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Rushing Water — Log-fall Foss  
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Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
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Zahira Asurn
@Emrys  takes place after this thread Hidden in gold Moderate snow -4 ° F, -20 ° C, Around dusk.

Zahira felt numb and cold as she slowly returned from the darkness that had engulfed her. The fiery woman grunted in pain as it seemed that just about every muscle in her body was sore and abused. She snorted as she shook her head hoping to clear her foggy mind but the motion only caused her already growing headache to increase. She blinked eyes adjusting to the twilight. But as she looked around a faint hint of panic started rising in her chest.

Where the fuck was she?

Surrounded by trees she was well aware that she was no longer in the lowlands. But she could hardly be far, from that wretched place either. The dark wolf could hardly have pulled her far but she was not certain. The only thing that she was certain of was that she been out for a few hours as the sun had started to set and her body felt stiff and cold.

She could hardly complain about that she was still alive as the cold and the snow she could easily have resulted in her freezing to death. Turning her head slightly a grin formed on her lips. Water, a small stream seemed to make its way down towards whatever laid behind the hills and tress. A small snarled snuck out her lips, he pulled her all the way to water like he said he would even if he hadn't actually thrown her in. Slowly she managed to pull herself up, her thigh burning painfully. Look over the wound she huffed, yet another one to add to the collection. Though she doubted that the injury was not extremely deep it was wide. It would scare no doubtedly, but not as bad as the one he had left on her shoulder.

She huffed as she looked around Now which way lead the hell away from these blasted lowlands she mumbled quietly.


(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 11:23 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Lately he'd found himself leaving pack lands more and more often whether it was to hunt or search for plants that had not yet sprouted. Emrys wasn't sure if it was some residual need to wander left from being a loner for so long or some other reason. Whatever it was that had led to this recent change was now leading him once more toward the lowlands. Perhaps there he could find a few rabbits to supplement the caches that had grown very slim of pickings as of late.

It was snowing and had been since the early morning when he had gone through his border patrol. It wasn't so heavy that he was sent running back to the den for warmth however and it wasn't anything he hadn't traveled through before. The snow collected on his back as he crossed the border to the north on his trek to the lowlands. He would stop periodically to shake the white blanket from his back to keep his coat from becoming too wet from the melted snow. It took him a few hours travel at a fast pace to reach what he considered the entrance into the lowlands, the palisade.

As he crossed further into the palisade there was a faint scent on the air that was strangely out of place with the other scents around him. It was however a very recognizable scent to the healer and a worrying one. He didn't know if it was a lingering scent or something that might require attention so he followed it. The scent of blood became stronger as he journeyed further in the direction that would lead him to the lowlands . Then as he came closer to what was now a trickle of a stream the scent was at its strongest. The voice of a woman reached his ears as he came closer and when she finally came into view he saw the damage that had been done to her leg, it couldn't be missed. “I think you should be more worried about getting that taken care of,” he stated as he cautiously approached her, “I can help you to find your way out if you'll also allow me to assist you with that.”

He couldn't let her leave with such a wound on her hind leg when infection was a very real possibility for her.

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2017, 01:21 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
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Zahira Asurn

Zahira had not expected to run into anyone and she was not in a state where she wanted anyone to see her.  Eyes narrowing she looked the white wolf over. Judging by the way he looked he was a pack wolf but his scent also whispers of that. Unfortunately, it wasn't a pack she had any favored memories about, actually, it was the opposite. "One does not worry about something one can't to anything about,"  she said eyes still on the man "I don't have any herbal knowledge, nor any herbs to use. And I don't really have the best reputation with any of the packs in the lowlands" she said as she forced her body to relax though clearly she stance was guarded even with the wound to her leg. "You help a stranger you just met?" she asked a lifted brow but the fact that he might know the way to further away from the lowlands was enough to keep her interested in the mutt.

"If you can do anything about it I won't say I wouldn't like your help." A warm smile clinging to her lips. "Your scent is familiar, got a pack nearby?" she asked as she sat down trying to place herself so that the pain from her leg was minimal.


Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Coming across the injured female wasn't what the healer had expected of his journey at all but now that he had he couldn't just leave her. From what he could tell from the distance he was from her it looked pretty bad. Emrys had to wonder what she had gotten herself into that had caused her to receive such an extensive injury to her leg. It reminded him of the wound that Lorcan had the last time he saw the aspiring healer only this was much worse. “You do have a point so I guess it's lucky for you I happened by.” He said taking a few more steps closer to get a better look at the wound. “The knowledge you don't have I do and I don't care about the reputation you have with the packs in the area.” It wasn't his job to care but it was his job to help her regardless of her situation. He couldn't pick and choose his patients, letting one live while allowing another to die. It wasn't right and it wasn't what his mother had taught him when she'd taught him the healing arts. Her question brought a smile to his maw, “Yes, you need help and I have the means to give it so tell me why wouldn't I?” He said raising a brow at her she was a feisty one, that was for sure. It would keep this encounter interesting.

“Now we're getting somewhere, I will help you as much as I can,” he stated when she gave him the consent to help her which he immediately set to work examining the sound more carefully. “I do, White Fir Notch, it's not too far from here. Is your reputation with them bad as well?” he questioned stopping to look her in the eyes. He had yet to find any sign of infection which was good but it was rather obvious that the wound was pretty recent. “So what happened to you?”

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 01:09 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: Fixed coding issue )
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

Zahira watched the white man as he approached her talking though she honestly did not care for his words. She cared for the fact that he held the key to her way out of the bloody lowlands. She smiled at his words, or perhaps it was more of a grin "Where I am from one does not offer anything without expecting anything in return." she paused for a moment as she watched her her eyes still guarded though she relaxed rolling her shoulders.

White fir notch? she shook her head "No, I ran into a dark male quite som time ago, and an acquaintance of mine were intending to join a pack that carries a similar scent to yours. So I wouldn't say it's bad." she said a smile on her lips. "We traveled a bit together called himself June Berry, a  reddish brown male with a single yellow eye, the other was pretty badly scared along with a tattered ear. Haven't seen him since we split ways, you know of him?" she asked the white man. June Berry was a pure timber and keeping track of his movements was not a bad idea. By his next question, she huffed a bit before replying "Ran into an old acquaintance of mine, not really a happy reunion." Her words were icy as she snorted "But I'm done with these stinking lowlands that for sure, not enough food and it seems that most wolves who live there are either sheer idiots or dumb as a rock" pausing for a moment she looked at him "What about you? offering to aid a wounded stranger, would i be wrong i assuming you a healer?"



(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 09:02 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Once it seemed she was open to him coming closer Emrys moved into that he could take a better look at the wound on her leg. “In other circumstances I don't think that is wrong but it's against what I believe to leave you here without help.” If he had his mother would come back from the dead and punish him severely as she had always taught him no matter what if someone was hurt or sick help them. She had said it wasn't his place to judge or make decisions, it was his job to make things better. He was a healer and his only concern should be to make others better when they were ailing.

He was curious about her relationship with White Fir Notch because he believed he might have to take her to just outside the border. He had the things there that he could use to help her, he could assist her in getting there and he could stay with her outside the border for a couple of days until she could move on if she wanted. She went on to tell him a little story to explain her relations with his pack, “Sorry, I haven't come across the wolf you speak of,” he told her with a slight frown. “But perhaps the dark man you speak of is my alpha?” That was all that he could offer. She also did not go into too many details of what had happened to her and Emrys didn't ask for more, “It seems not, I guess no one told your acquaintance that you're not a chew toy.” Emrys’ gaze left her leg as she said that she was done with the lowlands, “Perhaps you'll allow me to take you from them, closer to my pack where I have what I need to make this better?” It was a long shot but with her wanting to get away she might just saw yes. If not he would have to run there and back as quickly as he could but he knew of a place that would be perfect for her to rest in until she was ready to move on. A smile crossed his face at her question, “No you would not be wrong, I've been for quite awhile now so I can assure you, you're in good paws.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 10:19 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

Zahira watched him holding back a snort as he spoke, aginst what he believed? Why were wolves this miserably miss guided? They were not able to take down prey twice their size to role of emotions and human life ideas. They were among the top predators, they were powerful and yet some individuals decide the lingering in the ideals of a rabbit.

As the man said he had not seen June Berry she sighed, guess she had no reason to keep an eye on the north then. "I see, he must have moved on" she just said her voice plain as she felt a need to huff, while he wasn't in the standard category for timbers he was still a full blooded timber and it appeared that timbers were not too common in these lands. Her ears perked a bit as he said that the other dark man who had left her was perhaps his alpha, tilting her head as she said. "If your Alpha is large, black and answered blue eyes that could be weary likely" her words carried no hint of her emotions as she described the dark man.

The russet woman huffed as the healer spoke again, with what seemed like a joke. "I guess I did not," she spoke her voice neutral for a second before the man asked to take her closer to his pack. "I think it would be better not to, while my relationship isn't bad I wouldn't say its the best either." she said an apologetic smile on her lips. "I can follow you some of the way, but I think it be better if I keep my distance." She said watching the man wondering what his answer to this would be. were she had lied to him about her relationship with his pack, which was not in any way good, she still needed his help.  As the white man answerd his question with that he indeed was a healer she smiled, Why where all healers this soft-hearted? Not that she were complaining,  as they appeared to be of plenty of use to her. "I did not doubt it" she offered with another smile.


Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Her injury seemed very bad which was all the more reason he couldn't leave her whether they stayed there or moved closer to the notch.  It was more than that, the healer had to do what he could for her.  He couldn't live with himself if he walked away knowing the severity of her wound and what could happen to her if he didn't treat it.  So he would do what he could for this woman but he couldn't and wouldn't make any promises about her recovery. She spoke of a wolf that he'd never heard of and as far as he knew no one he knew had ever spoken of the wolf. “Yes I suppose he has unless he's just somewhere else in the lore.” It was a big place they lived in so that was completely possible.  She'd spoken of an alpha and as she went on to describe him, “That does sound like my alpha.” In fact it was a perfect description of Gent.

In an effort to lighten her mood a little he'd joked and she seemed to take it as that. The reality was that her former acquaintance had done quite the number on her leg.  It didn't seem so bad that a bit of Yarrow and Wormwood wouldn't fix her right up.  The problem was it was back at the notch so the idea of taking her close to there seemed the best option. She however didn't like that idea. She was okay with going part of the way, “Then we should go part of the way, I have the plants we need and can get them when we are closer.  I can then stay with you and help you until your condition improves, if you're okay with that?” He suggested as the best course of action. A smile crossed his maw as she admitted that she knew she was in good paws, “I will help you to the best of my abilities if you'll let me.”

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2017, 11:51 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health