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Mysteries of the Deep — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
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Aurek Artemieva
OOC: btw, do you kinda want to fade at some point with them bashing the ice into the eternity or maybe giving up and moving on? ^^

Aurek watched his companion bash the ice and he smiled, knowing that he was not the only one who got woozy from hammering the log against the ice. Elyan did have some success in making the crack bigger and just in case the ice might give in under the youngster, the pale boy laid ready behind him to try to save him. Aftere just two tries however, Elyan alraeady dropped the log and Aurek watched him bemused while he replied.

He nodded at those words, finding some resemblence in their situation. Both were alone and had someone they needed to find. Neither had any idea where to find them. He was not sure where the idea suddenly came from but suddenly the pale boy suggested half jokingly; "You know, we could makea pack you and I." -He smiled widely, even his tail waving behind him. Aurek was not of course entirely serious but if the other youngster would like the idea and feed it, he might even start to think of it more seriously.

His gaze turned to the log from their conversation and he nodded at it while raising his brow at the other boy. "Did you get tired already?" -It was a playful jabbed playfully, toothy smirk on his face never leaving him.

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
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Elyan Myrddin

The first hit with the log had caused him to feel like his whole body was shaking. It was an off feeling to say the least but the second only made it worse to the point he was worried he might be sick. Looking down at the progress he'd made it was a little disappointing to go through all of that to not have made any real dent in the ice. He'd dropped the log at his feet and looked to his new friend. After dropping the log Elyan collapsed on to his haunches before looking over at his companion.

He'd explained his plans though he hadn't completely thought them through which was hard since he didn't know where his parents were. He definitely didn't want to stay much longer with that bear. So his head tilted his head in interest as the boy spoke of creating a pack. “Don't you think we’re a little young for that?” He asked his brow furrowing. His parents had been alphas and he'd seen what they'd had to do. “Besides don't we need a female or two?” This time his brow raised wondering what Aurek thought of that.

At the question Elyan shook his head before immediately regretting it. “No, but I might vomit if I do anymore,” he stated the thought that maybe they might be better off going to hunt something together crossing his mind.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aurek Artemieva
Elyan had a point. They were not really a big enough group to really be a pack just the two of them, although Aurek could propably drag his sister into it if the other boy was worried about lack of females. Hell, Aurek would not even mind Elyan having Dusky, provided he could survive such a spoiled bitch. "Maybe not a pack but.. a team then? You know, duo or whatever its called." -He corrected himself, his smile suddenly growing wider into a grind as he thought of Elyan suffering in hands of Duska. Ot hat would be so funny. "Would not mind having girl or two tagging along though." -He replied with a boyish tune.

It seemed that their ice bashing wasn't going to get them much further. The pale boy stood up from the ground and then shrugged, looking past the other youngster into distance. Propalby by now had the two spent their time on something more productive, they could maybe even caught actual meal by hunting. Aurek decided to suggest that to Elyan, as their first little bonding session. "How about we leave the leg or whatever that is over there and go hunting instead. Plenty of hares around. What you say?" -he tried to sell the idea to his newest friend, ready to get moving as soon as the other would agree. Sure, Aurek was curious to learn what was stuck there in the ice - but not that curious...

- Fade away? -
Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin
Fade with your next?

Before everything had gone so badly in the pack his father had taught him some if what it took to run a pack. As Aurek spoke of them starting their own pack his mismatched gaze looked to the first that overshadowed the spring. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened in his absence. Turning back to his friend, “A team sounds good.” Things would be much easier the two of them working together and it would be nice to not have to travel alone.. “Maybe we'll find a girl or two along the way.” He'd thought about Hawthorne when Aurek spoke but she seemed happy where she was.

Elyan looked back to whatever it was that had gotten stuck in the ice when his companion suggested going hunting. He didn't fancy trying to use the log again, his head was still shaking from his previous effort. “We might have better luck getting something to eat in the near future if we went hunting. Let's go,” he said as he started off the ice. “Between the two of us we should he able to catch something,” he added as he looked behind him once to see if Aurek was following.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ghostpaw who has 92 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aurek Artemieva
And so the agrement was made. Aurek and Elyan, teaming up in search of food and why not girls too. While he would have loved to find @Lorcan , Aurek had no idea where to look for him and right now he was starting to find his aimless, tiring chase of his uncle little taxing. He knew he would find his uncle some day, after all he was somewhere here in Relic Lore, but while waiting for that day to come - Aurek wanted to find little bit more about himself and this place. Perhaps, if he and Elyan got along really well - they could even form their own pack some day.

He nodded to his companion at his suggestion to go for hunt together and he too left the ice and the log behind, allowing his friend to take lead - not because he saw Elyan as a boss - but because he surely knew the area better, having born here. "Aight, lets get going then."

- Exit -