having wondered off around the same time as her own child had. Fortunately, he was far closer to the edges of his own territory then her own child had managed to wonder. In time, Elettra would lead the pup in the right direction though for the time being Elettra wished to spend time with her old pack member and so, seized this moment as best she could. "I am certain your brother is back home, within Whisper Caverns..." Her eyes keep certain to Titan, black and with silvered tipping to his guard hairs. Though her own child's silvers mingled more within as her own, it was obvious the pair did indeed look quite a like. "Sköll, this is Narime's son. Remember her? Her pack is allies with our pack and so her members are our friends. You should get to know one another." She hoped that the manner would be settled their, that the children would romp around within this meadow and do obvious 'puppy' things, like playing hide and seek, tag, and wrestle and the like. It left opportunity for her attention to sweep to the pale colored woman at her side, a wave of her tail given and a smile deep across her features. "Angier informed me that you all had left Relic Lore...." And although she knew that the former Grizzly Hollow Leads were gone, she did not know that Kade who had stepped up, had moved the remaining pack members across the mountains. "Have you all returned? ....How is Jaysyek...?" She tried not to flow the young girl wit so many questions, though could not help herself. She turns, settling down on her now sore hunches before her with an eagerness for the knowledge of many, many months that had separated them.
(This post was last modified: Aug 16, 2013, 07:03 AM by Fenru.)
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
Enough! All of you are beneath me. I am a god,
prince Sköll
you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied.

Before Sköll could even do anything else, to look back at the "Mouse Queen" as she hastily put an end to searching for his mouse by lowering herself to the earth or further delight in his mother's swift arrival, the sound of someone else approaching pulled at his ears. When another cub broke through the tall grass, Sköll flinched, believing for a second that one of his siblings had come just in time to mock and scold him. The voice that came from the lanky look-alike did not even come close to sounding like Asriel or Morganna as he cried out, "Where's Yuka! What did you do width my brother!"

Yuka. Yoo-kah? What a funny name. The young prince would have probably outright laughed in his face if he didn't already have his budding pride to maintain. Sköll practically scowled, whoever this kid was, he certainly was not interesting. Though the Willow boy had heard when Elettra had told him that the world did not yet know him or was ready for him, and that he, too, was not ready for it, he kept his steely eyes on the strange boy whose build and coat was nearly exactly like his: gangly with large paws and fur as black as night with bits of silver that made up his undercoat. Even if their eyes hadn't matched, Sköll had yet to fully realize that all traces of blue in his irises had faded away. His ears drew forward. Really, what type of trickery was this? If he had not looked properly, he could have sworn the boy was him if he hadn't noticed that he didn't sport a patch of white along his chin and jawline. As far as Sköll was concerned, his doppelganger could have rolled his chin in the mud and filth to disguise such a telltale attribute.

His mother took charge of the situation by openly addressing the "other-Sköll," the Archer imposter. She told him that his brother was not here and that he was probably at home within, much to Sköll's surprise, Whisper Caverns. "Sköll," Elettra's voice successfully garnered her son's attention and he gazed up at her curiously. "This is Narimé's son. Remember her?" The Archer heir nodded his head with a small smile. "Her pack is allies with our pack and so her members are our friends. You should get to know one another." The smile on the young prince's face fell away. Friends? As much as Sköll was concerned he was very much a lone wolf if one didn't count the few instance - maybe three to four occasions thus far - in which @Asriel had set him up to wreak havoc on certain Willow Ridge members.

Elettra's son turned his gaze back to the boy that was supposedly his ally but he was not quite sure what to make of it all just yet; and, as the Willow Ridge Leader turned to address the ivory woman about adult-related matters, Sköll stared at Titan then proceeded to stick out his tongue at him, withdrawing it back into his mouth before either of the two tall women could spot his impudent deed.

template base by GINNYSAURUS
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2013, 07:12 AM by Skoll.)
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I apologize ahead of time for the short post. Just posting to keep the thread moving for you guys

The white lady turned and looked at him with such a strange face. The pup wasn't sure why she had such a face and he did not realize that his appearance was the reason she was a little...overwhelmed. He watched her turn to look at the taller dark lady for help. Even though he was young Titan could read a little bit of dominance behaviors now that he was living with all of his parents pack. To him the white woman seemed to be the lower of the two ladies. So instead of looking at her Titan switched his questioning gaze to Elettra hoping the dominant woman would answer him.

And she did just that saying that Yuka was probably back at home. Hearing this made Titan's ears lower to the side in embarrassment. The only reason he had come out so far from the border was because the young Thorben had thought that Yuka was in trouble. If he had known it was just some other pup the dark boy wouldn't have left the markers.

As the dark lady looked to the other dark pup she spoke a name that caught the dark kids rounded ears. Skoll is his name? Is she his momma? Titan wondered as she explained to the other boy about some sort of alliance, whatever that meant, with his mother. What he did understand was that the woman said that they should be friends and Titan exchanged an unsure glance with Skoll. Until at least he stuck his tongue out.

A rumbling laugh came out through his dark lips after Skoll withdrew his tongue. All Titan could think of was seeing his sister do the same thing to him, and in all honesty that sort of stuff just didn't bother the boy too much. Perhaps because he was used to it being around princess Malia all the time who had to get her way with everything. I guess other kids can be just like her too.

Looking back towards the adults quickly Titan pondered what he should do next. He could try heading towards the border. Ima have to use my nose though.. Everything looks the same in the grass. My smell will still be there though.. I think.. Then he looked back to Skoll and after a second of wondering what to do Titan decided to follow the dark woman's "get to know each other" idea. Maybe he could have someone to play with other than his brother and sister?

"My name is Titan Thorben. So you are Sk-oll.. right? " He paused waiting to see if the murky eyed dark boy would answer. "Wanna..uhh.. play a game? Or..no.." The young Thorben could see how much Skoll didn't want to be near him, or play with him. It was written all over the young Archer's maw. "Maybe we can try to find a mouse?" Titan remembered how the boys voice had echoed out before. He had been saying something about mice.

Narimé had brought him a mouse before. Or rather she brought it to the whole Thorben brood so that they could eat or play with it. Malia had been playing with the thing while Titan and Yuka watched when their mother had told them that it was food. They had all looked up at her as if she had four heads sprouting out of her silver fur. Of course each pup tentatively tried it. It gave them one of their first meat meals (however small it was) apart from the rabbit she had brought them a few days before.


(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 04:20 AM by Arlette.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall

Arlette Dieudonné Lyall

It was surreal, the guardian, friend, caregiver who had watched over her, almost like a second mother, had a child of her very own. It wasn't hard to make the once mountain pup nostaliga for what had been, and to be the child Elettra was finding to take back, safe and sound. Lettie, had to wield her eyes to close, to hold back unbidden tears. How she had hated others to try to look after her, and yet for Elettra that had always been her part. She had wanted to, and Lettie had never doubted her loyalty, the way she had taken care of them. Arlette had to dig her paws in the grass to stop herself from running up to her like Sköll had just done.

Instead, slowly she opened her pale eyes, happy to hear even for her own children Elettra didn't budge on rules. Partial grin, still not daring look to the boy to stir any emotions, she made sure to walk pointedly to El's side, helping her stand up. It would seem she too just noticed the second boy. What would you know, she knew where he belonged too. Arlette wondered if El had always had her life together like this. Knew what to say, what to do, with little question in between. Lettie, didn't think it would come up in a conversation, at least not now. Quietly, she listened thinking Relic Lore was a strange land with more unknown than when she was child. Again, she felt like her home had been devoured. Destroyed.

The leader would leave it up to the boys to possibly be friends, and Arlette could feel her steel colored gaze on her. Angier. The sound of his name brought back only a faint recollection. Arlette hadn't met the wolf, himself. She couldn't picture him, because she would only imagine Borden. Reclining to her haunches, there was a tilt to her head. You all didn't imply her and Alexander. The silver lady had no idea Lettie had left earlier. Stealing a partial glance, she couldn't fully meet those familiar eyes. Especially when two questions followed, because Lettie couldn't answer the last. Heaviness starting to sink across her chest, she tried to see the boys, but only saw the blur of the meadow through her wet eyes.

"No, ev--everyone is gone, El." To try to prevent herself from really crying, she took a forceful breath through her throat, holding it tight. Then shut her eyes in humility, muzzle pointed to the earth. The young lady shook her head. "I left last spring, and I guess they left last winter....I don't...understand..."

(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 04:21 AM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]