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The Aquila Clan
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Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The Aquila Clan.

Generally speaking, the Aquila's origins is assumed to be some place south of Relic Lore judging by Rhysis' "southern drawl." The Aquila Clan is known for it's militant nature, the wars it has initiated and fought in, and the vicious warriors it churns out year after year. The last known leader of the Aquila Clan wolves was a man called Odyssey, renown for his love of violence and deep hatred for homosexuality. His desire to exterminate wolves that showed signs of this "sickness" was the catalyst that brought the first Aquila to Relic Lore, and soon after others would follow. Members of the Aquila Clan have been present in Relic Lore going back as far as the Great Wildfire. Though some did not stay for long, eventually Rhysis gained some reputation and a foothold in the realm and sired several litters of puppies beginning in 2012. Since then the family has begun to develop an extensive presence in Relic Lore, and their influence will only continue to grow as its members age and establish families of their own.

Notable Facts

  • Aquila is latin for "eagle," and has historically been tied to Roman militia as a symbol of the warrior.
  • Their words are "We take what is ours"
  • Most Aquila's are known for their dark coats carrying the marks of their battle experience.
  • Aquila's, on average, have very large egos and a great capacity for ambition and leadership. In a few words: selfish, arrogant, and headstrong.
  • Their hearts are easily hardened by hardships.
  • Psychotic episodes and a predisposition towards mental disorders runs in the family.

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2023, 11:45 PM by Eros.)
Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

Rhysis' Generation, the First in Relic Lore

Not much is known about the wolves that left the Aquila Clan in the south to come to Relic Lore besides the fact that they received the typical training regimen and were all sired by Odyssey Aquila. They all wear a similar dark coat sprayed with some amounts of silver — presumably taking after their father.


Quest Aquila

As the eldest son of Odyssey Aquila, Quest was most likely groomed to inherit his father's leadership from an early age —but we cannot confirm this. At some point, probably around his first birthday, Quest came out to his family as gay and his life was turned upside-down. He was demoted and abused by his father in an attempt to cure him of his "sickness," but to no avail. The rest of the pack, lead mostly by his younger sister Ranger, mercilessly ridiculed and beat on poor Quest. Unable to endure the thread of his sexuality, he was eventually evicted by his sister Ranger during his second year and, after some time, arrived in Relic Lore in the autumn of the land's most severe drought. Jaded and mistrustful, Quest made few connections during his time in Relic Lore, and although he did join Swift River he left soon after. Though he never intended to linger long in the area, his departure was likely expedited by his sister's reappearance in his life and the complete disappearance of water in the land.


Sojourn Ranger Aquila

Born a year after her older brother Quest, Sojourn was not originally expected to follow in her father's footsteps. She received training as a mercenary and many scars before the day that Quest came out to her family and she became her father's heir in his place. Her father began to poison her against her brother, convincing her that her brother was disgusting and deserved her hatred and attacks. It wasn't until after Quest left and Odyssey's "cleansing" practices started to get out of hand that Sojourn began to see the error of her ways. When Odyssey's new mate —assumed to be the mother of Volkan and Rhysis— began to manipulate her father's insanity to turn him against his daughter and had her thrown out. On her journey she changed her name from Sojourn to Ranger, which is the name she was known by in Relic Lore. Shortly after arriving, she met Ruiko, the man she would eventually fall for. After Ruiko was ousted from his position of leadership by his brother Indru, Ranger and Ruiko began to formulate plans to form another pack. However, Ranger was nothing if not true to her name, and unfortunately she wandered out of Relic Lore and out of Ruiko's life in the winter of 2011 and has not been seen since.


Volkan Aquila

A year after Ranger's departure, Volkan and Rhysis were born to Odyssey and his new mate Anais and trained as warriors for what seemed their Clan's never-ending skirmishes and wars. She and her brother were driven out shortly before they turned a year old, though, for reasons that were only ever attributed to some unknown, shameful, disgraceful act committed by their father. After being thrown out of the Aquila Clan, Volkan traveled north with her brother until he, too, turned on her, at which point she continued north on her own. Not long afterwards, Volkan reached Relic Lore, where she met Ruiko and was taken to Swift River before eventually leaving with him to found Copper Rock Creek. During her time as a yearling in Relic Lore, Volkan was tamed from a rude and wild child into a confident young woman and found herself falling deeply in love with one of the younger Tainn brothers, Triell. She disappeared for reasons unknown in the summer of 2012, returning only recently hoping to find that not too much has changed in her absence.

Rhysis Aquila

More so than any of the Aquila's that arrived in Relic Lore before him, Rhysis was his father's son. Quick to anger with an unrivaled mean-streak, Rhysis never had a problem lashing out at those unfortunate enough to be around him at the time. He could be quite smooth and sociable when it suited him, however, and he had no qualms about slipping into whatever role he needed to play to achieve his goals. Although no one knows much about the circumstances surrounding his attack on his sister following their exile, it is believed to be borne from a brief psychotic episode which even Rhysis himself does not remember. After Volkan escaped him, however, Rhysis became determined to track her down and kill her, and that was how he came to Relic Lore. Although he was ultimately unsuccessful in finding Volkan, Rhysis did, however, find love —or something close to it— in Naira from Swift River and he joined to be closer to her while he waited to find his sister. His ambitions for a pack of his own were conceived on a dark night when he and Naira consummated their love and fled Swift River as traitors. The two of them founded Poison Path up in the mountains by the lake, where they remained until the birth of their first litter. After his son Adonis was attacked and almost taken away by his mate's brother, Naira and Rhysis left Relic Lore, taking with them the only two children they could carry and splitting up. Though Rhysis tried hard to raise Lily by himself, he eventually spiraled into madness and lost track of her when another bout of psychosis came upon him. Broken and wild, Rhysis eventually found himself back in Relic Lore. His recovery was long and hard, but gradually he returned to Naira's side as the leader of their new pack, Nomad's Pass. Their relationship had been tainted by the hardships they had gone through, however, and when Sagacity joined the pack Rhysis was drawn to her. Though that year he fathered another litter on Naira, he also sired one child on Sagacity. But Rhysis, too much like his father in his capacity for madness, was taken away from Relic Lore again by insanity. He returned briefly in the winter of 2013 and spent some time in Magnolia Glen before leaving once more.

Relatives by Mateship

Naira Tainn (Ex-Mate to Rhysis)

Sagacity (Lover to Rhysis)

Sagacity arrived in Relic Lore in the beginning of 2013. She spent some time wandering the western parts of valley before running into Rhysis and before they knew it they were on the road to ruin. In her time at Nomad's Pass she held the role of scout and was not often seen within the territory, mostly so that Rhysis could keep Naira from finding out about the two of them. At the end of that winter, Rhysis and Sagacity coupled and in the spring Mercy was born. Sagacity was forced to hide Mercy's true parentage from the rest of the pack, and kept mostly to herself. When Rhysis left, Sagacity continued in her post as second. She helped move the pack down to Hollow Heart Keep. She was last seen in the Spring of 2014.
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2023, 10:49 PM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

The Second Generation of Aquilas

Born to Rhysis Aquila, these cubs have been raised in a number of territories within Relic Lore: Poison Path along the Lost Lake and Nomad's Pass between the heights of the Mountain of Dire, and Hollowheart Keep within the Ghastly Woods. Most of the cubs were had with Naira, save for one sired on Rhysis' lover Sagacity.

Rhysis and Naira's First Litter (2012)

Datura Aquila

Datura Aquila was born to Rhysis Aquila and Naira Tainn as apart of the Poison Path pack as their first-born son. He was abandoned by his parents when they decided to move over the Mountain of Dire and to the east, left to be raised by Ava before his parents returned to claim him back from their old pack. Belladonna and Datura grew very close despite being two very different wolves raised by two different parents. Datura became a very sour, conservative young wolf with every intention of stamping out things that he thought were weird and shameful in his world. This included Belladonna and the realization that he had been adopted. Datura left with his real parents to settle in Nomad's Pass, where he lived for a time before being taken hostage by his Uncle Kanosak and swept off into the wilderness East of the mountains by Slyscar. At some point he escaped from Slyscar and eventually ran into Taima, a girl he had met briefly months earlier on an adventure in the West. The two of them traveled aimlessly through the Deep Forest before his mother's Advisor Mapplethorpe discovered and returned them to Poison Path. Datura spent a few months back at home watching over his two new sisters Nova and Aponi before leaving Relic Lore in search of his first sister. What occured over the next couple of years made it very clear that he was his father's son and an Aquila just like his grandfather Odyssey. He attempted to murder his sister Belladonna. Believing himself to be successful, Datura returned to Relic Lore and got himself tied up to Taima and siring a son on her. He left without a word in the summer of 2014, spending the next year farther east of Relic Lore with a strange, human protected group of wolves. He stole a child from them and recently returned to Relic Lore hoping to finally make a name for himself.

Belladonna Calor

Belladonna is Rhysis and Naira's second-born cub and the eldest of two girls. Bella was always adventurous growing up, with a strong affinity for nature. For instance, she could comprehend if it was going to rain a good few hours before it started or she could tell just how old a tree was. Bella was not psychic, though, she just felt the world around her. When her parents were attacked by Kanosak shortly after the birth of their first litter, they left Bella and Datura behind. Alone and abandoned with her brother Datura, Athena became her adopted mother and the rest of the pack helped rear and care for her. When her biological parents returned, Belladonna chose to stay in Posion Path, while Datura chose to move on to Nomad's Pass. They forever severed ties in that moment. For some time afterwards she thrived, growing independent enough as to find her own path and eventually make her way over the mountain and far away from the lands of Relic Lore. In her time away, she found herself a mate and for a time ruled a pack. When her mate was killed in a raid by a neighboring pack, Belladonna returned to Relic Lore in the summer of 2015 with her four children in tow.

Adonis Aquila

Adonis was the one puppy Naira chose to take when the new family was attacked by Naira's brother Kanosak. Her reasons for choosing her second eldest son and third-born child are not clear. The young Rhysis-look-alike spent the first year of his life travelling with his mother before returning to Relic Lore in September of 2012. He and his mother spent some time in Poison Path where he was able to "reunite" with his brother Datura and sister Belladonna. Adonis was well known for his mysterious, aloof personality and his sensitive soul. Adonis and his eldest brother clashed almost immediately, and Adonis found Belladonna much more to his liking. Adonis left with his mother and father Rhysis to start Nomad's Pass when the time came for them to leave Poison Path. He stayed with both parents and his bossy older brother for a time before disappearing at the end of the winter in 2013.

Rhysis and Naira's Second Litter (2013)


The first born, Nova, looks an awful lot like a certain Swift River wolf and friend of her mother's - raising more than a little tension between her parents. More on the tall and lanky side, he looks lean towards homely with her broadly spaced eyes and wide ears that she never quite grew into. Her muzzle is more blunt than proportionate and she matured to boast "flatter" angles than her more curvy sister. Her appearance as a cub and yearling wasn't the only thing awkward about her, however; she was constantly trying to keep up with her younger sister when they were growing up. She was also consistently overshadowed by Aponi's achievements - Nova just tried a little too hard to get other wolves, both from her pack and outside of it, to like her. She often pick and chose who she wanted to be on any given day - be that a princess or a slave, a warrior or a coward. It is said tat she possesses the same uncanny ability to "hear nature" just as her older estranged sister Belladonna did, which makes her an even less desirable sister in her older brother Datura's eyes.

Aponi Donata

The smallest and youngest of the litter, Aponi was as dark as her sister Nova was at birth, but silvered as she aged, resembling her Aunts Volkan and Aniu. In inheriting the Aquila blue-grey eyes, she is a shapely wolf of perfect proportions in comparison to her more awkward older sister. She is a poised and balanced creature, once capable of moving effortlessly across the mountainous terrain of her home. Possessing airs and graces, Aponi is every inch the princess in her parents' presence; but, once their backs are turned, she is liable to morph into something much darker - with a mean streak to rival her older brother Datura. In a matter of time Aponi became to be a wolf best not crossed, often fixating on some injustice (real or imagined), being just as stubborn as her mother Naira and as resourceful as her father Rhysis.

Rhysis and Sagacity's Litter (2013)


Born of a tryst between Rhysis and the Second female beneath Naira in rank, Sagacity, Mercy is a slight lad who predominantly takes after his mother in fur and eye color. Size-wise, however, he has grown to be as tall his unidentified father. His cub-hood was a challenging one as he was constantly viewed as an outsider by the wolves of Nomads Pass. Nova, for a time, had become his friend, but Aponi was the one who eventually stole him away time and time again. His current whereabouts are unknown but he was last seen within the depths of the Ghastly Woods.

Relatives by Mateship

Taima Lyall Avelin (Ex-Mate to Datura)

Taima Lyall is the second-born daughter of Borden and Jaysyek Lyall and the fifth-born in her family. As tradition and genetics allow, Taima has always harbored a penchant for adventure and the desire to constantly prove herself as an independent individual. Her attitude, over-confidence, and insolence cost her both her pack and her family when she was swept away by a mysterious individual - named Ripplefang - after being promised that she would be made an upcoming Leader of her pack. The treacherous journey across the terrain of Relic Lore brought Taima and her captor to the other side of the Mountain of Dire where she would reunite with an acquaintance she once knew from an encounter with a disgruntled skunk. With Datura at her side, she and the "crown prince" of Nomads Pass ventured to the south before being rescued and brought back to the Pass by Naira's Advisor at the time, Mapplethorpe. There, she spent her days being groomed as a sort of "princess bride," but when Datura suddenly disappeared, she began to make her own plans. For months, Taima's whereabouts was unknown, until the day she resurfaced, briefly becoming apart of Cut Rock River before being reunited with her uncle, Angier.

Camio Zamora (Ex-Mate to Nova)

Camio is nothing too dazzling. Not one of those pure white beauties or those all black shadows. He's actually a mix of colors. His main base color is a sort of reddish-cream shade. Being darker on the legs and lighter on his stomach/back. On his face is a sort of "mask". He holds dark brown surrounding his outer face. Down his back is sprinkles of black mixed with some of that dark brown. Body build wise he is nothing strange. Most of his height is made up in long legs. He doesn't hold much muscle making him an easy fighting opponent. Although he's quick on his feet and fast to run from any situation he get's himself in.

Phineas Argyris (Ex-Lover to Aponi)

Phineas was the eldest and the starkest white of his litter, while his siblings remained a mix of silvers and browns, much like their mother. In the wake of his parents' deaths, Phineas, as a true first-born, took charge of the pack but it would not be without consequence. Though he had challenged his brothers for their father's place, he found himself heartbroken when the woman he had taken up as a mate, Desdemona, was found in his best friend's embrace. He discovered Relic Lore in 2012 and he joined Willow Ridge, and began to court Elettra. When he discovered during breeding season that she had bred with Kiche he abruptly severed ties with the pack and found himself in bed with Borlla. In order to give their children a fighting chance they founded Magnolia Glen, and later that pack was moved onto the mountains to become Silent Moon Plateau. Phineas died in December of 2015 from a heart attack, and his pack disbanded.

Serach Donata (Mate to Aponi)

Strictly speaking, Serach and his brother Sceral are not blood relatives to the Tainn family. They are the sons of Corinna and Ice, and are the half-brothers to Rihael, Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, Rissa, and Torrel. Serach is the older of the two brothers. Born in Oak Tree Bend, he has remained a member of his birth pack his whole life. He has a complicated relationship with the Tainns, as although he accepted as family by his uncle Triell, he often feels excluded from the larger Tainn family. Serach was close to his mother, and was devastated after her death when he was a yearling. He was also close to his agemate and older siblings, but has learned to cope with their departure from the Bend over the years. In May 2016, Serach became one of the leaders of Oak Tree Bend when a hunting accident injured Triell, forcing the older wolf to step down, and has remained leader ever since. When Aponi joined Oak Tree Bend after the fall of Silent Moon Plateau, the pair quickly developed a tight bond. Serach encouraged Aponi to challenge Spieden for leadership, believing her to be a better woman for the role. Ultimately, this created a huge rift in Oak Tree Bend, but brought Aponi and Serach closer than ever. They became mates and, when the time came in March of the next year, they gave birth to their first litter: Corsair, Mabel, and Ayla. Serach is currently awaiting the birth of his second litter with Aponi, with the pack and his relationship equally on the rocks.
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2023, 11:05 PM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

The Third Generation of Aquilas

Datura and Taima's Litter (2014)

Octavius Percival Lyall Aquila

Octavius Percival Lyall Aquila, also known as Gus, is Taima Lyall and Datura Aquila's first-born son and the proclaimed heir of the Grizzly Hollow pack (which his mother attempted to revive). He was supposed to be the older sibling of a younger brother - Borden Prosper - but the cub did not survive, leaving him as an only child. In tradition with family trademarks, Gus boasts a mask-like marking similar to that of his paternal grandfather and mother and has inherited his father's and maternal grandmothers' golden eyes. Initially born without any siblings or age mates to play with, Gus is the type of personality that is shy (but not weak or reserved) and forward-thinking (but not brash or impudent). In fact, he takes after his grand-uncle Angier in the terms of being a follower first before adopting a sense of leadership. He is close to his mother, looks up to both his parents, and seems to be an independent sort of lad, but to any outsider, it is very easy to identify that he is a "Momma's boy" with his sometimes awkward enthusiasm and rather off-hand remarks about reciting what his mother tells him to do and not to do, and what is expected of him ("Well, my mom said..."). When his mother had finally hatched a plan to leave Willow Ridge in search of Datura, she left Gus with her uncle Angier for several months, leaving the boy feeling unloved and abandoned. She returned when he was roughly 8 months old, however, and silently swept him away from the reaches of Relic Lore. Where he and Taima now reside is unknown...

Datura's Adopted Son (2014)

Gilligan Aquila

Gilligan and Datura met farther east of Relic Lore at a conservation park shortly after Gilligan was born. At first, Datura was disgusted by Gilligan's strange ways and the collars his family wore and the strange, hairless wolves that came with it. Gilligan was very taken by how confident and feral the golden wolf was. When his own parents died of a sickness in the winter, Datura completely assumed the role of his caretaker. He tried to convince Datura to let the humans collar him too (for it was a great honor in his homeland), but over time his determination waned and he began to wonder: was his way of life the right one? Was there more to the collar than he thought? Around the time of his first birthday, Gilligan was tranquilized, tagged, and collared by the humans. At this, Datura flew into a rage and demanded that Gilligan leave with him. The two of them traveled to Relic Lore, the only place Datura knew well enough to guarantee their safety.

Belladonna and Wolesh's Litter (2014)

Ahkna "Crowfoot" Calor

Ahkna takes her lithe and slender form from her Mother. Gracing her Father's white coat and pale eyes. She does not walk pretty and she does not talk polite- Ahkna takes her strides with power and speaks fluently. She has long strong legs and a tall neck to support her skull. Ahkna is tall, slender.

Staleek "Snakeroot" Calor

Being the second eldest child of Belladona and Wolesh Calor, Staleek was given two names. He was dubbed Staleek by his father and prefers this name to the herbal 'Snakeroot' which his mother had named him. He grew up looking towards his father for guidance and admiration while he cast aside his brother Duckweed, whom he shared views with his father and sister on. He named his brother weak and did whatever he could get away with to harass and bully him. He responded to both names, Snakeroot and Staleek, though he always preferred the name given to him by his father as he associated the name him mother had given him with weakness. This was because Duckweed only had one name - the name his mother had given him, and he was weak. Slowly, as time passed, Staleek began to realize that Duckweed would never leave his mother's side, but that did not stop him from doing all he could to mess with his little brother. Part of him loathes him mom for all the attention she gives to the weakest link in the family. This was perhaps the reason he looked up to his dad so much. When his father was killed, he effectively latched onto Tauza despite all of their fighting because she was the only somewhat sensible wolf left. He was infuriated when his mother made them leave the lake in order to return back to her homeland. He didn't want to go. He wanted to fight for what was his by right.

Tauza "Foxglove" Calor

Born to Belladonna and Wolesh Calor in Crystherium Lake in the late spring of 2014, the third-born, second daughter of the couple was given a name by each parent. Her father called her Tauza, her mother called her Foxglove. For much of Tauza's first year she allowed either name to be used interchangeably by her family, though it seemed that certain context called for one name or the other. With respect to her own siblings and their names, however, she quickly developed a tendency to only call Staleek "Snakeroot" when teasing, being condescending, or angry with him. This was, perhaps, borne from her runt-brother's having only one name given to him by their more: Duckweed. Their second, nature-bound name slowly became associated with the weakness and general lack of autonomy of Duckweed. By the time of Wolesh's death in January Tauza was going strictly by the name given to her father. Out of spite, she began to refuse her mother's attention when spoken to as Foxglove. The first half of Tauza's cubhood passed with little to comment on. She was close to Staleek in particular, though was repeatedly hurt when he would tattle on her to mother or father or the constant attempts to one up her. This spurred a very bitter rivalry, despite how much they loved each other. They would fight for weeks and make up to fight only several days later. But on one thing they always agreed: Duckweed was the real loser. On her brightest days Tauza could be civil to the youngest Calor, but on her darkest of days she could be downright hateful. Though she is loath to admit it, her contempt of Duckweed comes mostly from jealousy. More than anything when she was young, Tauza wanted the attention of her mother. As the bitterness began to set in as Duckweed battled sickness after sickness, Tauza realized that her mother and Duckweed would always be attached at the hip and she gave up on waiting for her. Though Tauza did, at one time, also look up to her older sister Ahkna, she began to regard her with a significant measure of distrust when Ahkna began to spend too much time with Duckweed as well. Tauza turned her focus mostly towards her father and Staleek at this point. When her father was killed in a raid by the Skylark Peak wolves and her world was turned asunder, she left grudgingly with her mother to start a new life in Relic Lore. She is particularly interested in learning of her mother's past and the secrets that she senses her mother has kept from her.

Duckweed Calor

When he was born, the advisors of Crystherium Lake told the new parents that there was a high chance that their youngest would not survive the night. Wolesh immediately wrote the runt off as a loss. Stubborn and terrified of failing as a mother already, Bella doted upon her sick infant, and whether through luck or the sheer strength of love, the boy survived. Valuing only strong progeny, Wolesh turned a blind eye to his son, convinced that the boy would die at any time and was a waste of time and resources. Bella named the boy Duckweed, a botanical name to complement those she gave his siblings, gifts she thought were beautiful. Ever at odds, Wolesh also named his children, but only the children he cared about. His apathy for Duckweed grew to such heights that members of the pack wondered if the leader knew he had a fourth child at all; mention of the small boy who looked so like his father was never on Wolesh's lips, and indeed he could be heard discussing his 'three' children as though Duckweed had never existed at all. Though Bella loved all her children equally, she felt forced to continue her close attention to Duckweed to make up for the love lost from his father. This imbalance was felt as they grew up, his stronger siblings thriving in the affection of both parents but tarnished with Bella's apparent favouritism. Weaker than his littermates, he found it difficult to play on the same level as them, and the dynamic quickly shifted to Duckweed as the tormented underdog, butt of jokes and synonymous with weak. Duckweed's existence became one of self-pity as he clung to his mother for both protection and his only source of real love. His siblings' cruelty coupled with his father's unacknowledgement severely damaged his ego and self esteem. When their pack was attacked, and Wolesh was killed, Duckweed had felt a small surge of vindictive pleasure - which was short-lived when his mother packed them all up together. Obediently he followed, his reluctance hidden away. For a moment, he had hoped to be free of his father's influence, but stuck with the siblings he feared and hated, he knew it would not be so.

Nova and Camio's Litter (2015)


Aponi and Phineas' Litter (2015)

Kyna Argyris Archer

With a pelt of spun honey, Kyna's appearance is a perfect blend of the Argyris and Aquila clans, though one would not know it when looking at her parents. Creamy ivory paints along her underside and muzzle. While her pelt is a myriad of warm hues, her most striking marking is the rich cinnamon that weaves its way from her forehead to her shoulders in the form of a stripe. Graceful and lithe, Kyna exceeds the size of many females and takes after the large size of her father, though maintains her willowy nature. The true sign that Phineas is her father rests in her eyes -- which blaze the same fiery hue as his own. Despite the trauma of watching her father die, Kyna has grown strong and carved out a place for herself next to her mate Greer on top of the mountains that she had grown up loving. She lead Aurora Heights with a firm paw, and her father's legacy lives on in her  children.

Aponi and Skoll's Litter (2016)

Lila Aquila

Born of a one-night stand between Aponi Aquila (known as "Catori Lyall") and Skoll Archer (known then as "Samuel Lyall"), Lila is a spitting image of both her parents on first impression to her readers. Her dark coat is not only inherited from her father, but a nod to her maternal grandfather Rhysis, a fallen Mountain king of years past. Her eyes reflect the same pale blue as her mother's. As Aponi's second daughter, Lila is the younger half-sister of Kyna Argyris (and Sven Archer) and is also prone to growing up without her biological father "in the picture." As such she may idiolize her mother as well as her mother's point of view and ambition. It is also worth noting that she is a third-generation Aquila as well as a third-generation Archer on-site. Oblivious to her other family members on the other side of the mountain, it is up to her player to navigate Relic Lore and find out what other secrets have been kept away from her, just waiting for be discovered.

Aponi and Serach's First Litter (2017)

Mabel Donata

Mabel takes after her mother Aponi’s ambitious personality and wandering feet. She’ll have a natural inclination to break the rules and encourage her siblings to do the same. Although she is not above picking a fight with either of her siblings, she loves them both fiercely and would do anything for them, even if she won’t admit it. She’ll also look up to her half-sister Lila and try to emulate her as best she can.

Corsair Donata

Built very similarly to his maternal grandfather, Corsair is tall and corded with lean sinew rather than outright brawn, with more evident muscle in his shoulders. As a child he is always lanky with paws that are far too large for him, but will grow into his larger frame splendidly as he reaches adulthood. His undercoat is warm tawny with a pale underbelly and throat, but he is most recognizable by his heavily stippled overcoat of black and silver hairs. He has cool green eyes that shine with a competitive light and a winning grin. Corsair moves confidently and with a little bit of a swagger that is most pronounced in his adolescence.

Ayla Donata

The youngest of her litter, Ayla will develop a quieter personality as a result of always being drowned out by her older siblings. Although she is much more likely to follow the rules than Mabel or Corsair, she will eagerly follow along on their adventures with only a little prodding. Despite her reserved nature, she is not a pushover. She inherited the explosive Aquila temper and her father’s stubborn loyalty, making her fiercely protective over her family. She will even challenge Mabel and Corsair if she feels they are doing something that will hurt their family or pack.

Aponi and Serach's Second Litter (2018)

Azra Donata

The first 5 months of Azra's life were in relative comfort. He was too young to notice the signs that his pack was on the brink of failing. Instead, he spent his time following beetles around (his favorite hobby), bothering his siblings and parents with "why" questions, studying the world, and over all just being a young pest. Azra nearly died in the fire when he chose to hide in the den he was born into, believing it to be the safest place. He was saved by his father Serach and taken to meet up with the rest of the family in the mountains. Both he and his father breathed in extensive amounts of smoke, something Azra isn't sure he ever recovered from and the ultimate killer of his father. After his father collapsed on the mountain Azra began to panic and ran away to get some space and some fresh air. When he came to he was too far from his family and too young to make sense of the scent trails to find his way back to them. Azra would not have survived if he hadn't been picked up by a roaming band of Lone Wolves south of Riddle Heights. They finished bringing him up and Azra travelled with them for some time. They were an odd bunch, never settling down anywhere and very keen to find other packs and trade stories and songs. Brought up under this rich cultural lifestyle Azra's imagination was encouraged and coaxed into life. Azra continued to travel with them until he reached adulthood, where customarily the other wolves in the tribe would strike out. He hadn't intended to go back to Relic Lore... and yet. Somehow his paws carried him back without even noticing.

Kisina Donata

The youngest and final daughter of Serach and Aponi, Kisina’s puppy brown fur continued to darken as she grewup. With a tan and cream underbelly and an overcoat of mottled blacks, dark browns, and hints of reds, she takes after her older siblings Corsair and Ayla. Like her mother, she has blue-gray eyes and a lean, slender figure. Born, sorta raised, then fire chased away. She returned to Relic Lore to bear children of her own.

Relatives by Mateship

Greer Archer-Lyall (Mate to Kyna)

There is a strange – almost uncomfortable – air that surrounds him, as he very rarely shows any sort of emotion. He is void, aloof, and distant, yet fiercely loyal toward his family. He will do whatever necessary to protect them, but prefers to remain on his own. Greer shies away from the spotlight, and prefers to go by unnoticed, slinking in the shadows that birthed him. Cold and indifferent, it’s near impossible to warm up to the withdrawn Archer; he does not want to make friends and feels as though he does not need them. When he does actually speak, Greer has a very calm demeanor although his tongue can be sharp at times. He prefers to avoid conflict, and would rather observe situations than get involved. Despite all this, he managed to befriend Kyna and over time, the two realized that what they felt for each other was love. Dedicating themselves to one another, they formed the pack Aurora Heights where they both currently lead.
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2023, 11:30 PM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Eros who has 513 posts.

The Fourth Generation of Aquilas

Kyna and Greer's First Litter (2017)

Revon Argyris Archer

Expected to be calm and quiet like her parents, Revon was born the complete opposite. She is the Archer firecracker, running her mouth and filled with endless energy, leaving both Greer and Kyna confused as to where it all came from. Her curiosity will get her into trouble more often than not, but she is not reckless. Like her father, she is cunning and calculative: she assesses her situations before reacting (aka exploding). She knows what she wants and when she wants it, and is not afraid to do what it takes to get it. As she grows her flame will dim and she will grow more collected—thinking more as opposed to reacting—but she will still hold onto her fiery spirit. Sly, manipulative, and devious are words best to describe Revon as she grows into adulthood.

Kyna and Greer's Second Litter (2018)

Vindlys Argyris

The brooding one.

Capra Argyris Archer

Capra was born alongside his two brothers on May 15th, 2018 in Aurora Heights in the heart of Relic Lore.

Lance Argyris Archer

Dorky && Sensitive; and all the words coinciding. Lance has ultimately become what most would call negative nancy when in dire situations. He leans far closer to being submissive than he does to being dominant and certainly ranges on being far more emotional than your average guy. Lance does what he believes his right and he strays far from lying, ultimately believing that the truth will always set you free. Lance has a difficult time with anything that could result in being classified as "bad" or "in trouble", yet he always seems to be right in the middle of all of it.

Nalda and Aytigin's Litter (2018)


Born swarthy, he will start out taking after his father, with a fur of darker mixed browns. Only as he nears adulthood, will the genes of his mother come into play, adding more russet tones as well as a splash of white along his jowls and speckles on his face, chest and down his legs. In build he will lean more to his father’s side too, though short and broad backed, he will lack the square chest of his mother, in favor of a leaner frame. His eyes, once changed, will take on a hue slightly more orange than his parents’, ending in a pale, amber like shade.

Nalda and Eirian's Litter (2019)

Carrow Asurn

Last born and the runt in a litter of four, Carrow was never offered much attention from parents who favored strength and independence. She fought to meet their standards, training hard to keep up with her siblings, but, despite making great advances over her first year, she never received the recognition she so hungered for. Once she turned yearling, she and her smallest brother were both disowned for their ‘weakness’ and left to fend for themselves. They stuck together for a short while, but eventually split up, leaving Carrow to care for herself, which she has done ever since.

Azra and Sita's Litter (2021)

Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Kisina and Aleister's Litter (2021)

Seri Donata

As Seri has grown, made friends, and become adjusted to pack life, he has developed into a core star personality. He loves to have fun and is very carefree, focused more on enjoying life and bringing a smile to those around him than anything else. He is incredibly social, and loves interacting with others because it gives him energy and strength. At times, this can lead to him being mischevious, especially as he enters the rebellious teenager years of his life. Despite this, he can be quiet still, bringing energy in different ways when it is required, and is always honest. He knows what it is like to be lied to, and he doesn't like the feeling so he would never wish it upon another. Recently, Seri has experienced bouts of depression and guilt surrounding the passing of his father and his failture to visit him before it happened.

Kisina and Zavier's Litter (2022)

Tala Donata

Born an only child in the wilds of Relic-lore to Kisina Donata during the draught of 2022. Fatherless.
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2023, 01:02 AM by Eros.)