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Knowing I will be okay — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja felt a little better that she could at least offer a sliver of help to the girl, even if it didn't amount to much it was worth a try. Ro wouldn't know unless she had tried, it was the way she had seen it when she'd gone to Grizzly Hollow looking for her family.  She hadn't known if they were still there but she had tried, in the end she had found them.  Ro would find Drestig too as long as she didn't give up, “Your welcome, I hope that it does turn something up for you,” she offered with a smile.

The seagull was curious if Ro knew her uncle, would she know him when she found him? She couldn't help but be curious about this. The girl explained a little more about her situation, it wasn't like what she'd grown up with but everyone had their own story.  “I hope that he turns out as great as you've heard and that you find him soon.” Nauja knew what it was like to be alone and it wasn't a life that she would wish on anyone.  More and more she had been considering changing her situation. “It will be great for you to get to know another member of your family.” To Nauja family was important and she missed her, she hoped she could repair things with Pip and Tyne.  She nodded at Ro’s sentiment, “I haven't heard a story quite like yours,” She admitted, “But I can understand, for a long time I searched for what felt normal for me.  I don't think it's wrong to want normalcy.”

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2017, 07:38 AM by Nauja.)
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Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

Ro grinned at the understanding woman's words. How was it that she just so happened across such a lovely wolf? "T-thank you so much, I h-hope so too.." Though she was certain that he would be, in fact, he had to be! The yearling always looked forward to hearing stories about 'uncle Drestig' when she was a pup, it was always when dad appeared to be the happiest, end even more so it meant he wasn't 'seeing ghosts'. "N-normalcy.. Did you ever find it..?" The Andromeda questioned, genuinely hoping to hear a positive answer in return. Though she hadn't known the wolf for very long at all, the girl could just tell that Nauja deserved happiness too.

With a yawn, Rosalind began to realize just how late it had gotten! The sun had already well past set, and it was rather chilly now! How'd she get so wrapped up as to not notice? "I-Uh, It was really nice meeting you, N-Nauja, b-but I'm getting really tired, I th-think I better get going.." She frowned, turning her body around and waiting for her new friend to bid her farewell. Perhaps they'd meet again someday, or so the yearling hoped. "You've helped me so much today, t-thank you!"  

Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja smiled and offered a nod, “I'm just glad that I could help,” it wasn't often she had the chance to offer any kind of help.  The thicket was normally a quiet place but she found she rather liked the girl that has come for a visit that day.  She shook her head when asked about finding normalcy, “Not really, I mean I gave a routine here but it's not like when you're in a pack but I do hope to one day,” she said with a little optimism. It was that which made her consider joining a pack more and more besides the companionship that it would offer but that fear seemed to always reside in her.  She hoped one day it would eventually go away.  Maybe talking with Pip and Tyne could help her to feel more comfortable about it.

Darkness had fallen on them without the seagull really noticing she had been so wrapped up in the conversation with Ro. So she wasn't too surprised when the girl said she had to go, “It was nice meeting you too.  Perhaps we will meet again.” She certainly hoped they would meet again and if Ro was ever in the area again Nauja would be glad to speak with her some more. “I'm glad that I could do something even if I couldn't tell you exactly where to find Drestig. I hope you do find him.”

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