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Mysteries of the Deep — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
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Aurek Artemieva

Aurek gave a nod and then begin to search for suitable tool to continue with the plan. The blanket of snow covered the whole ground enough to make it anyone's quess what laid underneath and thus Aurek had to pretty much search for the rocks with what he could feel under his paws. The rocks did not really smell much else than... rocks so there was nothing distinctive to go after. Realizing this might take really long time unless Elyan knew where to search for, the pale boy threw a question into the air. "Oh and.. if thats something edible... we are sharing it, right?"

He was not particularly selfish, but they had not even got to breaking the ice and this did seem like a lot of work. Truth be told, he was starting to get little hungry too, so if there really was no potential reward from this, he might do better to just hunt for hares. Better ask now than to fight over what ever scrap might come out of the ice later. His gaze turned over to Elyan as he asked the fair question. "..right, bro?"

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
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Elyan Myrddin

In his time on his own he'd learned quite a lot and forming plans was in if those things if he might not have survived. Now he had a plan and a partner in that plan who had to ask about sharing. Having lived on his own for since he was nearly Six months old sharing wasn't really in his vocabulary. Still his parents had raised him to do just that in the time he was with them, “If you help you get a share,” her told.

After all he wasn't just going to give a hard earned meal away, not when there was so much work required to get it out if the ice. He just hoped that whatever was there hidden under the ice was enough for two wolves. His mismatched gaze turned in his companion as he spoke calling him bro, a brow raised. He'd never heard anyone speak like that. “Right, bro,” he said immediately feeling he should never ever say that again. “We can search here along the bank for a suitable rock. I remember there being a few I'm just not sure their exact location.”

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
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Aurek Artemieva

Mental note #32. Never use again word Bro in any instance unless your life depends on it. You sound like a fucking idot, Aurek. He felt gringe over his choice of words and now that he heard same reply from the other youngster, he almost wished he could travel back in time few seconds and slap himself over the back of his head. Oh well, damage done - time to search for some rocks. Aurek begin to try the ground beneath his paws around the area his new found friend designated. It was pretty much guess work, Aurek moving his paws and muzzle on the ground as he looked for suitable tool.

He did feel hard surfaces here and there but found anything but rocks - least the size that would fit into wolf's mouth and be effectively used as a tool. Occasionally he looked over his shoulder to spy if his partner had any better success. If they were going to spend a while at this, he could just as well continue the conversation between them, before this became too quiet. "By the way, ever heard of man named Lorcan?"

(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2018, 12:52 AM by Aurek.)
Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
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Elyan Myrddin

It had been a long time since he'd been at the spring let alone when it hadn't been covered in snow. Elyan decided right then and there that snow just made everything more difficult from travel to finding things that he knew were there. He couldn't remember the exact placement of the rocks or else he might have been able to find the one they were going to use sooner. Of course how was he to know that months later he would be searching one out to use to break the ice.

His nose was to the ground as he pushed about in the snow for the perfect rock. Every once in a while he'd paw it to move it off a rock he'd found to check it's size. He was doing just that when Aurek spoke again asking about a man named Lorcan. Interesting. “My father might have mentioned him once or twice. He's a healer like my father I believe.” Elyan said trying to remember what Emrys had said about the man. “What's he to you?” The gray boy asked curiously as he uncovered yet another rock that was too big.

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
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Aurek Artemieva

Aurek's ears perked up and turned towards Elyan as he explained he had least heard of Lorcan. Mentioning that his uncle was also healer brought a proud smile on Aurek's face as he quickly answered to the other boy's question. "Lorcan is one of my uncles. Im trying to find him but finding him just seems to be as hard as finding that stupid rock." -He murmured in explanation. None of the rocks seemed to be ideal for the purpose and Aurek was already thinking alternatives in his head, even possibility of returning back to his earlier suggestion when something was caught by his jaws.

It fit perfectly and he got good solid grip of it. "GhhuuuuUUUUAAAA!" -He suddenly let out dramatic voice as he lifted a huge, frozen log from the ground, stumbling back as it compromised his balance. Aurek smiled wide as he may have just found a tool for their job, swinging that log to the side and then smashing the tip into the ground, with snow buffing all around. "What you think of THIS?!" -He beamed happily, his tail waving furiously behind him. Yes, Aurek was still a child, nothing new there.

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
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Elyan Myrddin

Well wouldn't his father be proud that he had been listening as he remembered hearing about the healer Lorcan. It was especially the story about the bee stings that had stuck in his mind. As it was it turned out that this Lorcan was an uncle to his companion, it really was a small world. He was looking for the man, “Unfortunately I don't have a lot of information about his current whereabouts but my father did mention that he had gone to a place called Whitestone Monadnock to find him once. I think it's in the Lowlands which is north of here.” Elyan knew that cause he'd been there and had spent some time looking for Arwyn there. Since they were on the subject of missing family members, “You haven't heard of any wolves with the names Arwyn, Emrys, or Jynx have you?” Maybe it would help if this wolf had heard of just one of them. He hoped his mother and father were still together.

He'd gone back to looking for a rock when Aurek made a loud sound. Curious the gray boy lifted his head to see what it was all about. He watched as the other wolf struggled with what seemed to he a large log? Elyan wasn't too sure at first. When he finally had a really good look at what Aurek had found he nodded and smiled. “I think that will do just fine.” Now that they had a tool with was time to set to work, “Let's try it out,” he said as he moved toward the creature on the ice.

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
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Aurek Artemieva
Aurek had heard nothing of the wolves that his friend described sadly and he shook his head while muttering with muffled voice; "Nuh.. dun know dem..." Also, he was fairly certain he had just been in whitestone mono..lock... earlier, where he had met Laike, his other uncle. Aurek seemed for a moment more interested in the ice breaking task than even looking for his uncle, now that he had tool with him and he stared at the grey furred boy with a glee in his eyes as he dragged the log towards the ice. "Me first. We can take turns if this takes a while." -He suggested, his tail waving furiously behind him a he prepared to break the ice. Destroying things was fun, especially if there was reward in waiting.

"Stand back." -He warned the other youngster before tilting his head to the side, lifting the heavier end of the frozen log into the air before slamming it down to the ice. The impact vibrated in his head through his fangs and while the ice took quite a bounding, it did not even crack, only white dent mark on the spot where Aurek had struck. This did not persuade him to stop of course. He lifted the log again and slammed it down, this time hitting whole different spot and the pattern repeated. By the time Aurek made the ice crack a little, his head felt quite woozy and he dropped the log, stumbling back. "Whuuhh... this is not so easy... how about you give it a try and I lay there, ready to pull your tail should you fall?"
Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
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Elyan Myrddin

It was a familiar disappointment that Elyan felt upon hearing that Aurek didn't know anything about having missing family members. ”It's okay I was expecting that. It's like they disappeared into thin air or something.” he gave a sigh as he watched his companion with the log sticking out of his mouth. It would certainly do to help their cause though he wasn't expecting any miracles either,this all could go terribly wrong or they could fail in their attempts, they had to be prepared for that too. Elyan nodded as the other boy said he wanted to go first. “Go right ahead and when your ready for it to be my turn just say so.” He then prepared to lay in the ice like they had talked about.

He tried to do as Aurek said but he also needed to stay close just in case, “Whenever your ready.” He then watched from his position on the ice as his companion Made his first attempt at breaking the ice. A slight flinch went through him as the log hit the ice and made a little bouncing motion. Then Aurek went again, it hit in a different place but with the same result. Eventually as the boy kept trying there was a small crack on the ice but Aurek was claiming it was Elyans turn. So he rose to his paws and positioned himself over the log so he could grab it and start. “let me know when your ready and I will take my turn.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aurek Artemieva

The pale boy wobbled aside and then laid down in ice, somewhat close to the edge, but withing distance to be able to get hold of his new best buddy should any accidents happen. He shook his head few times and then gave his partner a go ahead. "Yup yup.. Go for it."

Even if this ordeal started to feel like a good waste of time that could be efficiently used otherwise, Aurek in a way enjoyed trying to overcome this small obstacle they had stumbled upon. Further, his new friend - if they were friends - was quite alright company and after @Duska and him got separated for what it seemed, he really needed someone to talk to.

Even when he was fully aware it was quite difficult to talk with whole log in your mouth, Aurek decided to keep their conversation up. He begin with simple share of thoughts and questions. "I like this place. Are you planning to stay here or what's your plan?"

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin

Elyan watched with with a raised brow as the other pup wobbled off to lay on the ice. After that he wasn't so sure he wanted to go next. In fact he was wondering if it was such a good idea to try and use the log after all. He knew he couldn't just chicken out so he took a deep breath than picked up the log in his jaws and waited for the signal.

Once he had it he raised the log onto the air before letting it come down on the ice he hoped where the crack had already started...no such luck. He did however manage another indent not too far from it. After the log his the ice his whole head felt like it was vibrating from his teeth to his ears. Before trying again he checked where the crack was and readjusted his position. He then lifted the log again before letting it fall once more. This time when it fell it his the crack and made it a little bigger and his head vibrated more.

When he heard Aurek talking to him again he dropped the log, this was an endeavor that could take all day. “It was a nice place to grow up,” he agreed, “I'm not staying here, there's a bear in the communal den. I would like to find my parents and let them know I'm okay the after that not sure.”

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