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and a midnight sun doesn't look like much — Clearwater Tarn 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Mandatory Pack Meeting — It's time to meet both kiddos and perhaps touch on some other topics. The first round will end on June 18th. @Odin @Cheedo @Lenae @Cyril @Daesamar || leader demonstration 1/3

piety santoro
make me a beast half as brave

It wasn't fair to keep herself closed off and keep held up in her den. Valentin was becoming more active by the day. She could only imagine the rambunctious actions that Jenny was getting into, having been a tad bit older than her own son. Perhaps it was time for them to formerly meet - along with the rest of the pack to meet them.

She ushered her son along, chosing to find a clearing in the forest rather than bringing him out towards the water. Piety wasn't ready for that adventure just yet.

The clouds loomed overhead with the threat of rain. As much as she wanted to postpone having to be a public figure it was her responsibility and nature wasn't going to wait for anyone. The pale Santoro tipped her head back and let out a call, summoning the others of the Tarn to come together.

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2018, 02:15 AM by Piety.)
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# C W T
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

OOC here!

Daesamar had been dozen beside the Tarn when he heard the howl emit. His eyes opened slowly, His head tilted slightly mild confusion before realized who it was. A vice he hadn't heard for a bit now, it wasn't bad though, he was sure that her son gave Piety plenty of time to keep herself busy. It looked like now she was finally ready to return to regular pack life. A smile formed on the yearling’s lips as he slowly pulled himself to his paws. Giving a quick look around , he spotted what he had been searching for.

Positive that the pups were going to be curious about the outside world, Daesamar had sought out a gift of sorts for them, from the different regions of the pack’s territory. After a long hard and thought out search, he realized that a smooth stone might be the best toy. They couldn’t poke their eyes out on it, and it was big enough that hopefully they wouldn't try to eat t. Pups didn't try to eat rocks right? This was the first time he had actually been around any beyond his own littermates, and those early days of his life remained only vague memories.

With the stone nestled between his jaws, the young wolf finally took off toward the source of the call. Eventually he arrived, silver eyes shining when he caught sight of His leader's pale coat. He sat the rock down at his paws, tail wagging softly when he got a good look at Valentin. His eyebrows rose slightly, had he really been that small just over a year ago? He gave his his head a shake, turning toward Piety “You’re looking well today.”

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[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn

Jenessa certainly had a mind of her own. In a way, Lenae wished she could turn back time to the days when all Jenny wanted to do was sleep, curled up by her side. It had been easier then, soft and warm- but most importantly, safe. Now all little Jenny seemed to want to do was get into trouble, toddle off and stick her nose into anything and everything. In part it was a good thing, Lenae had no interest in snuffing out the fire in her daughter's heart but...she worried. She wanted to give her daughter freedom but how much was too much? And what was not enough?

A sigh passed her lips as she bent down and gently nudged her daughter away from the water.

"No no, love." Her words were kind, patient, this was something she did all too often these days."No swimming today. Maybe when you're bigger."

She both dreaded and longed for that day.

A howl cut through the air. If it had belonged to anyone else Lenae would have likely flinched in alarm, but she had no reason to fear. It was Piety, the woman she trusted with her life and that of her daughter, one of her true friends. More than that, the Queen of the Tarn's call was ladend with purpose, she wasn't calling for a particular wolf, she wanted everyone, pups and all.  Looking down to little Jenny once more Lenae pursed her lips in thought, how was she going to herd her daughter along? Let alone get her to behave at a pack meeting? Knowing Jenessa, Lenae knew it would be a lot easier said than done.

"Come little love." Lenae bowed down and planted a kiss atop Jenny's head. She was difficult, at times, but she wouldn't change her for the world. If she was a pest then she was Lenae's pest.

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jenny wasn't very good at doing as she was told. It wasn't that she disliked her Ma, quite the contrary, it was more that Jenny's ideas were usually-almost always- more appealing. Why should she eat nice and quietly, like a good girl, when she could toss the meat around and leave red marks on the floor? Jenny didn't know what swimming was yet, but the thought of rolling around in the big blue seemed like a lot of fun. And fun was all that mattered to the sooty little pup, that and sleeping and having a full tummy- oh and spending lots and lots of time with her favourite big!

Jenessa pouted as her Ma directed her away from the blue, she'd been about to complain-as much as a one month old pup could, anyway- before a big, loud noise caused her ears to point up. What was that? Ma seemed to recognise the sound then looked back at her, much to Jenny's satisfaction. Yes, ignore the noise and pay attention to me!

Alas, it was not to be. Ma started making sounds again and much to Jenny's surprise turned and started walking away! The pups mouth dropped open as she stared after her, before her ashy paws began thundering against the ground in order to catch up. She would not be left behind! In fact, Jenessa quickly decided she wanted to find out what the big noise was after all, the blue had always been there but the sound was a once and a lifetime thing! Or so she thought.

The mother daughter duo arrived on the scene and- there was a big white and a big black. But not Da, Jenessa quickly realised, as he was all wrong and had two peepers instead of one. With a confused scowl, Jenny looked up at her Ma with her puppy blue eyes. What was going on? She didn't like being left in the dark, she demanded to understand right now!

"Ahhhh!" Jenny yelled, letting her frustration be known.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Cheedo wasn't blind to the things that had changed in the Tarn, especially in Piety. The tawny woman was worried about her alpha. It was because of that she'd stayed closer to the tarn in case the pale woman wanted to talk or just needed a friend. Even someone to watch over her pup while she took some time to herself.

She had been doing her best to put any of her feelings on matters aside so that she could be there for the pack. It was what her life was and it seemed would always be.

She'd been resting in the coolness of the shade when she heard Piety's call for a meeting. Feeling she already knew what the meeting was about she didn't really want to attend but she knew she had to. So she headed to where the meeting would take place and once there she found Piety, Lenae, and Daes with both the pups. The tawny woman greeted the alpha with a dip of her head before finding a place to settle down and wait for the others.

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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

As usual the boy lingered, waiting for the others to appear before making his own appearance at the meeting. He had heard his mother’s call, beckoning the wolves of the tarn forward, but remained where he was. For now. He was in no rush to move from his lone tree at the edge of the lake. He did not want to be the last to arrive, but he did not want to be the first either. It was likely something to do with the cubs, or just to check-in on the Clearwater wolves—or both. Ensure everyone was doing their part and keeping themselves busy. He hoped so, for their sake. His mother wouldn’t tolerate any freeloaders in her pack. And neither would Cyril.

After waiting long enough the ebony yearling rose from his perch and sauntered toward the tree line with long, swift strides. Familiar scents greeted him before their faces, his mustard gaze sweeping over the small group of wolves as he took his position at his mother’s (left) side. His expression remained neutral as he touched his nose to her chin, his tail curling tightly around his legs as he waited for her to explain why she had gathered them.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
sorry for the delay in getting to this. This round will end on June 30. No posting order. @Odin @Cheedo @Lenae @Cyril @Daesamar || leader demonstration 2/3

The first to arrive was the large figure of Daesamar. The boy seemed to have a habit of being timely so she wasn't entirely shocked. "Thank you." She replied with a gentle nod of her head. She felt like the words didn't hold true due to her exhausted state but she wasn't going to throw a fit over it. The Santoro could only think that he was trying to be kind.

Next were the other mother and child duo. A grin pulled at her features at the loud arrival of Jenny. "It's good to see you as well." Her gaze drifted from the girl to Lenae. "I trust you two are well?" The pale leader asked with the grin still on her features. Piety trusted Lenae's mothering skills beyond belief. She had helped teach Cyril along with caring for Valentin shortly while she searched for her missing partner.

Brown eyes drifted once more as the familiar form of Cheedo appeared. Her head nodded in return as a warm smile spread over her features. Smiling. It was somewhat exhausting but she did love and care of each of these wolves. They deserved to see her at her best even if it was tiring.

Then came her son. She accepted him settling by her side and leaned into the touch he offered.

The one-eyed Archer was missing but she didn't fret. Perhaps he was far out to the borders and still making his way here. She trusted him well enough to be able to hop into the conversations. So she would begin.

"Thank you all for showing up. We have plenty to discuss." She stood tall as she looked over the gathering. Small but powerful. "I'd like to officially introduce this year's children. Valentin," Her gaze roamed over her youngest son who lingered by her side. "And..." She trailed off while looking to Lenae with a fond smile, hoping she would do the honors of introducing her own daughter.

Once the pup introductions were done there were more adult matters to attend to. "I'm sure you've all noticed by now but Lorcan is missing — officially missing. It seems there are no signs of where he has gone. If anyone happens to run into him, I encourage you to call for me." The leader fell silent to let her words sink in. She took in a deep breath to compose herself before continuing. "Carrying on I think it's time for a role discussion. Who's interested in what?" The Santoro asked with a smile, now opening the floor for the others to speak.

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2018, 02:14 AM by Piety.)
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# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn

Lenae was a little bit nervous, but the same couldn't be said for her daughter. Irregardless, her tail swished behind her and she nodded in response to Piety's question. Lenae had no complaints and from what she could tell neither did little Jenny. Aside from her little display she was behaving somewhat well, Lenae wondered how long it would last.

Her Selwyn yellow gaze flickered over to Valentin who remained faithfully by his Mother's side. In the brief time she had nursed the boy she had noticed how...un-jenny he was, how quiet and subdued. It certainly wasn't a bad thing, just an observation she made. Her eyes flicked forward as Piety noted that they had a lot to discuss, apparently this wasn't just a social call, there were key matters to attend to. First and foremost though...

"This is Jenessa. Or Jenny for short." She couldn't help but smile as she said it, all warm and earnest, an expression she just couldn't fake even if she tried.

It wasn't all fun and games though...So it was true then? Lenae had suspected it for a long time, had tried to pretend otherwise but it was now known-officially- that Lorcan was gone. How did Piety do it? Remain so strong and steadfast, when just beneath the surface she had to be hurting, missing her mate with all she had. Where had he gone? Or perhaps more importantly, how could he have done this to her? Lenae didn't like to think ill of anyone but...She sighed. She just hoped he was all right, wherever he was, that he'd return soon in once piece.

She licked her lips. Perhaps she shouldn't ask this...

"Do you.. um.have any idea where he might have gone? Where we could look? Maybe we could..." She struggled to think of a solution. "Ask around?"

As for roles though, at least that part was easier.

"I'd like to look after the children, officially if I can...If you don't mind."It was nerve wracking to ask, but it made sense in her mind. By no means did she doubt Piety's mothering skills but doing two jobs at once had to be difficult. Especially considering that she was leading alone now.

[Image: 1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbtdg8v.png]
[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

There was a lot of standing and not enough play, or so Jenny thought as she fidgeted by her Ma's side. Her ears swivelled forward at the mention of her name- but Ma wasn't even looking at her! A pout settled onto the pups lips, she was bored bored bored bored. If Ma thought she was gonna sit here nice and quietly the whole time then she was awfully, mighty wrong! Her Ma had tugged her away from the blue for this? Standing and noises? Jenessa huffed a breath out of her nose as she toddled forward, she faintly recognised the pup who sort of seemed to be her age. It was hard to remember, she'd been smaller then and those memories weren't as coherent as the ones she'd formed more recently.

She had half a mind to nip at her Ma's ankles, to demand her attention but..Ma didn't make a lot of noise around others, usually anyway. This was out of the ordinary, a side of her Ma she hadn't really seen yet.  She was both curious and confused as she hadn't yet experienced anything serious yet. The way she saw it, everything was so jovial, easy and fun. All these worries and fears the others had were lost on the pup, she just wanted to play.

So that's what she did. The bigs could talk and stare at each other, Jenny had plans of her own. Finding a stick on the floor she held it firmly between her teeth and lobbed it in Valentin's direction. Would he take the bait? Or was he boring too?

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
had a one way ticket to the place where all the demons go
Odin Archer

He had been out towards the border, keeping an eye on the surrounding territory, making sure their borders were clear and also, though probably less frantically than he had been in the past, looking for their missing leader. Piety's call was commanding but Odin was large and slow, so it was no surprise that he was the last one there. He walked in just as Piety began to talk about roles, a smile pulling at his mouth as Jenny, (he still thought Nessie suited her better), charged towards Piety's son and Lenae offered to look after the children. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved. It was a role that suited her, and it would mean she would be mostly safe within the territory. With a proper minder he could also hope that would mean he would be spared hunting down missing children.

He pressed his nose under Piety's chin in passing, ears folded apologetically for his lateness. "I can be a medic, or a guardian, whatever yer need most when yer need it." Right now with the coyote plague he felt the latter was more fitting, but he wasn't going to baulk at filling the role her mate had left empty to the detriment of them all. Worst case, if he ever felt out of his depth he would slip down the mountain with his tail tucked to ask his Aunt for assistance. After all, she wasn't the one he had butted heads with.

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