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Flesh & Blood — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
" You sure about that love? From here it doesn't seem like your fairing do well" the subliminal hint made her cringe at her spot, she was well aware of what she looked like, regardless of how many lakes she avoided for fear of seeing her reflection, the young woman knew of her depreciating frame. Like those around her could easily tell,  she hardly resembled a threat and she preferred it that way, "Thank you," the words slipped from her mouth without much thought as her eyes bounced to the snow and back to the surrounding area, her nose twitching in hopes of finally pinpointing just where the stench of meat was coming from. It wasn't terribly far...

Cheedo's voice snapped her attention back and she stared at the woman without word, her feet were the only moment that shifted at her spot while she sized her counterpart up, apparently during the span of this short meeting the other loner had gained even more confidence that made a fire flicker her pale yellow eyes--but she remained silent for fear of abandoning this mission. "I'm right behind you." she voiced, positioning herself behind the woman as not to seem the aggressor and instead the needy, there was no doubt in her mind that she craved this meal much more than the other. Silence quickly followed as fierce winds whipped the potential path in their direction, she only hoped Cheedo's sense of smell was as strong as her growing ego.
(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 04:57 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

An observation had merely been made about the girls current condition, not a judgement.  Cheedo knew how hard it could be living on one's own, she'd been doing it for awhile. She had Mitt of course and he was good to her even when he was in an utterly bad mood.  For the most part she took care of herself which was shown by the rabbit at her feet. Knowing how harsh the winter not to mention her increased appetite she wasn't exactly willing to give her prize up without a good reason. “You're welcome,” she said to the woman just before she tried to figure out exactly where they were going to find their meal of deer. Cheedo was actually looking forward to it since it wasn't often she was able to enjoy deer.  Mostly she stuck with the smaller prey she could bring down herself.

 she finally deciphered the location of the meat she indicated that the woman should folks and that was what she did. With the rabbit in her mouth she led the young woman off towards the carcass.  When she would need to catch the scent once more she would drop the rabbit and scent the air, “We’re getting close,” she threw over her shoulder to let her know to prepare herself.  Going over a small rise they soon came to find the carcass just on the other side. “We're in luck, the lynx that killed it has already gone.  Would you like to be the one to dig in first?” The scent of lynx lingered In the air but there was nothing  to say that they were still in the area.  Since she wasn't starving Cheedo felt she could wait until the girl was settled before tucking in herself.

(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 03:46 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne

She was silent the remainder of the meeting, her ability to ignore background sound kept her concentrated on what was important at that very moment. She tried her best not to notice, let alone drool, over the flapping rabbit that Cheedo held tight in her jaws as they made the way to where the smell of deer was coming from. She glanced every so often out of her peripheral toward the flopping creature, and decided that tempting her self was pure torture on this seemingly endless journey so instead she began to count the trees they crossed whos branches seemed pregnant with snow and ready to topple over. This was a welcome distraction and before long she no longer focused on what was happening and instead of the possibilities that the kill had attracted others in the area and the odds of her having to fight for her share.

A slight incline during their walk made her paws ache but she continued forward, without any further words, until finally a dark mass made its appearance from the glistening crystals of snow. She felt a rush of excitement and relief wash over her, as exhaustion was beginning to set in the longer her stomach remained empty and angry. In an effort to remain cautious she slowed her walk, having come behind Cheedo just far enough to see the willowy fur of her tail bounce behind her and she stalled, not wanting to take the first bite for fear of seeming ungrateful and greedy--she would allow the older wolf the pleasure first. "You may have a go first" she acknowledged, lowering to her haunches slow in an effort to catch herself from falling over. She could wait, there appeared to be plenty of meat.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Cheedo’s one intact ear kept tabs on the girl as they moved across the tundra in search of the deer carcass.  She hoped there would still be enough left to fill both of their bellies especially the her current companion.  The rabbit hanging from her jaws made their crossing of the tundra a quiet one.  She couldn't say she minded too terribly bad but she did like the girl, at least a lot more than she liked Splendid.  The pale wolf was one of the reasons she was out here on her own and away from Mittani. Cheedo also didn't think about what the rabbit hanging from her jaws might be doing to the younger woman.  An unfortunate consequence of having been on her own so long. She tended to think only of herself when it came to food so making sure nothing happened to her rabbit was one of her priorities.

They soon came over a rise that held just what they were looking for on the other side.  The carcass was certainly there filling the air around them with the scent of blood and meat.  It has been picked at and some of it was missing but there was still plenty for both females to indulge in.  As luck would have it no other scavengers seemed to have found it just then since Cheedo didn't think her friend would be much help in warding them off.  Cheedo wasn't much in the mood to be doing that either.   The rabbit was once again dropped at her feet as the girl spoke up, “No love, I think you should go first,” she told, “Or we can both go if you don't mind sharing?” While she was hungry she didn't think that it xkmpadwd to what her companion might be feeling.  In a rare moment Cheedo didn't think it said to eat in front of the younger woman while she was clearly starving.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2017, 06:51 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne

Caution nagged at her, constantly, as a reminder of her position in this world of vicious and hungry wolves. Her lone status and young age made her a target and though she was probably quicker than the female at her side, she was in no condition to ward off even the smallest of critters if they happened to turn toward her with teeth bared and loud growls--therefore she remained still. She wished that Cheedo would understand her ability to remain humble and quiet, they had become traits she embraced without complaint, and yet this woman was making it harder for her to maintain her status in this world and earn her way up. Rory deserved no hand outs and did not mind waiting her turn, regardless of how long.

Please, I insist you go first." she seemed to plea, finally ignoring the rabbit that had gone cold and stiff from the frigid air and having been thrown so often at the woman's feet where snow had no doubt piled at least 2 feet high. The scent had gone stale, in fact it no longer looked as appeasing at it once was and Rory could almost taste the cold flesh of frozen deer on her tongue while she waited for Cheedo to gain her fill. The woman, who obviously played by different rules, seemed content with sharing and looked to have given Rory enough space to settle near her and eat in comfort but Rory obliged, she only hoped the woman would not turn down her offer once more. She was after all, famished.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 06:55 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It wasn't anything for the small female to allow the girl to go first after all she couldn't help but have sympathy for her.  Having been on her own for quite sometime Cheedo understood how it was.  She knew winter was the worst time to be alone, how hard it could be the catch the meagerest of meals to stop her stomach from feeling like it was eating itself.  This winter though harsh she been lucky able to take food from the group when she couldn't get her own.  Offerings were also made by her white night which she gladly took.  Has she not had that, had she been completely alone she may have ended up in the same condition as the girl or worse. So she was a little disappointed that she wasn't taken up on her offer to let her companion eat first.

She studied the larger female for a moment before she nodded, “Very well, since you insist but you are more than welcome to join me and eat along side me.  I won't bite I promise.” Then with one last look Cheedo left the girls since and moved to where the deer carcass lay frozen on the ground, taking her rabbit with her. She may be willing to share the deer but she wasn't yet keen on the idea of sharing her rabbit. Laying the dead creature next to her Cheedo began tearing what flesh she could from the deer. Once she'd started chewing her first bite and looked back to the girl to see if she was coming.

(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 01:06 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Switched it up a little, let me know if you want anything changed! And if you want, we could fade this in a few post :D

Silence quickly followed her plea and the young woman was left to her own thoughts; they had become conflicted the longer she sat. The deer, though tantalizing and tempting in the cold wind, would quickly become skin and bone with the start of Cheedo's turn, the lynx that had killed it no doubt took most of the rewarding muscle meat and left to the carcass was primarily tough meat that took time and energy to tear off. Her eyes rolled over the horizon, they seemed to shine light on the unthinkable decisions that were going on in her head, and when Cheedo moved to leave room for Rory when she was ready to move in, the woman made her move. The rabbit, laying next to the woman but unguarded, was probably her best meal as it lay unspoiled and uneaten despite the frozen hairs that clung to it, and she was quick to snatch it into her jaws and in one fluid motion turn on her heels in the opposite direction of her company.

The limp body of the rabbit slapped softly against her jaws, stiff from having laid uneaten for minutes at a time, but her eyes shone bright of excitement for the opportunity to tear into the flesh of freshly caught rabbit. She figured the Cheedo wouldn't mind considering she had the whole remainder of the deer to herself but probably wouldn't enjoy the fact that her own hard earned meal had been taken from her. It was an honest trade, at least Rory had assumed as much, and since this woman belonged to no home, there was little chance that Rory and her would meet again, at least she hoped. Her breathing was labored and loud as she ran with all the might of her long limbs away from the other woman and she stopped once, only to see if the woman had given chase, before she continued on an imaginary beeline to safety far from the area. Within no time, the woman would be able to enjoy her hard earned meal.
(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2017, 06:00 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
This switch is fine with me, some development for Cheedo. We can see where it goes if that works for you?

The carcass would offer them both a chance to fill their bellies and while the meat that was left wasn't ideal it was food in a time when prey was scarce.  Cheedo had taken the girl up in her up when she'd insisted she go first and even offered to let her eat alongside her.  Little did she know how her kindness would be repaid.  Her rabbit, the one she'd spent the better part of her morning tracking and chasing gone in an instant as she saw the pale figure move in out of the corner of her eye.  Cheedo hadn't had the chance to start on the carcass before her hard earned meal she'd planned to have later was stolen from her. The girl wouldn't get away with such a deceitful move, she had not let her meal he taken from her before and she would not allow it now even if her other ear was damaged in the process.

Quick as a striking snake the petite woman had turned and given chase to the pale thief.  She hadn't been paying attention to her white knight for nothing.  Her paws beat a rhythm as she moved swiftly across the tundra doing her best to gain on the girl, she needed to be taught a lesson for her crime.  Rory stayed in Cheedos sight as the smaller woman gained ground on her target as the younger woman really was in no condition for such a chase. She pushed herself harder when she saw the opportunity to gain more ground as the girl stopped. Determined she finally gained enough ground she was close enough she could be heard, “It would be in your best interest to relinquish what is not yours,” she called ahead of her.  The threat she hoped would let the woman know she was prepared to fight for what was rightfully hers.

(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2017, 08:15 AM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
This should be interesting! :D

The adrenaline pumping through her veins only seemed to intensify when she turned to see if her company had come in search of what was once theirs and within a split second, the women moved her legs as fast as they could go once again. She knew that if Cheedo caught up to her to within even a feet of a distance, she would not be able to avoid potential harm, and therefore she used what reserves of energy were left to propel her onward. Her breathing had become ragged with exhaustion but fear would not allow her to stop, she could not fathom what the woman would do if she did in fact catch her, and she was much too afraid to slow down to find out. It wasn't until an incline that required much more physical force were introduced to her already failing limbs that Rory felt the sensation of defeat fall over her--she felt residual push back that made her legs work far slower than before.


She turned, panting wildly, toward the woman who had warned her against her better judgement to drop the rabbit where she stood and the woman's eyes scanned the horizon quickly, the sensation of fear and humiliation was quickly rising. She stood at her spot a moment, contemplating the threat that had just been thrown her way and weighing her options now that the woman had caught up to her and was well within her rights to defend what had rightfully been caught. "No..." she wheezed, the rabbit still laid tight her jaws and seemed warmer from the heavy breathing from her unexpected run. She couldn't give her the rabbit, not when the deer had already been started by her, "it's mine now. The deer, is yours." her logic was compromised by the lack of oxygen and food, but she stood to stare the smaller wolf down, hoping to catch her bluff. She was larger, despite her age, and the woman before her did not know of her non existing ability to fight, all she knew was that Rory was desperate and a loner, and had the potential to do anything.. "Back off." she hissed and turned on her heels in an attempt to run off once more.
(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2017, 04:38 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
ooc: Yes it should be.;-)
Scuffle post 1/?

To say she was irritated was an understatement, more like she wanted to show the girl a lesson she wouldn't forget.  The kindness that Cheedo had tried to show her thrown back in her face when her rabbit was taken.  The small female wasn't in the mood for this and she intended to let Rory know just how much she wasn't.  She chased the pale girl across the tundra at top speed getting her chance to catch up with her as they came to a rise. When she had come close enough to be heard she voiced a warning to the woman. Cheedo was not against doing what she had to if it meant getting back what was hers.  That rabbit was hers, she'd done the work for it and she wasn't going to give it up as easily as Rory surely hoped. Her warning was not a bluff and she hoped the girl would see that so that she wouldn't have to take this further.  Cheedo understood where the girl was, had been there in her past but that was no excuse for such behavior when she could have easily fed on the carcass.

As the woman turned to face her Cheedo was not intimidated by the fact the girl was larger than her.  She'd faced a larger wolf in a similar situation, she hadn't backed down then and she wouldn't back down now.  Standing only a few few from the girl her tail lashed behind her and her ears laid flat against her head.  With hackles raised she did not let her gaze leave the girl.  She hoped her posture and her threat would be enough to convince the girl she meant what she said. One word left the girls mouth despite still holding the rabbit between her jaws.  It was followed by a the logic of a tiref hungry mind, “it doesn't work that way love, you can't take what you have not worked for.” Cheedo's eyes widened a little at the brave command the girl gave her.  Cheedo had been waiting for what happened next, it was exactly what she might have done in the situation Rory now found herself.  However, being that she was on the other end the small female was right behind her a growl escaping her as she pushed herself once more.  Coming up beside the she reached to grab at Rory’s shoulder with her teeth in an effort to stop her.

(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2017, 01:38 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you