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you will never know what's behind my skull — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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The boys enthusiasm for the adventure she was about to take him on was something that Cheedo appreciated. She wanted to take him someplace that she thought he would find the most exciting. Before they went on she had to make him promise that he would do exactly as she said. It was for his own good though and hers if she were honest. She didn't know if she would even get in trouble for taking the young Kael out for an adventure but she thought it was better he was with someone than alone. She hoped she would be able to keep him out of trouble.

She gave him a moment to decide if he was going to make the promise or not but she was happy to see that he was willing to make the promise. She smiled down at him as he nodded twice but it was the sound he made that was most pleasing to her ears. “Good, thank you Cyril. Now we can get on with our adventure,” she said happily before turning and continuing up the path. “I think you'll like the first place I'm taking you, there are so many different smells for you to take in.” She wasn't sure it would be exciting but it was a good place to start especially when their opinions we're so limited. She also didn't want to overwhelm him right away, it was best to ease him into thing's.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He decided that he liked the blue-eyed female. She had the same calming nature as mother and did not speak down to him. Although he could not yet comprehend her words properly, or create his own elaborate sentences, her tone was soothing and reassuring. And he liked it very much. The little Kael hoped that she would take him on future endeavours, for he knew there was much to see on the monadnock. Soon, once his legs grew into his paws and his stamina increased, he would be able to see beyond the massive rock. But that would have to wait a few weeks…

Another squeak escaped him as she spoke and he nudged her leg encouraging, curious as to where they were headed. He followed behind her dutifully, his hindquarters swaying as he struggled (without complaint) to keep up with her.

Boy, was she right about different smells! His nostrils twitched as a cornucopia of new scents hit him all at once, causing his pupils to dilate and his brows to shoot halfway up his forehead. He hadn’t realized there was so much to smell! Although he was a little overwhelmed, he did not let his steps falter, and he quickened his pace to keep in time with the older female. “Whhhh’eeer?” He asked in his half-squeal, his denim blues focused on the agouti’s face.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Having little Cyril following along behind her was starting to feel a little more natural with each moment that passed. She didn't know if it was because she was becoming more comfortable with him or if deep down she truly was a mother. Even though her children hadn't lived she'd still carried them and gave birth to them. She felt that just because they weren't with her didn't mean the instinct wasn't there. Being around the Kael boy wasn't as painful as she'd thought it would be and though he had yet to form actual sentences she was enjoying having him along.

A wider smile than before appeared in her maw as he nudged her leg, “Don't worry little Cyril we will be there soon enough.” There was plenty more for him to see and smell along the way as they traveled up the familiar trail. This was a special place that she had in mind, anyway it would be for him who hadn't experienced such smells before.

She could feel his presence at her hock as she led him further, “We're almost there,” she chirped when he asked where, she had understood that. Then finally she could see the entrance coming into view, “it's right up there.” The den for the infirmary was where she had chosen to bring him. Though most of the plants were gone some of their scents remained and there were still a few plants still there though Cheedo wasn't sure what they all were for. The place was full of the different scents and she felt it would be a good place for him to explore for a few moments at least. Just before she felt she might be losing his attention they finally made it to the entrance, “In there,” she said indicating with her muzzle, “I'll be right behind you.”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He could not help but be impatient, even if he did not want to be. The little Kael liked being around Cheedo and did not want to chase her away with his impatience. She had been willing to take him on an adventure even after he had trampled all over the fish she had brought for his mother. His stomach tightened at the thought as he was momentarily filled with an emotion he did not understand. It was the first time he had felt regret but he did not know what it was called—not yet. The blue-eyed agouti had been so kind to him and he had smugly ignored her when she asked him to release the scaly creature.


The feeling did not last long. His attention was quickly diverted back to the preset adventure, his stubby legs moving frantically to keep up with the tawny female. Almost there, she assured him as they continued along their path. Oooh boy, he sure was going to be tired! Mother would be very thankful to Cheedo for tiring him out so early (and hopefully would not scold her for taking him away from the densite).

Another den?! His eyes widened in delight as he glanced up at his travel guide, waiting for the agouti to instruct him further. As soon as she motioned forward with his muzzle the boy scurried ahead, his nose vibrating at the overwhelming amount of scents that invited him inside. Cyril tumbled inside the earthy smelling den, his brows shooting halfway up his forehead as he sniffed frantically at the strange plants. He did not know what any of the were or what they were used for, but he did not care. Today was about discovery—he could learn their importance once he was grown.

“Cheeee?” He called out for the agouti, his tail waving slowly behind him. Was she still behind him, like she said she would be?

(This post was last modified: Jun 06, 2017, 06:25 AM by Cyril.)
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The young Kael's impatience at getting to their destination was evident but Cheedo wasn't concerned by it. If anything she was just as excited to show him their destination as he was to see it. She'd quickly found that she liked showing the boy new sights and smells, things she thought he would find interesting. It wasn't an easy task when everything she'd seen and smelled before so she had to think like him, what would he find interesting? The infirmary den was the first thing to pop into her mind with all of it's different smells and some of the plants still remained for him to see.

When she knew they were almost there she told him to reassure that they would be there soon and that she wasn't telling him a fib. Though the thought had crossed her mind just to get him away from his mother's fish. She couldn't do that to little Cyril when she wanted him to trust her. She hoped that one day he might join her on her scouting adventures and maybe that would be the role he would take up. She had to shake that thought out of her mind, he wasn't her son after all and her hopes for him didn't matter.

Still maybe it would help him decide what he wanted to do in the future. It could be taking him to the den would stick in his mind and make him want to be a healer. She couldn't be certain about any of it so enjoying his company and seeing his face when he saw things like the infirmary den for the first time were the things she would enjoy. She laughed as he ran ahead of her, she picked up her pace to catch up with him. The smile that had been on her maw widened as he saw the expression that had formed on his features, “See, I thought you would like it.”

She then indicated for him to go inside which he did and as promised she followed I'm right behind him just as she heard him call for her. “I'm right here Cyril,” she told as she was soon fully inside the den. “It's a special place,” she told, “This is where all the plants that can help wolves get better are kept.” She didn't know if he understood but even if it were only a few words it might help him understand the purpose of the den.

(This post was last modified: Jun 06, 2017, 06:15 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro
feel free to choose what kind of plant Cyril is shoving his face into <3 @Cheedo

Some of the plants smelled positively delightful while others had a calming effect, causing his eyelids to droop and shoulders sag. Others, however, made his little noise twitch and lips curl into a tight frown. They were rather pungent and unpleasant—Cyril wanted nothing to do with those plants. He recoiled once he got close to the smelly ones, his paws quickly redirecting him to the more appealing scents. His baby blues settled on the agouti as she entered the den behind him, her body not quite filling up the space due to her small frame. A toothy, lopsided grin tugged at his mouth as he stomped, excitedly, toward her. The little Kael was very happy that Cheedo had shown him such a special place but he was not sure how to thank her for he was still struggling with his words. So, instead of offering her another elaborate squeal, the boy rubbed the side of his snout against her leg to show his appreciation.

“Peee-ants,” he repeated with a sharp nod, his denim gaze lifting to meet her bright blue pools. The smudge shuffled away from her as he went to examine one of the more pleasant-smelling peee-ants, his rump wagging with his tail as he buried his nose in the green substance. “Wass’it?!”

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The small agouti watched as the boy moved around the den sniffing at all the plants that were there. Since he was still too young yet to tell her how he felt about each one she had to watch his face. She found that he had an expression for each one whether he liked it or he didn't. She was happy to see that he was enjoying himself in the den. Though she wasn't sure this would suddenly cause him to want to be a healer when he grew up. That hadn't been her goal anyway, finding something fun for him had been what she was after and it seemed she'd done that. She watched as he came right up to her and rub ed his nose along her leg, “I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself Cyril,” she said placing a lick on his crown.

She chuckled as he tried to repeat the word she'd used, “Yes plants,” she encouraged. He was soon off again only this time he had zeroed in on one particular plant and wanted to know what it was as he buried his nose into it. Cheedo went over to examine it before telling him what it was. Luckily it happened to be one that she recognized from not only it's scent but it's appearance as well, “This one is called Lavender,” she told him, “It has a very nice smell doesn't it?”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

The smelly den was a lot to take in but he enjoyed every second of it, relishing in the array of scents that captivated him. One day he would learn their names and be able to recite them all to Cheedo. Right now he could barely articulate his name, let alone whatever these green things were called. There were so many of them! How did they all have different names? How were so many names even possible?! “Pee-ants,” he repeated once more with a sharp nod.

The real question was, could he eat these pee-ants?

With his face shoved in the lavender his ears twitched as the agouti spoke. She was right—it smelled very nice. Much better than some of the other plants housed inside the infirmary. He chirped his agreement as he took a step back from the purple flower, his head falling to the side as he studied it. “Av-in-deer.” The word felt funny on his tongue—it was more syllables than he was used to. The little Kael liked the smell very much, for it reminded him of being curled up in his mother’s den; of being safe. He stepped forward to inhale the comforting scent once more, his denim blues twinkling with mischief as he craned his neck forward, teeth hovering inches above the flower. “Eeeet?!” Would it taste as good as it smelt?

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ooc: Sorry for the wait.

When she had first decided that bringing him to the den was a good idea she still hadn't been sure. Now as she watched him smell all the different plants seeming to be so happy to be there she knew it had been a good decision. The small agouti also couldn't help but wonder what might be going through the little pups mind as he sniffed each plant and bring on the den in general. There were a few things that she felt she had interpreted right such as his appreciation for bringing him. Also as he once again spoke she was sure he was trying to say plants, “Yes Cyril,” she encouraged. She found that she really did want to help him to learn and have adventures.

One of the plants in particular had caught his attention which was made very clear as he buried his nose amongst its leaves. She could understand why when she realized what the plant was. He of course would find one of the better smelling ones, she just hoped it didn't calm him enough that it put him to sleep. She still had to get him back to Piety, soon probably since they had left in such a hurry. Cheedo smiled as he tried to repeat the name for the plant he was smelling, “Yes, very good Cyril, lavender.” She repeated the word in case it might help him but she was very happy he'd tried. He then asked her a question though it was only one word. He wanted to know if he could eat the lavender. “It is able to be eaten but when you're sick,” she told him. The agouti wondered if he would understand what she meant by sick but if he didn't she would be happy to explain.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Out of all the plants in the special den the lavender was certainly his favourite, for it smelt the best. The others, although some were more pleasant than others, stung his nose and left an unpleasant taste in his mouth. And that was without eating them. His nose wrinkled as he sniffed the air once more and wiggled forward, his over-sized paws reaching forward to poke at a bundle of leafy herbs. Cyril couldn’t believe that wolves ate these plants in order to feel better. Was that not what milk and meat were for? He didn’t even know pee-ants were edible?! The boy stuck his tongue out at the array of plants before him before glancing over at the older agouti, a lopsided grin replacing his previous grimace. Wolves did not eat plants—how silly!

“Wha’do?” He asked, his curiosity growing about the purple-flowered plant. He was not sick, was he? So he couldn’t eat the flower… not yet, anyway. “Sek?” He could not tell if it was a bad thing or a good thing… maybe it was both. His lips tightened at the thought as he returned to Cheedo’s side, his baby blues focused on the older female as he waited for her answer. He did not understand much but he liked hearing it, for there was so much he had to learn about the world outside his den. Cyril just hoped that mother did not mind his little excursion today and that Cheedo did not get punished for taking him on a quick adventure. He wanted all the adventures with her!!!