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Phases — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
He had tried his best to be honest, to tell her the true reason behind the unusual behaviour he exhibited around her. He couldn’t be much clearer could he? He thought anxiously to himself as her bright orange eyes stared towards him moments before she parted her lips to speak. White brows raised in astonishment and his golden eyes parted wide as he looked at Inna, dumbfounded by her suggestion. “I d-don’t think that would be a good idea—” He answered quickly, panic ringing in his voice. “The last time I tried, I almost got my face bitten off!” He exclaimed, remembering back to his hostile encounter with Wraith.

As the conversation turned back to Lachesis, Lorcan responded to Inna’s question with a grin. “Of course.” He breathed teasingly, allowing his grin to spread a little wider to try and playfully bit a bit of doubt in her mind. His head tilted to the side in interest when the dark girl explained that she planned to gain scouting experience over the summer months. “Oh really? I was actually planning on travelling myself, once the weather gets a bit warmer. I’m in need of more plants.” He stated, a smile gracing his lips. “Perhaps we could meet up?” He asked, unsure if she would want to tag along with him or vice versa. It would be nice to have a travelling companion though, for at least part of the journey.

Black-tipped tail swayed behind him when a lick with offered to his chin. It reminded him of his pack mates back at the monadnock, who were always engaging in physical displays of affection. It helped to strengthen their bond and reaffirm their friendship. So, for now he didn’t think much of it. He did notice her giggle though as she sprung away from him after tugging at his ear and her playful moves and teasing words swiftly encouraged him to play. If she was comfortable with his presence, then he could relax around her a little, confident that she wasn’t about to snap at him or chase him away.

She responded to his playful snap by bumping into his shoulder. Stumbling a little, Lorcan let out a playful growl and his tail quickened in response. He allowed her the satisfaction of snapping behind his ear and nipping at his cheek, his growls growing louder as he built up the momentum to leap at her.  He watched her prance away, her tail waving high behind her as she invited him in a game of chase. The Whitestone male barked, to encourage her to keep moving to place some distance between them before he ran after her. The pungent scent which trailed behind her made the chase all the more exciting and his nostrils flared to inhale it as he raced after her and reached out to nip at the tip of her tail.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

He had explained why he was being so standoffish with her, she'd come of age something when did know about. Had she known that that phrase had meant she would be this uncomfortable she might not have looked forward to it so much. The suggestion she'd offered seemed to leave her friend a little taken aback and telling her it wasn't such a good idea, “I have no plans to bite your face off Lorcan. You're my friend why would i do such a thing?” She asked her tone containing sweetness to her tone. “You don't have to keep your distance with me.”

A smile did cross her face when he affirmed he had only spoken good things about her to Lachesis. “Thank you Lorcan, your such a great guy.” He'd always been good to her which was why she considered him a friend. Though she felt Lachesis was pretty happy with her performance in the pack she didn't think Lorcans words wouldn't be welcome. Her scouting hadn't yet taken off and she had expressed her desire to do more over the summer. “I would like that very much, it will give us a chance to visit more often. Maybe you can teach me something.” She hadn't considered taking on healing but if didn't hurt to have some knowledge.

The conversation had been left behind after the lick she'd place to his chin but what happened next was really from her pulling his ear. She'd finally managed to get him to forget that he wanted to keep his distance from her. Her invitation to play was given to him loud and clear, it was something thing she hadn't done in awhile . She thought he might be right, it might be just what she needed.

The heat and itchiness were still there as she but the intensity wasn't so great as she nipped and bumped him before prancing away. Her tail was held high in the excitement that coursed through her body. Lorcan was finally getting into the mood it seemed as he barked before giving chase as Inna ran away from him. She could hear him trying to nip her tail but she was just a little quicker. She finally slowed before turning around on him to pounce on him and brushing her body against his as her forepaws once again connected with ground beneath her. “You haven't caught me yet,” she whispered onto his ear before she was off once more. She hoped her words would strike a challenge in the healer.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2017, 11:04 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Inna was quick to brush off his concerns and was prompt to assure him that she wasn’t about to turn around and snap aggressively in response to his presence. Russet ears lifted up from their flattened position on his crown as his golden eyes glanced across to his friend, holding her deep orange gaze for a moment to really make sure that she meant what she said. Whilst his main priority had been to keep his distance to keep himself out of trouble, he also hadn’t wished to make Inna feel uncomfortable.

Feeling more assured, the agouti male nodded in acknowledgement and gave a warm sway of his tail. The River girl was his friend and he was excited rekindle their friendship, even more so now that he had been given permission to relax.

He grinned at her compliment, cheeks blushing warm as he noticing that his attempt to tease her had failed. “I try my best, miss.” He quipped back, tilting his chin up a little confidently. His eyes lit up when Inna then agreed to his idea for them to meet up later, once the weather warmed up, and go travelling together. The trip he had taken with Emrys last year had proved extremely useful. He had managed to collect a large variety of plants which had just about lasted all the way through the winter. This year he planned to explore further and collect a more, especially now that he had more of an idea of what he was looking for. “Sure.” He agreed. “Once the snows have melted a bit more, I’ll howl for you and we can arrange something.” He said with a nod of his head.

Their attention was soon turned to play. Paws shifted against the snow which carpeted the lowlands as the agouti male scrambled to catch up with her dark fleeting form, lungs inhaling her scent as he chased along after her. Jaws clamped shut, catching nothing but thin air as Inna managed to evade him. A playful growl rumbled in his throat as his golden eyes narrowed, impressed by her speed. There wasn’t many that could outrun his lean form. Paws dug deeper as his muscles worked harder to catch up to her, his body growing hot with each yard that they travelled. Salmon pink tongue lolled from his mouth as he finally closed the space between them as she slowed.

A bark rung out as he leapt down into a play-bow, preparing to spring at her lingering form, only for her to turn around and pull his own trick on himself. His body flopped over to sprawl sideways into the snow and he waved his paws in the air, moving them to swipe at her neck in an attempt to hook her and pull her down for a tussle. She pulled back away from him before whispering into his ear. Golden eyes locked with her orange gaze in challenge Oh really? He growled, the noise vibrating deep in his chest as she ran off again.

Lorcan rolled over, chest heaving as he watched her retreating form. He was determined to catch her now. She was showing him up. Paws were set into motion as he pushed himself to his maximum, sprinting after her like his life depended on it. Finally reaching her, he barked to her in warning. “You’re not getting away this time.” He sprung at her mid-run, aiming to topple her over much like she had him so that he could finally stand over a claim a victory for himself.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 10:33 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Though her moods had been a little off lately which she knew was because of the thing that burned inside of her she didn't have any desire to do what he feared. She made sure to tell him that too so that he would feel more comfortable around her. She didn't like the idea that her friend felt he has to be cautious around her just because of her condition, that's what it has to be because it she didn't feel normal at all.

A wide smile made its way across her face when he nodded and his tail swayed, a sign that he believed her. She had missed him all those months since she'd last seen him so having this chance to talk to him again before she had planned to was certainly a happy surprise.

She did giggle when he as he said he tried his best and the way he held his head, it was clear he was trying to be funny,“My Hero,” she chirped. On a more serious note he had invited her to go with him on his travels in the summer so she could get some scouting experience and she had accepted. “I look forward to it Lorcan, we don't see each other near enough. We can have another hunt while we are traveling.” They had made such a good team the last time and she wanted to see if they would again.

All of that was forgotten for a time as she suddenly felt playful and did what she could to get him to join her. She did manage to get him to loosen up and participate in a chase with her as the chasee and him the chaser. Her skilled paws carried her swiftly over the snow with him close behind. She heard the snap of his jaws as they shut in air the tip of her tail slipping away just in time for him to miss it.

His bark drew her attention to him as he fell into a play bow which left him open for her to pounce on him. Another giggle left her as his legs waved through the air clearly trying to get a grip on her to pull her down with him. She slipped in next to ear long enough to whisper a challenge and place a lick on his cheek before she was once again off. Stopping just paw steps from him long enough for her gaze to meet his, challenge accepted. A head start was on her side as she was once again covering the ground at top speed.

Moments later she could hear the fast beat of his paws as he ran to catch up to her. A loud laugh sounded from her, “We'll see about that,” she called over her shoulder to him. Somehow she didn't know he came out of nowhere knocking her off her feet. She laid on her back in the snow her orange gaze looking up at him, “What are you going to do now that you've caught me?”

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 09:13 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Some might find this post a tiny bit MATURE

Not only had Inna managed to evade his waving limbs as he tried to hook a paw around her, she had the audacity to plant a lick on his cheek before running off again, leaving him there belly up in the snow. She was getting cocky, but at least all of the chasing seemed to be distracting her mind from the discomfort she felt, which was what the Whitestone healer had hoped for all along. She was too busy playing with him to notice the heat of her skin and the itchiness of her pelt, or at least, that’s what the agouti male presumed her chirpy attitude hinted at.

Challenge accepted, Lorcan sprung up from the snow and chased after her. He enjoyed this game. It kind of reminded him of their first encounter when they had hunted snowshoe hares together. Salmon pink tongue lolled from his mouth as his paws worked hard to catch up to her dark fleeing form. The male was starting to grow tired, having not eaten a substantial meal in a long time, he hadn’t the energy to keep up such a rapid pace for much longer. Fortunately, his efforts finally payed off and he managed to topple her over.

He stood over her, chest heaving and his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth as he tried to catch his breath and cool down. His tail rose to curl up dominantly behind him and his russet ears perked forwards to catch her teasing question. Golden eyes stared down into her warm orange gaze, lids sliding shut slightly to narrow his gaze in challenge. Needing a break, he wouldn’t initiate another chase straight away. Instead his muzzle snaked down nip playfully at her cheeks and then her throat, affectionate growling rumbling in his chest and growing louder with every nip he landed.

Twisting his body around and shifting his paws over her slender form he moved to stand sideways over her, allowing him easier access to snip and tug at the thick black fur which covered her sides and stomach, hoping to make her squirm in protest. The close contact made it unavoidable for him to inhale deep breaths of her intoxicating scent. Lorcan’s skin grew warmer with arousal and his tail waved behind him with excitement as he continued to tease the girl, instinctively drawn southwards, as he slowly worked his way down to her thighs and down to where the sweet scent grew most pungent between her legs… sniffing with interest as he went.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 10:57 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The distraction of their play had helped to keep her mind off her condition for the most part. The heat that ran across her skin and the itchiness that crawled underneath only a mild irritation at the back of her mind. She was more concerned about keeping Lorcan from catching her in their game of chase. She'd caught him though before she took of once more across the snow.

Her taunting challenge had been given and much to her happiness he'd accepted chasing her at top speeds until he finally caught up with her. Toppling her before standing over her as she lay on her back underneath him. Her her orange gaze met his golden one as she asked him what he was going to do now. What happened next she wasn't expecting him to do especially when he seemed so tired from their game.

The nips to her neck and throat brought the heat and itchiness back to the forefront of her mind. His affectionate growls were met with soft whines from her throat. She did not stop him as he turned his body until he was standing sideways over her. The snips and tugs of her fur along her sides cause the skin under her pelt to tingle with excitement and anticipation. She could feel his breath move the fur along her stomach and on the inside of her thighs as he worked his way further down her body. He stopped taking more interest between her legs his breath was hot as he continued to sniff causing chills to run through her body.

Instinct took over the ebony Baranski telling her it wasn't time yet, she wasn't ready to let him go any further. Raising her body up just enough she turned on to her side before grabbing his muzzle gently, a soft growl rumbling in her throat. It was her way of telling him not yet so that he would back off. She only held him muzzle in her jaws a moment before letting go and placing a kiss on his cheek. This was to let him know there weren't any hard feelings, “Please stay,” she whispered. She may have stopped anything further from happening but she needed her friend as the heat burned hotter over her skin and the bugs crawled under it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 01:17 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The sound of the soft whines which slipped out of Inna’s mouth only worked to further excite him. To his surprise the dark girl put up little, if any, resistance to the delicate teasing nips he placed down her exposed underside. Whilst he had expected and planned for her to squirm and resist him, the fact that she lay there willingly accepting his playful gesture assured him that she was enjoying it. 

Given no reason to stop, instinct drove his muzzle further down her body towards the area which produced the intoxicating scent. By this time his growls had quietened and were replaced with gentle purrs as he grew more aroused as he nuzzled tentatively at the area beneath the base of her tail, nostrils flaring and the bridge of his muzzle wrinkling as he got a fiery lungful of her perfume.

However, the moment was shattered when he felt Inna rise upwards from underneath him and twist around. Drunkenly, his head twisted back to face her and his ears fell back against his head at the sound of the growl which rumbled up from her throat. As her jaws clamped dominantly around his muzzle, Lorcan lowered his head and curled his tail under in submission. A whine whistled past his lips as he stood there, locked within her grasp.

When her jaws released him, his first reaction was to move away. Forepaws crossed over, manoeuvring over her smaller form as he turned away, her tongue placing a fleeting kiss against his cheek as he did so. Standing a few paces away from her, a look of guilt darkened his golden eyes as he gazed across at her. “I-I’m sorry..I—” He stuttered in a whine. “I should go.” He sighed before giving a thorough shake of his pelt to release some tension. Where exactly he would go he did not know, he was avoiding the monadnock in case situations just like this could be prevented. 

He turned to leave, paws beginning to carry him in a random direction away from temptation, but a whisper caused him to pause and turn around. For a moment he contemplated the idea. She had been flirting with him, he was sure of it and up until now she had given him no indication that she had wanted him to stop. His mind was whirling with confusion, unsure of what to do, but as it seemed apparent that she wasn't ready for him to leave just yet, he decided to listen and do as she wished. Hesitantly he took a few steps back towards her and moved to settle down beside her, muzzle placed exhaustedly on his outstretched paws.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 02:20 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together