I want to thank everybody for your replies over the past couple of days. They've been really thoughtful, and have given me quite a bit to consider. I know that this announcement has come as a shock and there hasn't been a lot of time (for any of us) to really process and think through details, but I love that this is a community where we can have discussions like this.
I've read through everybody's responses and taken notes on the key points you all have raised. Even when your feedback was critical, it was appreciated. I'm going to try and group some of the common themes into subsections with my responses below. At the end are some action items/next steps to help move the discussion along. I apologize in advance for the length...but we all know I'm a wordy person and there's a lot to address here. :)
Decision-Making & Ownership
I want to address this issue head-on. RoW is my game. It would not exist without all of you, but that doesn't change the fact that I own it. I developed (along with Tara & Rachel) the original concept and built the site; I have almost always covered the entire hosting & domain name costs; and when there are decisions to be made about how to handle member concerns or implement new plots/features, it is ultimately my decision to make. I absolutely value the input of everyone in the community - if it I didn't, I wouldn't have created this post - but RoW is not, has never been, and never will be a democracy.
I want to be really clear that my approach to ownership doesn't mean I don't value the contributions of everyone here. Many people have helped to create territories, packs, library articles, and helped discuss and implement new site and policy changes. This site would be very, very different without all of that effort. Frankly, it would have closed a long time ago without it. But those contributions don't give anyone else an ownership stake in the site.
I know that sounds harsh, and I hope it isn't misconstrued as me being ungrateful for everything everyone else has done. But it's the truth. I don't (really) have the luxury of taking a break like the rest of you do when I don't feel like RPing, because the site can't properly run without an invested owner & admin team. I signed up for this responsibility when I created the game, and when I've continued to keep it open even when it would have been much easier for me to close it (trust me, in 9 years, there have been a lot of points when I've considered it). I do it, and would like to continue to do it, because I love this game and I love this community. By proposing this idea of starting fresh, I'm hoping to create an environment where I can do that more successfully.
Why I Made This Thread
To give everyone more context for how this discussion came about, here's how it happened. On Saturday, I discussed my concerns privately with Sarah, and we both agreed that it felt like the best decision. Out of courtesy to the staff team, I made a post in our private staff forum explaining my decision. I drafted a separate announcement explaining that the site was closing and why and planned to post it on Sunday.
When I checked the site on Sunday, I read several encouraging messages from our staff team who were sad about the decision, but respected it. They all offered to help with whatever they could. I also saw several new RP posts that were made over night. And seeing that...it made me second-guess my decision and start to wonder if there was a way to move forward.
I threw out the idea of retconning RoW to the staff team to see what they thought and it was suggested that we bring it to the whole community to see if it was even viable. Because as we've seen in the responses to this thread, I'm not the only one who hasn't been feeling motivated. If a bunch of people had said that they weren't happy with the idea of starting over or that they would not join the new site, then it wouldn't have happened and I would have closed the site.
I acknowledge that this idea is not fully thought out, and some of you would have appreciated having more concrete plans in place, but I hope you can also appreciate why I didn't want to spend the time/effort on coming up with an idea if I didn't know if it would be supported. Especially since I was fully ready to shut down the site before getting those few encouraging messages & seeing those posts.
The purpose of this discussion is twofold:
1. to see if this is an idea that other people are even open to. If they are (and it seems like many of you are!), then I am going to do my best to guide us as we implement it.
2. to start the discussion of things that people would like to see changed. I need the community's help to make this retcon a reality and successful, so see the action items at the end of this post to see how you can help and where we're looking for feedback.
This is not a bone that I'm throwing out there to soften the blow. I am not trying to get anyone's hopes up with the intention of pulling the rug out from underneath you. I am genuinely excited about the idea of starting fresh, but am also not going to put myself in the position to take it on if the community had decided they weren't up for it.
Timeline & Uncertainty
We don't currently have one, because this is all still very fresh. There is a lot that needs to be discussed and determined before we can move forward. Realistically,
March is the earliest that we would make this move. I'm traveling out of the country February 17 - 23rd, and besides that it will take time to put together the new site, updated rules, territories, etc. I'm hoping that it won't impact puppy season too much, in that if you want your character to breed and move to the new site, you'll be able to do that. I'm unsure how we'll handle new characters, but that's something to figure out.
I know that this kind of announcement is a muse-killer for many people. And I am genuinely sorry for that. All I can suggest at this point is you talk to the people who you plot with the most and see what their plans are and start setting up the situation that would cause your characters to leave Relic Lore. For those of you who are planning to let your characters "retire", you'll need to decide if you want to keep posting or how you want to handle that. In the interim, I'm going to be removing the activity checks.
Grey asked some specific questions about the site's update:
- The layout will likely change a little bit. I'd like to use this opportunity to freshen things up, while maintaining enough of the old design that it feels familiar. Big banner images will still be a thing and I'd still like to give everyone a chance to customize the look of their profiles.
- It would not be Proboards site
Invested Effort
There are 9 years of invested effort in the existing site, and I know that leaving that all behind is difficult. I don't really know how to address this, except to say that I want to make it as easy as possible for you to move your existing characters (with their accomplished development) intact. I don't want you to lose that either, and I look forward to having further discussions about how we can do this without causing that to happen. I know that not every character can make that jump, and I am truly sorry for putting you (the players) in that position.
I want to acknowledge again the point that several people have brought up: many of you have put in money/time/etc. for art for your characters and the site. To the extent that we can, I want to make it possible for you to continue to use those. But I do ask that as you think about that time/effort spent that you don't start to use it a measure of how much you care about the site and start to compare it to others. Turning this into a game of "who cares more" and acting as those it makes you entitled to decisions isn't constructive.
I'll address the character development/LP issue in the LP section of this post.
Is this a bandaid?
I personally don't think so. This retcon is not just about changing the map to make it easier for people to interact with one another, but about giving ourselves the freedom to make new plots and connections without risking the old ones. Several people addressed this, but I think Pinn really hit the nail on the head as to why this prospect is exciting for people who have been here for a while or have several characters, "I know that once a character becomes intertwined with others, and people are relying on you for plots, you’d rather just skate by the AC’s with them than risk disappointing people." If you have a highly developed character and you start to lose muse for them, it feels awful having to continuously post them just to try and maintain those connections. I'm hoping that the fresh start gives us all an opportunity to start over with characters and connections we're truly invested in, as opposed to ones we have out of a sense of obligation.
Ultimately, though, the success of this new site (or any site) depends on the activity of its members and staff. My job as an owner is to set the example and to give you a platform that allows you to be active, but I can't control anyone's activity besides my own. There is a risk that my activity will fail again and this new site won't be a success. I don't blame anyone who decides to not take that risk, and I'm grateful to all of you who do.
Staff Activity & Tasks
As the site's owner, I set the tone for the activity of our staff team. Many of the outstanding items that have been left to sit are things that only Sarah and I can take care of, and we just haven't done them. We haven't discussed how we want to handle staffing on the rebooted site, but will likely expand the team a bit or figure out a way to give moderators access to do some of those "admin-only" tasks.
One way of doing that is to reduce the maintenance tasks that we have. These generally aren't difficult tasks, but they can be tedious and time consuming. When somebody submits an LP request that isn't quite right, or they have a question about it, or somebody submits a profile application that has a few unrealistic things in the history, we have to take time to discuss it and set a policy before we can move forward. We have to take the time to get it right, because if we don't, this community isn't shy about letting us know or reminding us that we once did something else 3-4-5 years ago. We do our absolute best to be fair and to be consistent, but that requires time and patience from everyone.
I'm hoping that by streamlining some of the systems we currently have in place, staff time can be spent doing the things that truly need staff oversight, such as reviewing character applications and addressing member concerns. Those are the things that take the most time and are the most draining, so if I can do something to reduce the more banal tasks for my team, I am going to do that.
I do know that we will be leaning heavily upon our IC leaders (both pack leaders and active players/characters) to help drive plots going forward. Logging on last summer/fall to repeatedly being asked when the BWP was ending was infuriating; so I am more than happy to turn over responsibility of conceptualizing and driving those types of plots to our community. Staff will oversee and help guide, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the community does.
Action Items
To help keep the conversation constructive, I've created different threads to discuss the issues of the LP & Fight Systems and start some brainstorming about the new setting/locations.
Life Points & Fight System Discussion
Setting & Location Discussion
In the current thread, I welcome continued responses and discussion to my comments and others. But I also have a request for everyone. I'd like to know the
top 5 features/concepts/rules you like about RoW. I'd also like to know your
least favorite 5. Please keep these to concrete examples, like threadlog, IC/OOC separation, account switching, as opposed to more abstract things like activity. I want to know what all of you prioritize and care the most about, as well as finding targeted areas that we can make adjustments to.