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Nomad's Pass — Official 
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Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

About Nomad's Pass.

With her child stolen from her den in the dead of night, Naira left her pack in search of her son, closely followed by Rhysis and their youngest daughter. A storm separated the pair not only from each other but from their pack as well, and they found themselves trapped outside of Relic Lore.

Between her disappearance and eventual return, a change had occurred within Naira Tainn, former leader of Poison Path. Wishing only to be near her children she returned to her old pack, expecting to find her friends but they were not to be found. Naira told Athena, her former second who had taken the throne, the story of her disappearance; and was grudgingly accepted back into the folds of what had been her family’s arms, along with the son who had been stolen in the night, Adonis Aquila.

In her time away her pack had cared for her children but they had been raised to believe other females of the pack to be their mothers and Naira was but a stranger, and at first she was content to simply know them. However her heart didn’t cope well with being so close but so far from them and she grew tired of the shackles that relegated her to the rank of Lowest. Naira attempted to challenge her way up the ranks of the pack she had founded, only be be thwarted due to interference from Ash Hervok, one of Athena's closest and most loyal supporter. It was then that she truly broke.

Storming off in a fit of rage, she broke the news to her children, Belladonna and Datura, shattering their fairy tale lives forever, just as Adonis’s had been shattered the night he was stolen from their den as they slept. Convinced the pack had grown weak in her absence and discontent to remain under her former second’s rule, Naira began recruiting rogues to her cause while she doubled her efforts to find Rhysis who had been missing since the storm when he went to look for Naira and became trapped in the same landslide that had kept her from her home.

The first to answer her call was Tenzin Laylani, followed closely by Rhysis’s former comrade, Valiant Morino who in turn bought with him the young  Romanis Riordae, the pack’s only other female member. Seeing more to the young Rais Rose than any in Poison Path could or would, she worked to recruit the boy to be her eyes and ears on the inside. Just as she had rounded up her posse, and was ready to storm Poison Path without him, she was finally reunited with her lost love - Rhysis Aquila - who had been doing some recruiting of his own and bought with him Mapplethorpe.

Stopping by to inspect their new home, a pass that Naira had stumbled across while searching desperately for a way back into Lore - It was here the Nomad’s made their home and turned their backs on Poison Path forever.

Pack pride colors for Nomads Pass are "Windveil Blue (#5f7f8a)" and "Stone Cavern Blue (#0a1524)."

{{Nomads Pass}}
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2015, 06:25 PM by Kisla.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Important Events.

These are the noteworthy events that have taken place in the history of the Nomad's Pass pack. They can include pack meetings, changes in leadership, births or deaths, etc.

  1. 03/01/2013
  2. Naira gathers her pack together. Alongside Rhysis and those she found along the way - Tenzin Laylani, Valiant Morino, Romanis Riordae, Mapplethorpe, and Rais Rose - she and the pack claim the lands of Nomad's Pass.
  3. 07/01/2013
  4. The pack gather for their first hunt - a perfect time to pick the strong from the weak.
  5. 10/01/2013
  6. The pack follows Naira to Poison Path territory where the leader demands her stolen children to come with her. Whilst Datura is more than happy to be with his real family, Belladonna refuses to leave her home and the two packs prepare for war.
  7. 29/01/2013
  8. The wolves of Nomad's Pass assemble for their first pack meeting as the earth trembles and shakes...
  9. 09/02/2013
  10. Datura is unknowingly swept away from the safety of the Pass...
  11. 05/04/2013
  12. When it is discovered that Datura is missing, the troops are dispersed and Naira follows Mapplethorpe into the eerie Red Fern Forest before ultimately sending her Advisor to retrieve the missing golden prince.
  13. 08/04/2013
  14. Heeding Mapplethorpe's advice, Naira returns to the Pass to await the return of her son, but bumps into a stranger along the way - Nebet Ashgura joins Nomad's Pass!
  15. 23/04/2013
  16. The Advisor, after searching through the Spectral Woods, Heiress Loch, and the depths of Dragonfly Fen arrives home at last with Datura and a new recruit, Taima Lyall Avelin of Grizzly Hollow.
  17. 28/04/2013
  18. Frustrated and nearing her due date, Naira devises a small task for the new recruit - Crowe Shane - to prove his worth, while remaining well clear of the Pass for her birthing. He is sent to Poison Path to retrieve a few sprigs of nightshade...
  19. 30/04/2013
  20. Mapplethorpe comes upon a pensive Naira and is unexpectedly offered the promotion of a lifetime in the wake of Sagacity's prolonged absence and Rhysis' sudden disappearance with Valiant and Adonis.
  21. 01/05/2013
  22. Mapplethorpe, having returned from his journey to the south, returns from a border patrol and meets Asta Fleetfoot for the first time. After much discussion, she is bestowed the role of Hunter.
  23. 03/05/2013
  24. Naira gives birth to two healthy daughters: Aponi and Nova.
  25. 04/05/2013
  26. Alone in the Dragonfly Fen and quite far from home, Sagacity, the pack Scout, gives birth to Mercy.
  27. 14/05/2013
  28. As Asta starts her duty of border patrol, she confronts Sagacity, who has finally returned from her scouting mission... with a little something extra. Mercy, as the pup is officially named, comes to join the ranks of Nomad's Pass.
  29. 01/12/2013
  30. Mapplethorpe notices the worsening weather conditions as the snow piles up high on either side of the Pass. If he and Naira do not move their pack now, they risk their chances of surviving Relic Lore`s harshest winter yet.s.
  31. 01/12/2013
  32. Naira gathers her pack together once more, determined to get her pack off the mountain before the winter storms seal their fates within Nomads Pass.
(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2013, 11:53 PM by Mapplethorpe.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Noteworthy Members.

These are the members which have left a lasting impact on the Nomad's Pass pack. This recognition is not restricted to certain ranks, however all leaders, no matter how brief their reign, are listed.

— Founder.
— I. Leader, 3rd January 2013 — 14th December 2013.
— Founder.
— I. Leader, 3rd January 2013 — 1st May 2013.
— II. Advisor under Rhysis, 13th March 2013 — 1st May 2013.
— I. Advisor, 1st May 2013 — 3rd August 2013.
— I. Consort, 3rd August 2013 — 14th December 2013.
— II. Scout under Naira, 14th January 2013 — 14th December 2013.
(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2013, 11:56 PM by Mapplethorpe.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Current News.

This is the current news for the Nomad's Pass pack.

8th November 2013So Long Sweet Summer - The pups of Nomad's Pass experience their first snowfall.
1st December 2013Escape from Alcatraz - [MANDATORY - PACK] - The mountain has become inhospitable and now the Nomad's must face a winter storm in their attempt to escape the Mountain.
(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2013, 02:01 AM by Naira.)
Posted by Naira who has 860 posts.



The wolves of Nomads Pass staked out their part of Relic Lore just after the new year began in January of 2013. Their story began when Rhysis Aquila and Naira Tainn, having found their way back to their former home, immediately put into action their individual plans to re-establish their reign as monarchs. Though separated at first, with Rhysis being on his own as Naira edged her way back into Poison Path (the pack that she had initially founded) with her son Adonis in tow, the two were fatefully reunited on the mountainside after Naira tore away from Poison Path Leader Athena Moon's reign and Rhysis was fortunate enough to have a starving rogue - Mapplethorpe - aid him in his quest to recover his lost mate. After their short-lived reunion, the realization of the fact that their family was incomplete provokes the Aquila leaders to start over - beginning with reclaiming their son Datura and daughter Belladonna from the Poison Path wolves. Naira effortlessly gathers her group of recruits - Tenzin Laylani, Rainuh Shadowstalker, Romanis Riordae, and Rais Rose, the Poison Path youth - and together with Rhysis, Mapplethorpe, and the Swift River wolf, Triell Tainn, manage to rescue Datura from the clutches of Athena's heartland on the edges of the Lost Lake.

Unable to persuade Belladonna to follow her true family to the north, the nomadic band of wolves carry onward in their search of a place to call home. Cradled between two tall cliff-accented landforms, a majestic valley opens up as an isolated passage way that leads from one side of the mountain range to the other and serves as an ideal refuge. Nestled within its narrow depths, a forest provides plenty of prey and the freshest source of spring water, which brings life to Bramble Falls and the Secluded Spring. It is here the origins of Nomads Pass takes root.

By the time Spring had arrived, the pack's numbers began to fluctuate and a growing concern from the eastern end of the Lore made itself known in the form of a deceased coyote. When a meeting between Relic Lore leaders is announced, Mapplethorpe, now appointed as the pack Advisor, takes it upon himself to sit in on Rhysis and Naira's behalf. In learning of a growing threat - a menacing pack of feral wolves residing just southeast of the Pass - the Advisor returns as Datura is unknowingly whisked away by one of the rogue pack's members. Sagacity, a recruit who earned her keep in the pack as a Scout, is sent to the south in search of more information as the rest of the pack are left to their own devices - searching, waiting, and looking after Naira. Unbeknownst to the rest of the pack, scandal and secrecy hover as an invisible mist over the pack surrounding the budding relationship between Rhysis and the pack's newly-christened second-in-command, Sagacity. In the meantime, an equally-guilty Naira returns to the Pass from a visit outside the borders, and she and Mapplethorpe take the first steps in a dance of their own...

As a war breaks out in the south in order to vanquish the Aniwayan wolves, Datura and Taima Lyall Avelin, a girl from Grizzly Hollow who was also stolen from her home, are retrieved by the old Advisor. It is quickly brought to light that Taima is Datura's mate and allowed entry into the pack. In the weeks following Mapplethorpe's return, he ascends in rank when Rhysis suddenly disappears (with Adonis and Valiant on a hunting trip) just before Naira gives birth to two daughters - Aponi and Nova. Still far and away on her scouting mission, Sagacity, too, gives birth but to a single son - soon after named Mercy. Just after Rhysis' sudden departure, the Scout returns home, informing Naira and the newly promoted Mapplethorpe that she rescued the boy after his lone wolf mother died. In an act of mercy and benevolence, the cub's life was spared and Sagacity was given charge of the boy to raise him as her own.

Come the arrival of Summer, Naira - with Mapplethorpe's approval and much needed confidence -  proposes to move the pack den to the center of the Pass and bring her subjects together into what they should have been in the first place - a close-knit family. And, thus begins the renovation and story of a pack whose strength and traditions lie in honoring their matriarch, their leader and Queen of the Pass.

(This post was last modified: Oct 10, 2016, 03:49 PM by Sahalie.)
Posted by Naira who has 860 posts.

So you want to be a Nomad?

There seems to be some general confusion about what makes a Nomad, we are not necessarily evil wolves (although we have no problem accepting them as long as they can adhere to the rules), and we are not psychopaths. Nomad's are a rawer breed of wolf than you will find in other packs. Dominance and submission are a daily occurrence and those who forget their places will suffer the consequences. There are also less words spoken and more said through body language. The leaders are particularly picky about who they mark with their scent, because the last thing they wish to promote is dissension and discord amongst their own ranks. They also need to see that you have the potential to fill a void or make yourself useful. When you meet a Nomad, they will be judging you, and they may test you, obviously or not - in their own way.

A Nomad is

  • Loyal to the pack above all else
  • Aware of appropriate body language to use around others
  • Willing to submit to their leaders and carry out their every whim
  • A valuable and active asset to the ranks. Nomad's Pass is not a holiday home. All will contribute in their own way. If you are seen to be slacking you will be removed from the pack

A Nomad is not

  • Reckless without reason
  • Psychopathic or Mentally unstable to a point they may be seen as a risk to their own pack
  • Disrespectful to other members of their pack
  • Needlessly friendly to those who are strangers or from another pack, but at the same time are not needlessly hostile to all they encounter (standoffish is different to outright hostility and encouraged).
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2013, 12:12 AM by Naira.)
Posted by Naira who has 860 posts.

Pack Pride

[Image: nomadspass_zpsfd42e6f5.png]

[Image: NPminiBW.png][Image: NPminiCB.png][Image: NPminiCBD.png][Image: NPminiCL.png][Image: NPminiWLD.png]

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2014, 11:17 PM by Naira.)