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headlights call my name — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

For so long Inna had been worried that she had put an unrepairable rift between her and the pale leader.  He'd become so important in her life that she wasn't sure she could even imagine her life without him in it. She was aware that things between her and Lachesis as well as in the pack could have gone so differently.  It seemed that for the most part everyone had at least accepted what she'd done and moved on. She still needed to talk to her mother and the longer time.went on she believed Alek wouldn't ever be over it.  It hurt that he couldn't at least try for her because she was his sister but she supposed it was different since she wasn't his litter mate.

The young Baranski was worried that her mother was still angry with her, it was the last thing she wanted.  There had been times when she'd been angry with her mother bit at the end of the day Kisla was her mother and she wanted her in her life.  She felt some relief when Lachesis told her that Kisla wasn't angry with her. “I hope that we can start to rebuild our relationship,” she told him, “I hurt her badly and I think I need to find a way to make it up to her.” He spoke of Kisla being worried about her, Inna nodded o agreement, “I'm beginning to believe that the worry a mother has for her children is something that can't be turned off no matter what happens.” Even if her mother had thrown her out of Hearthwood Inna doubted she wouldn't worry. Inna couldn't help but laugh as he stated so matter-of-factly that he was right. “Well I suppose it's your job to be right about these things,” he was alpha after all.

Inna’s feelings toward Lilya might not be completely friendly, she had her opinions on the woman which she kept to herself.  However the Hearthwood second made Lachesis happy and she had given him the chance to be a father again, he deserved it.  Inna thought he was a wonderful father, the way he had always been there for her she was sure he would do the same for his own children.  What had gone wrong before she didn't know but she hoped that with Lilya as their mother things would go much differently.

Her place in the pack was something that was very important to her but she worried that after what she'd done it would be tarnished. She had been worried that she would never be able to to come back from it but reconciling with Lachesis gave her hope. His reassurance proved that he had taken notice of her loyalty to the pack and the hard work she had done.  His words also seemed to suggest that though she had broken pack law her loyalty and hard work had been taken into consideration. “Perhaps it's selfish, I'm not really sure but Hearthwood is my home, my parents built it and I want to ensure what they built last long into the future.” It was the reason she worked so hard and her loyalty wasn't hard to give to those she knew cared about her.

Throughout her pregnancy Inna had slowly dropped of some of her responsibilities, hunting was the first to go.  Her border patrols she felt left something to be desired since they had become more like a stroll through the woods.  Meeting wolves at the border was all that she felt she could still do well and she didn't feel they were too much on her body.  She expected there would be a time when that would have to stop as well. “I know and I probably won't want to leave them once they are born. It's just I should be out there doing me part you know, They are working hard because of something I did, it hardly seems fair.” She supposed that Lorcan was the only one who it didn't bother her that he was working hard because she couldn't.  After all he did help her to become pregnant and she doubted he would like it very much if she was still out hunting and patrolling.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2017, 08:54 AM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Hearthwood would have not been the same without the raven Baranski, for she was a pillar in the river pack. Aside from her recent mishap she had always put the pack first, working tirelessly to provide for the pack and ensure no borders were crossed. She often beat him to encounters at the edge of the forest, which he never minded. Her presence was always welcome, for she always reassured him that he was doing his job properly. He doubted himself constantly, but he was fortunate to have both the raven Baranski and blue-eyed sparrow to lift his spirits. Even if he didn’t always believe them.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to,” he offered with a soft wag of his tail. It was his turn to reassure the raven. He truly did believe that the Baranski’s would be able to move past this. While his co-lead had been angry with her daughter Lachesis had faith that she would reconcile with the raven eventually. The puppies growing inside Inna’s swollen belly were her grandchildren after all. It was important that Kisla was a part of their life. And that Lachesis was, too. She was the daughter that had not left him, despite them not being blood-related. “I think you’re right,” he laughed in agreement at her comment about a mother’s worry, his ears sweeping against his skull. “Worrying is part of the job description—even for fathers,” he added with a soft grin. He was an expert in worrying, even before his previous litter. It was one of his best qualities (and worst).

A surge of pride filled his chest at her words and he nodded, sharply, in agreement. He had worked feverishly to preserve the Hearthwood that Maksim had left behind him—for both himself and the fallen king. There was nowhere else for him to go. If the river pack had crumbled under the agouti’s demise XIX would not have known where to go, for the river had always been home. He had sought out refuge in Darkwater Rapids after his previous alpha had succumbed to his injuries and passed away. Ever since then the ghost had served the royal Baranski. He could not imagine a life without the river at his side—or some of Maksim’s children running around. “I feel the same way,” he murmured in response after a lengthy pause, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “With wolves like you, Hearthwood will live a long life.” After encountering so many flakey wolves it was a nice change to have some more dedicated wolves join them. He hoped that this was a positive trend.

“You’ll be doing your part soon enough,” he chimed in with a roll of his shoulders to dismiss her words, his expression still soft. “The borders will miss you but they will still be there once your children are weaned.” He felt sorry for the wolf that would have to puppy-sit all of the Hearthwood children. It was definitely going to require more than one wolf, especially when they were feeling rambunctious…

“That is what packs are for,” he added, muzzle falling to the side as he studied his raven sidekick, “to help each other out. Even when laws are broken. Like I said, your good has outweighed the bad. Even if they do not agree with your situation they will get over it.” He would make sure of that.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Even when she had her doubts Inna had always worked hard for the pack and in a way for herself. Hearthwood was her father's legacy and she meant to protect it and see it grow into something he could be proud of. Now that she was getting older and able to do more for the pack she meant to do everything she could. In a way though she hadn't set out to get pregnant but now her children would be a part of Maksim's legacy too. Things had seemed bleak for Hearthwood duto g the winter but with spring came not on three litters of pups but some new members who all seemed like they would stick around, finally she felt like the pack was flourishing and her dream seemed to be coming a reality.

It was her mother that worried her, she didn't want to go through the rest of her life with Kisla angry with her for the poor choice she'd made. Lachesis had known her mother for a long time so his confidence helped her have hope that she and Kisla could reconcile. “I think I just need to talk to her,” Inna said with a nod. She hoped enough time had passed that her mother wasn't still so angry with her. Inna used to worry about the pack and how it was doing, it was the only thing she'd had to worry about but now she worried about that and the pups growing inside her. Since she'd found out it was a constant thing that never completely went away. She thought of Lorcan when he spoke of a father's worry, “Yes father's too,” she said with a smile, “I think it's just as great as a mother's.” It certainly seemed to be with Lorcan.

After her father's death and the departure of her family from Hearthwood Inna had realized that without hard work the pack wouldn't survive. She'd thrown herself into keeping it going so while it was her home she also felt like she'd had a part in making sure it made it through the rough times. A smile crossed her face as Lachesis expressed he felt the same as she did. “We all have to work together but with the same goals I think we we have a good chance.” She did worry that those who’d recently joined might not share her and Lachesis’ dream. “Thank you, I hope our newest members are just as loyal and remain with us for a long time.”

She felt badly letting her duties fall to others in the pack but she also knew that it was important that she take care of herself. “I will and I will work as hard as I always have,” she assured him. How much work she put in for the pack was something that would never change and she would teach her children to do the same. “I will miss them too,” she said with a laugh, “But you're right they will be there when I am able to return.” She couldn't say for sure when that would be but she planned to get back to her duties as soon as she could.

She knew he was right when he said that packs were there to help each other out. “I know and I suppose letting everyone take care of my part of the work is something I'm going to have to get used to.” It made it easier to accept knowing that the reason she couldn't attend to her duties was for the health of her children and herself. “I've always tried to do my best for the pack and hopefully they can understand that if I could I would be out there with them.” She was certain that Lachesis knew she would still be working as hard as she always had if she could.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2017, 10:04 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It was hard to imagine what his life would have been like if he and the blue-eyed dove had not migrated north. After Shade had succumbed to his injuries and passed away the future of Pitch Pine Trail had been uncertain. He had been unsure about his own future and whether he wanted to remain in the Fen, for the land decorated with thin trees no longer felt like a home. Much like Maksim the fallen Slayer had been a father figure in Lachesis’ life; they had both heavily impacted his life (for the better). Despite his relationship with Shade, the Trail had never felt like a permanent home. He and Anastasia had arrived when the ebony male had needed them and, for awhile, it was a place of comfort. Once he had settled into his skin and his anxiety began to fade Lachesis was hungry for more. The world outside the reserve had always frightened the long-legged ghost, but the longer he remained in Relic Lore the more comfortable he became. The more at home he felt.

That feeling did not completely consume him until he settled in Cut Rock River with Maksim and the remaining wolves of Darkwater—the ones that had escaped the flood. The ghost had discovered he was useful and that he had purpose with the rag-tag group. He complied to the rules, assisting as much as needed in order to prove his worth.

And now he was here, leading the pack Maksim left behind when he passed away. Ensuring that the river wolves flourished and remained stable.

He nodded softly to show that he agreed with the Baranski’s statement. It had been too long since Inna had sat down with her mother to discuss her situation. He did not doubt that Kisla was still upset with her daughter, but hopefully the bulk of the anger had subdued. Inna had punished herself far more than her mother had—surely the tawny queen would see that. He chuckled at her words, lips curving in amusement. “Yes, I think you’re right,” he agreed, his tail wagging gently behind him. Lachesis was positive he worried enough for all of the fathers in Relic Lore.

“I feel good about the group we have now,” he confessed, his brows narrowing slightly as his expression grew more serious. “Even Aytigin,” he added with another short laugh, muzzle falling to the side as he studied the raven. “We have working well together so far, I just hope it continues.” For the first time in a long time he felt like Hearthwood had a solid future ahead of them. Just as long as the loyalty continued.

His smile returned as the Baranski spoke. It was not going to be the same without he frequenting the borders with him but he would manage. Once her children were old enough Inna would return to her duties without hesitation, for she was not a wolf that could sit still for long. “The borders will be a nice break from the children, as well,” he offered with a soft roll of his shoulders, “although you probably will not want to leave them for quite some time.” Even he had found it difficult to leave his children the previous spring, for Lachesis wanted to keep a close eye on them all the time, but he knew it wouldn’t be possible. His position in the pack prevented him from doing so—which was probably a good thing. “I’m sure they do, Inna,” he assured her as his expression smoothened. She was a hard-working wolf—all of Hearthwood knew that.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

During the few months she'd​ spent away from Hearthwood Inna had come to realize how important her family was to her. Then after her father's death it had all seemed to fall apart and she'd had no choice but to grow up. The hard work she put in to help make sure Hearthwood made it through such a difficult time only made what her father built that much more important. Now everything she did was to make sure that her father's legacy would last long into the future, even her children were part of that legacy. It didn't matter to Inna how they had come about they were Baranski's​. Hearthwood was theirs just as it was Inna's and she fully intended to make sure her children knew that.

Something that Inna had started to wonder about However was her part in building Hearthwood up and making sure it lasted. Months ago she'd asked Lachesis about pursuing the role of scout but since then she wasn't sure that was where she belonged any more. The borders we're where she felt comfortable, making sure their visitors we're well taken care of and kept occupied until Lachesis or her mother could arrive. Inna wasn't ready to breach that conversation with her aloha just yet until she knew for sure where she stood.

As for her mother In a was almost certain she was still angry with her, maybe not as much as she had been the day she'd discovered what her daughter had done. Inna knew that she needed to talk to Kisla, that was the only way she felt they would be able to get past what had happened. Lachesis’ nod told her that he agreed with her it was just knowing the right time to speak with her. She too was pregnant and preparing for her children to arrive so it might be she would just have to go to her and hope for the best. She smiled as he agreed with her but then he would know best for he was a father twice now, “You’re a good father Lachesis,” she said setting him with a look that clearly said she wouldn't be argued with, “And you will be a good father to Lilya's pups. I'm sure of that.” She blamed Kjors for what had happened with Kyrios and nothing would convince her that his mind had not been poisoned against Lachesis.

Inna nodded, “I have not had the chance to meet all of our new members but from what I have seen I have to agree.” She fully intended to make herself known to the newest members but she feared it might have to wait until she’d had her children. She smiled, “Ayti is a good guy and seems very committed to the pack. He just has some adjusting to do,” she commented about the chocolate man who'd been such a great help to her. “I'm sure with a little guidance he will be a model pack member.” What she had learned about him had shed some light and she had seen just how much he tried to help. She nodded once more, “I do as well, as long as we are all working together the stronger we will be.” She now felt that had the numbers in case setting happened and as long as they all had the same goal in mind then they would have the strength they needed to protect their home if necessary.

He spoke of the borders being a nice break from the children which she did have to agree, once they were old enough to be out and about she imagined them to be quite rambunctious. “You're probably right, their antics might be better left to the sitter,” she jested. He was also tight in the next thing he said too, “I think it will be hard at first while they are still young but as they come into their own and are old enough to start running about Hearthwood like I had it will be easier.” At least she hoped that was the case. Inna knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from her duties forever.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2017, 09:17 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Since the absence of the dragon clan Hearthwood had become more cohesive; unified. While he prayed that his son and daughter were finding their own way in the lands of Lore (or beyond), he also hoped that they would return to the tundra. Even if it was just for a visit. In their absence, however, the river wolves continued to thrive. Their numbers began to swell after a lengthy dry spell and the members appeared promising (most of them, anyway). For awhile he had worried that they would crumble… that the river wolves would be forced to scatter in pursuit of a home elsewhere.

The thought made his stomach turn. He did not know where he would have gone if that had been the case. The river had always been his home, regardless of which river. Perhaps he would have returned to his birthplace, to see what became of the place… or, maybe, he would have found a home with the other Hearthwood wolves.

It did not matter. Lachesis was not going anywhere—not anytime soon. He just hoped that things continue to look up for the river wolves so he could put these thoughts to rest, permanently.

“Thank you,” he murmured in response, a half-smile tugging at his lips. “And you are going to be an exceptional mother, Inna,” he countered with an assuring nod, his tail wagging slowly behind him. They were certainly going to have their paws full this summer but XIX felt as though they were becoming prepared. The new members were aware of their bizarre situation and seemed eager to chip in.

“He’s trying,” the ghost commented with a soft roll of his shoulders, his chartreuse gaze still focused on his raven sidekick. “He just needs to learn to think before he speaks,” he added with a soft laugh, his maw canted to the side. “They all seem excited to have a pack full of puppies,” he mused after a short pause, his lips still curled into a smile. He just hoped they stayed excited once they realized how many puppies they were dealing with.

“It will be interesting to see how they all interact with each other.” He hoped that all of the children would get along with each other, but it was impossible to tell while they were still tucked away in their mother’s wombs. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

There had been a couple times in the last year that Inna worried she would no longer be able to call Hearthwood home. Things had seemed pretty grim for the river wolves while her mother had been away. They had come through it only to flourish after all was said and done. It was as if this that had joined them since her return from her time with Lorcan had known that Hearthwood would need the extra paws. She hoped they would never have to go through such a rough time again. That with their new members and the pups the pack would continue to do well in their forest home.

She was grateful to her mother for allowing her to stay within Hearthwood despite having broken pack law. She knew that she had a lot of repairing to do where her mother and Alek we're concerned. She hoped time would help to heal the wounds she'd created and that in time she could at least have her mother back. Alek was a different story, she didn't know if she would ever get her brother back. Inna just wished he would give her a chance, maybe he would and maybe he would but she planned to try when he did.

Now as it grew closer to the time her pups would be arriving she felt she had some things to evaluate about her life. She supposed she could do that when it came time for her to remain in her den.

Inna smiled, “You're welcome,” though she had only been telling the truth. She didn't blame what happened with Kyrios on the healer, had Kjors not been in the boy's life things might have turned out differently. She hoped one day he would come back to Hearthwood and him and Lachesis would have the chance to mend their relationship. She smiled at his words, “Thank you, I'm a little nervous though,” she admitted, “Which I suppose is normal too. Once they are here I think it might be better.” Inna was sure her mother had to have been nervous before her first litter but she'd gotten through it. In a was sure she could too especially when she had help and guidance.

She nodded as Lachesis said that Ayti was trying, he was most certainly doing that. After their conversation she knew he wanted to make Hearthwood work. She also knew a little of his background and could see why he was having difficulty. “Yes, he does need to do that,” she agreed, “Which I think will come in time.” It was all part of the adjusting he had to do. Inna was sure he was up for the task though. “I hope so. Especially since some duties may fall to them and they will have to be willing to not only protect the pack but the pups as well.”

As for the puppies and how they would interact she had to agree. “I do hope they will all become good friends. With so many they shouldn't ever get bored,” she said with a laugh, “There will always be someone to play with.” Inna was curious about the personalities of all the puppies too.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2017, 02:55 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Lachesis could not help but still worry—it was what he did best. He was confident in their newest members, but he was concerned about the additions to come. Tragedy had accompanied his children last spring, and the river pack lost their long-term scout. As much as he tried to swallow his fear and remain positive, the negative thoughts still lingered, gnawing feverishly on the back of his mind. The three mothers were healthy and had, for the most part, had easy pregnancies. His biggest worry was with Lilya, who had been attacked in the early stages of her pregnancy, and Lachesis did not know if it had effected the children she carried in her swollen stomach. He did, also, worry about Inna’s isolation from the pack and hoped, after their conversation today, that she would no longer ostracize herself from the rest of the pack.

“I would be surprised if you weren’t nervous,” he commented with a soft grin, his head tipping slightly to the right as his brows narrowed softly. “But you have nothing to worry about. The pack will support both you and your children no matter what.” He would make sure of that. XIX did not want the raven Baranski to think she was excluded because of her situation, for he and Lilya were in a similar situation as well. If he did not possess the rank of leader he did not know if he would still have a position in Hearthwood. So, although Inna had broken pack law, he was sympathetic to her predicament.

The ghost nodded in agreement to her comment about Aytigin, the smile still present on his dark lips. The large male was learning fast and Lachesis had faith that he would be a valuable member of the pack. He was new to pack dynamics and had joined a pack that had already had strong relationships established; it was hard trying to fit in being the outsider. But he was trying and Lachesis appreciated the effort. “They have all been doing well so far in ensuring that the caches are full and borders are patrolled,” he responded, his tone light. “I hope it will continue once all the puppies arrive.”

The healer shared similar thoughts as Inna. He hoped that all the children would get along—especially with Inna’s—but they would not know until the children developed personalities of their own. “I feel bad for the wolf that volunteers to puppy-sit all of them at once,” he chuckled in amusement, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He did not doubt that Aytigin would be the first to volunteer, for his energetic demeanour was ideal for a puppysitter. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

In the past months Hearthwood had flourished which made the ebony Baranski happy and she believed her father would he pleased as well. Though she worried that it wouldn't last long just as it had before. She remembered the days when the river wolf numbers had been large and had seen them slowly dwindle. She supposed she would always have the fear that it could happen again. What if their newest members decided that life by the river just wasn't for them and they took their leave slipping away in the night. Inna didn't want to believe that would happen but she felt that she always had to prepare herself for that possibility. She believed if she did that she wouldn't have to be too disappointed when it did happen.

A laugh vibrated her throat when Lachesis said he'd be surprised if she weren't nervous, “Are you nervous even though it's your second litter?” She asked though she felt she knew the answer considering what had happened with his last litter. The Baranski still missed Naia just as she did her father. She regretted not being in Hearthwood when it happened and wished everyday that she could have been. “Thank you Lachesis I'm glad to know that my children and I have the support of the pack. It eases some of the worries that I have especially about the pack being taken care of while I can't do my part.” Knowing that she had the support she had been so unsure of made her feel a lot better about bringing her children into the pack. She was slowly coming to terms with it all but talking with Lachesis helped her to see that she'd had nothing to worry about.

She had learned where Ayti had come from during their talk before finding her a new den and understood it to not be like a normal pack. It helped to understand him better but also to see that he had the potential to be a very good member of Hearthwood. Though she did hope that he wouldn't get frustrated with how things were going for him and suddenly leave the pack. “I'm glad to hear that. It seems they understand our predicament and doing what needs to be done to make sure that everyone is taken care of.” Inna nodded in agreement to his sentiment, “I do as well but I don't think we have to worry as it sounds like they are working hard and doing their part to make sure Hearthwood survives.”

With three litters coming into the pack Inna did wonder what effects they might have. There were so many questions about how things would go once all the puppies arrived. She worried about how her pups would be received among not only the pack but the other puppies as well. She laughed again as Lachesis spoke of a pup sitter having all the puppies at once. “Hopefully the pups will keep each other company and all the pup sitter will have to do is make sure they don't get hurt.” The children would be rambunctious and most certainly keep the pup sitter on their toes.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 05:47 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
get this wrapped up in the next few posts so we can have updated thread? <3

The pale healer chuckled at her question, the corners of his eyes creasing in amusement. Nervous was an understatement. “Of course,” he responded quickly, his head tipping to the side. “More nervous for Lilya as it is her first, and I’m not sure she planned on having a litter,” he added, his expression growing more somber. Lachesis knew that he had not planned for a litter this spring, as things had not gone as planned the previous spring. Naia’s death still haunted him and blamed himself for it. If they had not decided to have a litter together—to unify the pack and increase their numbers (as well as raise morales after Maksim’s death)—Lachesis knew that she would still be alive. They had both been worried about the future of the pack after Kisla’s mate passed, for they knew that there would be no children coming from the heartbroken widow. Although they had gained two healthy cubs they had also lost a valuable long-term member.

He often worried that the others had planned him, too.

And what had come of her death? Both children had left the river—one to chase fabled stories and the other to bring him back. Lachesis adored his children and wished for their safe return, but he wondered if Naia’s death had been in vain.

He angrily dismissed the thought. They had produced two beautiful, healthy cubs who were out making a name for themselves in the lands beyond Hearthwood. Just because they were born by the river did not mean they have to stay. They were welcome to chase their own dreams, even if they were foolish and based of lies. He could not be angry with them.

“We have more than enough members to take care of both the children and each other. You do not have to worry,” he offered in another attempt to sooth her troubled thoughts. Had his own worrying brushed off on the raven?

At her words he nodded in silent agreement. The new members were doing well to adjust to the unusual situation the pack was in. He was sure they were all curious as to how the pack ended up with three expecting females. XIX just hoped they did not think he was the culprit, as he was only responsible for one of the litters. The ghost could not fathom the idea of fathering three litters. He would probably lose all his hair because it was not possible for him to go any whiter.

Again he nodded. “I’m sure they’ll be fine,” he assured her with a soft smile, “I actually think Aytigin would make a good puppy-sitter, as he has the energy for it.” Just as long as he did not pass on any bad habits… He nearly shuddered at the thought of having little Aytigin’s running around. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you