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The Tainn Family
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Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The Tainn Family.

Although Relic Lore is currently home to many different packs and uncountable lineages, before  there had only been one: the Tainns. They thrived in the Wildwood as the Hidden Tree pack up until the wildfire claimed their home and broke their family. What was once a close-knit kin has since been splintered, cursed, though many Tainns still live in Relic Lore today. Much of their history and genealogy has been lost to the years, but the mark these wolves have made on the forest will never truly fade.

The family tree is available here.

Notable Facts

The Tainn family lived in Relic Lore for many generations. After the wildfire, most of the surviving family members returned to Sacred Grove to found a new pack that would be known as Swift River. After several years of hardship, however, Swift River was dissolved and relocated on the other side of the mountains. Today, the remaining Tainns have been spread far and wide, both throughout and beyond even the confines of Relic Lore itself.

  • Tainns are known for their predisposition towards adventure, stubbornness, passion, and stunning golden-yellow eyes.
  • Tainns are responsible for the founding of
  • Tainn descendants can be found today in
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2023, 07:33 PM by Eros. Edit Reason: cleaning up code )
Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The First Generation of Tainns

What came before Rihael and Lani Tainn was lost forever in the wildfire that claimed Hidden Tree and took their memories and histories with them. Their relatives and ancestors probably inhabited territories within or nearby Relic Lore, but any information about who they are or where they lived has been lost. The legend of Rihael and Lani, though quickly fading from the lands, remains the only plausible story of creation for the rest of Relic Lore. But besides a few lines of their meeting, falling in love, and building a family in the roots of Hidden Tree, much of their story is lost today.

Rihael Tainn I Male

He is remembered as being a strong, caring leader and a loving father to his many children. Rihael loved his mate Lani dearly, and for four years he sired a new litter. In the end, he was the father of fifteen children, some of which still live in Relic Lore today. His dying wish was to see the last of his children escape the overwhelming flames of the wildfire that consumed his home. In the end, he died beside his mate Lani in the home they had created together.

Lani Tainn Female

In a few words, Lani could best be described as the quintessential mother. She was graceful, gentle, and protective of the four litters she gave birth to while leading the Hidden Tree pack beside her mate and brother Honijo. That isn't to say, however, that she was overly feminine or weak. If ever her family threatened, Lani was not easily pushed aside. She was force to be reckoned with, as her family saw on many occasions. To the very last she was determined to protect her children and gave the ultimate sacrifice without a thought for herself.

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2023, 05:43 AM by Eros.)
Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The Second Generation of Tainns

The second generation starts the spring after the founding Hidden Tree and ends with the wildfire. Fifteen wolves fall into this generation beginning with Indru and ending with Borlla. All of these wolves were born into the Hidden Tree pack and spent some amount of time — no matter how brief — in the sanctuary of the Wildwood. This generation has been met with many hardships beyond the wildfire and the loss of their parents, and some might say that because of that their capacity for pain is much greater than that of the average soul. They are survivors though, and some of the strongest wolves in the history of the Lore.

A Note — Several wolves of this second generation escape any mention of their life or death, but their birth was recorded none the less. These wolves — Jiael and Marra from the first litter and Jaes and Liia from the second — are left out of the following accounts because little besides their names is known of them. Perhaps the Tainns find it too hard to ever speak of them.

The First Litter (2007)

Indru Tainn

Those who knew Lani wouldn't hesitate to say that he inherited his mother's looks. When it comes to his personality, however, it appears he was born to fill his fathers shoes as the first born of five. Although fun-loving and and adventurous, the instinct to lead was impossible for Indru to deny. In many cases it caused him to butt heads with his litter-mate Ruiko, and in the end he was forced to part with his brother after the discovery that they could never truly live under the same roof peacefully. After the death of Rihael and Lani, Indru saw it as his duty to lead his siblings away from the wreckage of Hidden Tree and create a new home in Sacred Grove. Thus, Indru founded Swift River. Unfortunately, however, Indru is just as famous for being the creator of the river pack as he is for abandoning it. Sometimes he was gone for long stretches and sometimes he was only absent for a few weeks. In his time as Leader of Swift River, however, he sired two litters with his first love Corinna. Rihael, Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, Torrel, and Rissa are the children he left behind in Relic Lore. He was last spotted in the Lore in Autumn of 2012, and is believed to have taken his sons Rihael and Torrel with him when he left.

Ruiko Tainn

When Indru was still roaming the Lore, Ruiko often found himself being compared to his brother. Unless you had them standing next to each other the differences in their looks were very easily forgotten — for Ruiko is only a few shades lighter than his brother. Beyond their appearances and their dominant natures, though, there was little these brothers had in common. Ruiko found silence much more comforting than his brother, and has always been a man of few words. Though many believe Ruiko to be blunt, gruff, and stoic to an extreme, he has always had the best intentions and aimed to put his family's well being first. When his relationship with his brother reached its breaking point, Ruiko left to start a family of his own in Copper Rock Creek. With his mate Aeylen beside him he ruled in the Secluded Spring for nearly a year and gave life to three children: Mirren, Nios, and Vaeta. In the fall of 2012, however, Ruiko and his mate chose to take their family away from Relic Lore to heal and dissolved Copper Rock Creek. In 2013, Ruiko returned with Aeylen and some of his children and resided in Oak Tree Bend for a time, but in the summer of 2014 he was killed by a cougar after a brief reunion with his old packmate Nina. His body was returned and laid to rest in Spectral Woods.

Niija Tainn

With her slender, feminine body and her long, wind-tousled coat, Niija was renown for her beauty. Her goodness went deeper than her sweet face, though, and her family always respected her opinion and often commented on the fact that she was wise beyond her years. She preferred to live in harmony with her family, and no one can recall her as ever being boastful, rude, or weak. She is remembered as being very in touch with nature and dabbling with herbs from time to time. Niija has not been seen since January of 2011.

The Second Litter (2008)

Kenai Tainn

Being first born of four certainly wasn't all it was cracked up to be for poor Kenai, who most of the family saw as cowardly. For the most part he abhorred hunting and adventuring with the rest of his family. At one point his family had almost lost hope in Kenai to be a full-fledged, contributing member of the pack. In the end, however, Kenai found his place in the family when the third litter was born and he discovered he took great join in caring for his younger brothers and sisters. After the fire, though, Kenai struggled to remain in Relic Lore and disappeared shortly after the founding of Swift River. He returned just in time to see his older brother Indru's first litter, but vanished shortly afterwards and hasn't been seen since.

Ioni Tainn

Although Ioni in many cases resembles her older sister Niija, the younger Tainn lacked completely the harmonious nature than made everyone fall in love with Niija. Ioni was much more ambitious than her sister, and although her brothers Indru and Ruiko had a whole year's advantage, Ioni would not be swayed from her dream of dominance. What she lacked in strength and size she made up for in cunning and a openness to any method available to her. This goal of hers though was something she kept to herself. In fact, Ioni shared very little of her thoughts and feelings with her family as a great deal of her thoughts dealt with judging them and imagining how she could take what they did and do it better. She spent a great deal of her time following her older brothers around, watching for their mistakes. Deep down though, Ioni was fiercely loyal to her family and loved them in spite of their short comings. Sensing an opportunity after one of Indru's absences, Ioni attempted to seize power from her brother Ruiko but was thwarted by Indru's sudden return. Her pride wounded from her lost, Ioni abandoned Relic Lore shortly afterwards. She returned briefly in the beginning of 2012, but after taking stock of the lands and finding her family scattered she left once more and hasn't been seen since.

The Third Litter (2009)

Hotei Tainn

As a child Hotei was always quiet, respectful, and gentle. Perhaps he picked these qualities up from his brother Kenai who was his closest companion up until the fire. As Hotei grew up, it quickly became clear that he had inherited his father's size, though he never used it to dominate a soul. Forever afterwards he was known as the families resident "gentle giant." After the flames of the wildfire began to die down and the Tainn's returned to found Swift River, many of the Tainns remained lost for quite some time. Hotei was the very last to return to Relic Lore, and the damage done to his heart and his appearance were irreparable. He was unrecognizable. While most of the family escaped without physical harm, Hotei had been trapped somewhere in the woods and nearly burned alive. What came out of the fire was a different creature. When he finally returned in the summer of 2012, he came back under the alias "Burn," a personality that had taken on its own life. Hotei rejoined Swift River for a time, but found it was not truly a place he could call home. He later settled down in Willow Ridge, only to leave Relic Lore for a period of time before rejoining his family members in Oak Tree Bend, where he eventually became mates with his old friend Jessie. In the summer of 2015 he was killed by a falling tree in a storm.  He was buried in Spectral woods, likely close to the body of his older brother Ruiko.

Torla Tainn

In terms of looks, Torla is the odd one out in her family. Where most of her siblings are darker and more earthen in tone, Torla is much paler with hints of ginger about her face and coat. She did not miss out on the "Tainn eyes," however. In the same way that Indru grew to become more like his father than any of his other siblings, Torla blossomed into a smaller version of her mother Lani. Her patience seemed inexhaustible and her affection for her family was bottomless. Had there been time, she might have filled the hole their mother left behind for her younger siblings Triell, Kinis, and Borlla. Though Torla returned several times to Relic Lore after the fire, perhaps due to the wandering Tainn spirit or the heartbreak of losing her parents she could never find it in herself to stay for very long. When she last returned she finally managed to reunite Hotei with the remnants of his family in Swift River. She was last seen in the summer of 2012.

Junai Tainn

Of all the Tainns, Junai was perhaps the sassiest. Due to Hotei and Torla's gentle natures, Junai easily became the most dominant cub of her litter which only further encouraged her sharp tongue. More than anything, however, Junai was proud to be a Tainn, and as a Tainn she saw herself being above all other wolves. Due to this, her temper was saved mostly for loners and rarely directed at her own family. If anyone was capable of breaching her spiteful defenses, though, they would find a very loyal, dedicated companion with a strong will and a wild heart. Perhaps the wildest of Tainns, it wasn't really a surprise when she disappeared one summer afternoon in 2010, never to return.

The Fourth Litter (2010)

Triell Tainn

Triell Tainn is the first-born of Lani and Rihael's fourth and last litter. A typical first-born by nature, it has been said that he is a noble gentleman, considered a "knight" who continually saves the damsel in distress. In the aftermath of the Great Wildfire of 2010, Triell, like many of his siblings were separated from one another but was soon gathered under his older brothers' - Indru and Ruiko's - watch. He became a founding member of the Swift River pack and, despite his rough transition into his yearling days and adulthood, thrived under the care of his family. In the event of Indru's disappearance from Swift River lands, Triell followed Corinna Donata and supported her decision to move the pack over the mountain where he also helped establish the Oak Tree Bend pack. In the event of Ice Aesir's disappearance and, later, Corinna's death, Triell took charge and became the pack's new Leader. In time he found a mate in Nayeli Stormwright and, together, they brought new Tainns into the Lore to continue their legacy: Darrah and Zera in their first litter and Sahalie and Drift in a second. When Nayeli disappeared for a second time Triell stepped down from leadership in order to look for her, and during that time became close to his old friend Naira. When Drestig left Oak Tree Bend Triell resumed his leadership, and shortly thereafter sired children on Naira. Shortly after the birth of Reiko and Treyah he became injured in a hunting accident and has once again stepped down from leadership. After the rank challenge between Aponi and Spieden cracked Oak Tree Bend wide open and his new mate Naira felt unsafe, Triell chose to leave the pack with her and his children. They traveled over the mountains and founded Charred Ash Draw, where Triell lead for a time before once again succumbing to the pains of old injuries. In March of 2017 he and Naira gave birth to another litter: Suka, Cannon, and Lana (named for Triell's mother). In February of 2018 he was hunting a goat up on Mount Dire when he was caught in an avalanche, and has been missing ever since.

Kinis Tainn

Second-born Kinis did not inherit his litter mate's courage or sense of security, though he was brave in his own ways. Barely three months old when the fire took his parents away from him, Kinis was deeply affected by loss and  this perhaps pushed him farther into his shell. When Ruiko left Swift River after quarreling over dominance with Indru, Kinis chose to go with him and was eventually one of the founding members of Copper Rock Creek. Gradually, Kinis ripened into a more confident adult under Ruiko's stoic protection. Kinis hasn't been seen since he was captured by the wolves of Poison Path and taken to the mountain as their prisoner in the summer of 2012. The details of his escape are unknown, but he eventually found happiness as a nomad with a mate and several children --one of which who has found their way to Relic Lore.

Borlla Tainn-Argyris

From the beginning Borlla was something of a spitfire. After the death of her parents, she drowned her sadness by being particularly cruel to her littermates, Triell and Kinis. When they no longer humored her, she began to wander far from home at an early age. As she grew older, this only grew worse, coming to something of a head when her elder brother, Indru, took Corinna as his mate. Not long after this, the yearling abandoned Swift River, and never truly returned to her birth pack. After a period of growth outside of the Wildwood realm, she returned and met Phineas. Together they founded Magnolia Glen and gave birth to Kyros and Hypatia. Her first winter in Magnolia Glen, as in the rest of Relic Lore, was particularly harsh that year, taking her first-born Kyros with it. Borlla tried to recover from the loss of her son, but ultimately vanished one day in the summer of 2014 without a word.

Relatives by Mateship

Corinna Donata (Ex-Mate to Indru)

Corinna Donata had been living as a lone wolf in Relic Lore when the great wildfire scattered the wolves of Hidden Tree. She initially tried to join Swift River soon after its founding, but was chased off by Indru when she accidentally trespassed. Several months later, she and Indru met once again. He took her back to Swift River, where her joining prompted the final dominance struggle between Indru and his brother, Ruiko. Shortly after Indru won leadership of Swift River, Corinna stepped up to lead beside him. Faced with Indru's frequent absences, Corinna gradually came to assume primary leadership over the Swift River pack, asserting herself as the pack's matriarch and earning the loyalty of her mate's family and the pack's other members. She and Indru had six children together: Rihael, Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, Torrel, and Rissa. After the loss of two of her sons and Indru's final disappearance, Corinna fell into a deep depression that was only made worse by the murder of her daughter, Rissa. In Spring 2013, Corinna made the decision to relocate the pack to Spectral Woods, under the banner of Oak Tree Bend. Leading the pack alongside Ice Aesir, she gave birth to two sons: Serach and Sceral Aesir. However, once again she was soon left alone to raise her two sons without their father. Corinna died of frostbite in January 2014, having been worn down mentally and physically by the brutal winter.

Nayeli Stormwright (Ex-Mate to Triell)

Nayeli Stormwright comes from the distant islands of Lostwind Isles, washed up on the Canadian shoreline in the midst of a violent thunderstorm that set her beloved home ablaze. In discovering the realm of Relic Lore, she began life as a Lone Wolf, attempting to gather what information she could about the locals until she met the dark and handsome Triell Tainn. She became apart of the Oak Tree Bend pack, doing what she could to repay them for their hospitality, but in the months to come, she fell for the swarthy Leader. By the Spring of 2014, the two had become mates and welcomed their first litter into the world - Darrah and Zera. The bliss of family life would not last for long, though, and in the Autumn of 2014 Nayeli went missing. She was able to return, unharmed but wracked with worry, months later. Rekindling her relationship with Triell and the wolves of Oak Tree Bend was easy enough to manage but with suspected enemies honing in on her lands and the prospect of a new litter of cubs on the way, life for the Tainn family, by means of Nayeli's absence, is about to become shaken up once more.

Phineas Argyris (Ex-Mate to Borlla)

Phineas was the eldest and the starkest white of his litter, while his siblings remained a mix of silvers and browns, much like their mother. In the wake of his parents' deaths, Phineas, as a true first-born, took charge of the pack but it would not be without consequence. Though he had challenged his brothers for their father's place, he found himself heartbroken when the woman he had taken up as a mate, Desdemona, was found in his best friend's embrace. He discovered Relic Lore in 2012 and he joined Willow Ridge, and began to court Elettra. When he discovered during breeding season that she had bred with Kiche he abruptly severed ties with the pack and found himself in bed with Borlla. In order to give their children a fighting chance they founded Magnolia Glen, and later that pack was moved onto the mountains to become Silent Moon Plateau. Phineas died in December of 2015 from a heart attack, and his pack disbanded.

Naira Tainn (Mate to Triell)

Naira's legacy on Relic Lore is long and varied. It wasn't until later in their lives that she and Triell committed to one another, bringing multiple litters into the world and founding Charred Ash Draw together.

Jessie Tainn (Mate to Hotei)

Jessie was committed to Hotei until his death in 2015.
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2023, 06:38 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The Third Generation of Tainns

These descendants of the Tainn family are Rihael and Lani Tainn's grandchildren, originating from a number of their surviving children.

Indru and Corinna's First Litter (2011)

Rihael Tainn II

As the first born son and doppelganger of his father, it is not surprising that Rihael looked up to his dad and tried very hard to emulate his strength of character and easy-going nature. Rihael was always a rather restless and forward-thinking kid, with a tendency to jump in headfirst when meeting others or exploring the world around him. Despite his bossy tendencies, he tried to understand the difference between right and wrong and go with the flow. Of course he was so much like his father it was not surprising that he chose to leave with him as a yearling, though he was deeply missed.

Kisla Baranski

Kisla is the second-born of her litter, the only girl between two opposite-personality brothers. Outgoing and bold, Corinna's first-born daughter was nurtured to maintain her curiosity and wonder for the world. Her musings were put to an end, however, in the event of a flash flood that claimed Swift River's main den by the water where the cubs had been staying. Kisla nearly drowned, saved by Naira's instincts to plunge in after her. Even when facing her father Indru's abandonment of the family twice over, her remaining age-mate brother Fenru's need for solitude, her younger siblings' disappearances, departure, and death, Kisla remained strong. After the family had left Swift River behind to establish themselves as the wolves of Oak Tree Bend, she was separated from them amidst a terrible winter storm and a tumble down the mountainside. What ensued instead of a long journey back home was a second meet-cute of sorts between her and the Leader of Cut Rock River, Maksim Baranski. In staying with his pack, Kisla blossomed, ultimately falling in love with the Baranski and becoming his mate and co-Leader. After growing tensions with Grizzly Hollow to the south, Maksim and Kisla chose to move their family over the mountains to Hearthwood River. She reigned as their leader up until her death in July of 2017 when she was slain trying to protect her daughter Lekalta from a cougar. In her time she was a mother to Aleksei, Orren, Karina, Inna, and Lekalta (fathered by Maksim), and Risaela and Matheo (fathered by Ice).

Fenru Donata

Fenru is the last-born cub in Indru and Corinna's first litter. Unlike his brother and sister, he took after his Uncle Kinis, being meek in nature and more of a thinker than doer. He did not come into his own until Rihael went away with their father away from Relic Lore. In time, he was granted the rank of Guardian as apart of Oak Tree Bend, a continuation of the Swift River pack. Since his cub-days, he has experienced an overwhelming amount of loss: he discovered the body of his friend Prosper Lyall in the Wildwood, was abandoned by his father twice, went on a scouting mission to find his baby sister Rissa after she was stolen away (and eventually found her lifeless body in the Red Fern Forest), was left behind when his step-father Ice Aesir left Relic Lore, and was abruptly separated from his agemate sister Kisla in the winter of 2013 when the mountain range became impassable from near-constant blizzards. He has always been considered his mother's son, and in the event of her passing, he chose to shed himself of the Tainn surname and adopt hers. When he met up again with a friend from his "cubhood," Arlette Dieudonné Lyall, he asked his Uncle Triell permission to leave the pack (with Arlette as a traveling companion) in search of his sister Kisla and step-father Ice. Unbeknownst to the both of them, they left Relic Lore completely to begin a life together. By the end of Spring in 2014, they claimed a vast expanse of a forest-lined prairie for their own and welcomed the first members of their now growing family. Fenru briefly returned in the winter of 2015 to see what had become of his family in Relic Lore before returning back to Atonement Arbor.

Indru and Corinna's Second Litter (2012)

Aiyana Lyall

Aiyana was initially born to Indru Tainn and Corinna Donata as apart of their second and last litter together. She is the first-born of her agemate siblings, just minutes older than her brother Torrel (who had been taken away by the family) and her sister Rissa (who had been murdered by the Aniwaya pack). When Borden traveled to the eastern ends of Relic Lore, Aiyana met him at the foot of Bramble Falls while he was searching for his misplaced daughter, Taima. At the time, Aiyana was still grieving over the death of her sister and, in seeing the depth of her desolation and bereavement, Borden offered her a chance to get away from Relic Lore... to find peace and, in time, happiness as apart of his pack. She agreed, and after a brief meeting with Corinna, Aiyana was allowed to leave Swift River and her pack. She now resides with Borden and Jaysyek as an adopted member of the family within the Greying Glades outside of Relic Lore.

Torrel Tainn

Torrel came into the world looking much like his father Indru, and that likeness only increased as time went on. He was very sweet and very curious, and no doubt has grown up to be the exact copy of his father. Torrel was only 3 months old when he left with his father in Autumn of 2012 and hasn't been seen since. His absence was heartbreaking to his mother, Corinna, and very hard on his siblings and the rest of the pack.

Rissa Tainn

As youngest daughter of Corinna and Indru, Rissa had a lot of boys to compete with but never seemed to let that stop her. She will always be remembered for her boundless energy and the nose that always seemed to lead her in to trouble. Ultimately, her unsatiable curiosity and lust for excitement led her astray when a mysterious wolf known as Fleetfoot showed up on the borders of Swift River, offering her all the adventure she could ever hope for. Rissa, barely 6 months old, was abducted away from her family in the winter of 2012 and taken over the mountains to the uncharted east. Fleetfoot, along with the other wolves of Aniwaya Woods, sacrificed her to their gods in the hopes that it would rid their pack of the rabies that plagued them. The tragedy of Rissa's death, so soon after the disappearance of Torrel and Indru, was a devastating blow to the splintered family of Swift River and a catalyst for exploration over the mountains and revenge against the Aniwayans.

Ruiko and Aeylen's First Litter (2012)

Mirren Tainn

Mirren, more than any of his siblings, seems to take after his father's stoic demeanor and reclusive tendencies. As a young cub, he took his role as the eldest very seriously and was always very protective of his younger siblings and happy to have some authority amongst them. Though Mirren was taken from Relic Lore by his parents in the fall of 2012 to a place they called Sequoia Vale, he was never quite happy there. His true home, he felt, was back in Relic Lore beside the copper banks of a river winding from the spring. When he was old enough he sought the consent of his parents and departed for his first home. In the summer of 2013 he returned to Relic Lore entertaining the thought of resurrecting Copper Rock Creek. He joined Secret Woodlands, however, and has been there ever since. The following year he became quite taken with a female named Kite, and the two became mates shortly after. During the 2015 breeding season he and Kite returned to Secret Woodlands after an extended scouting trip, during which Kite had become pregnant. Kite gave birth to a single cub but disappeared shortly afterwards. Mirren named his daughter Lyanna and spent some time leading Secret Woodlands before disappearing along with his daughter, presumably to look for Kite.

Nios Tainn

Along with his siblings, Nios was born in Copper Rock Creek and then quickly moved to Sequoia Vale when his parents departed Relic Lore in 2012. He returned alongside Mirren in 2013, but left soon after their plans to revive their birth pack floundered. He returned the next summer, wandering Relic Lore for some time as a loner searching for his family and purpose. During his time he served in Whisper Caverns with sister Vaeta and Silent Moon Plateau, and currently resides in Secret Woodlands where he has come and gone a few times despite reconnecting and then losing both his sister Vaeta and Mirren again. Nios still dreams of reviving Copper Rock Creek but is without the means to do so, with every passing year turning him more and more into his father's son.

Vaeta Tainn

Vaeta, it was said, was the most beautiful cub to be born in Ruiko and Aeylen's first and only litter. As the only daughter, she received a degree of special attention that neither of the boys did, and this perhaps nurtured her rather regal attitude. She was never opposed, however, to getting dirty with the boys. Vaeta left with her parents after they dissolved Copper Rock Creek in October of 2012 and did not return with her parents and brothers the following year. It was once assumed to be still in Sequoia Vale where her family left her, healthy and happy, but in recent months has been spotted traversing Relic Lore in search of her brother Mirren.

Borlla and Phineas' First Litter (2013)

Kyros Argyris-Tainn

Due to an accidental hoof to the stomach his mother sustained while carrying him and his sister, Kyros was born with an absent forelimb. Though he tried to ignore this difference between himself and the other wolves in Magnolia Glen, it deeply impacted the development of his personality. He always felt as if he had something to prove, something to make up for. Guilt was also a huge part of Kyros' emotional landscape, and he always wrestled with the feeling he was a disappointment to his parents that he longed to be loved by. The harsh winter of 2014 was especially hard on the young boy, and in the end at the age of 8.5 months old he died of frostbite out on the cold slopes of the Sierra Hills. He was laid to rest by mother and father.

Hypatia Argyris

Hypatia is Phineas and Borlla's second-born cub and first-born daughter. Unlike her age-mate brother and her younger siblings, she takes after her uncles Thanos and Aeolus and most of her mother's immediate family with an agouti coat. She does, however, bear the characteristic Argyris eyes, her own pair being a bright orange like her father's. After the death of her brother Kyros and the disappearance of her mother, Hypatia has made a duty out of caring for her younger brother and sisters. A caring soul with a warm and considerate heart, Hypatia is nothing short of what an Argyris truly is. She followed her father from Magnolia Glen to Silent Moon Plateau, eventually rising as high as the second rank. She was an adventurous soul though, often disappearing to go on adventures. Currently her whereabouts are unknown.

Borlla and Phineas' Second Litter (2014)

Evy Argyris

It goes without saying that Evy Argyris stands out against her pale-pelted sisters and brother. The eldest of Phineas and Borlla's second litter, she is the quietest of her siblings. While her robust build and fiery orange eyes undoubtedly come from her father, her stark black coat is a nod to her mother's side of the family, where her coat echoes that of her Uncles Triell and Hotei, and Aunt Junai. She is an observer by nature, somewhat shy and slow to approach, but once her trust is gained, she offers it wholeheartedly. And, when granted the opportunity to show her true colors in front of a select few, she is often caught trying to keep her siblings from stirring up mischief. She willingly followed her father from Magnolia Glen to Silent Moon Plateau but vanished shortly afterwards at the age of 7 months. No one has heard from her.

Takis Argyris

Second born to the litter. Takis is a near mirror image to his father and because of this he feels it is a certain duty of his to make his parents proud. Adventurous and busy, Takis is often caught wandering a little too close to the borders a little too often. While he did help to found Silent Moon Plateau he must have gotten cold feet or the adventurous itch, because he was gone soon after that around the same time as his sister Evy. He returned to Relic Lore nearly a year later in the fall of 2015, hoping to become an able-bodied member of society, but after bearing witness to the death of his father Phineas he ran off in the hope of finding his sister Celandine.

Celandine Argyris

The third and last born in the litter. Celandine has a pristine coat of white with bright amber eyes. Considering herself the princess to the Glen, she often believes herself to be above the law set by her parents and pack and is quite the mischievous imp. She lived in Silent Moon Plateau for some time before taking a brief hiatus from Relic Lore, returning to find that her father had died and her pack had disbanded. She was taken in by Craw and Morganna and helped to found Whitestone Monadnock where she resided for a time, searching for the remnants of the Silent Moon Plateau wolves. She later followed Morganna to Quaking Vale, and assisted with moving the pack to Pookastone Scowle by Iridescent Lagoon. Most recently she challenged and defeated Niles for leadership.

Triell and Nayeli's First Litter (2014)

Darrah Tainn

Darrah was born with his mother's star, his father's chaotic approach to life, and possibly a chip on his shoulder. When Nayeli disappeared he was only 6 months old, and the loss affected his attitude greatly. He became angsty, wild, and prone to roaming. He titled himself the Prince of Oak Tree Bend and became obsessed with the idea of taking over his birth pack some day. In the fall of 2015 he left Relic Lore on a mission to find his sister, Zera who had disappeared yet again. He returned in May of 2016 and has been keeping whatever he did during his time away under lock and key in Oak Tree Bend.

Zera Tainn

Zera was named for her father's friend Ozera from his childhood, and was born with a greater sense of pride for the Tainn name and her family. She accepts Nayeli back into her life much easier than her brother, forgiving her and protecting her when her mother's captors threatened to take her away again. She and Darrah grow distant from each other as their personalities and attitudes clash. A few months after her younger siblings are born in 2015 and their mother's abscond, however, and the female Tainn disappears. Darrah's search for her turned up no clues as to her whereabouts.

Kinis' First Litter (2014)

Ruenna Tainn

Born to the least likely of Rihael and Lani's final litter, Ruenna certainly had an interesting upbringing. Not much is known about her birth place, only to say that is very far away and she spent a great deal of her young life as a nomad. She was raised and suckled on stories of her family, thus it was to her great surprise that she ended up in Relic Lore on complete accident, eventually encountering one of her own cousins! Currently, Ruenna resides with her Tainn family members in Oak Tree Bend.

Triell and Nayeli's Second Litter (2015)

Sahalie Leigh

Abandoned by their mother after birth, Sahalie and her brother Drift were raised by the woman who had also inherited their mother's position: Spieden. Sahalie was, from a young age, very determined to connect with everyone in Oak Tree Bend regardless of how aloof they were determined to be. As she grew this ambition spread to wolves outside of the family, and to date she has recruited several members to the Bend as well as turning herself into the unofficial Welcome Wagon. Currently, she is studying herbs with Quentin and hoping to one day become the leader that Oak Tree Bend needs.

Drift Tainn

Drift grew up always feeling different because he was a white wolf in a dark wolf world. He liked bugs and mud puddles and was always seen with a smear somewhere on his body. In the fall of 2015 he accidentally lost his way and was found by Kjors of Hearthwood River who cared for him and taught him about The Mother for a time before Drift was on his own again, starving in the north east parts of Relic Lore. Sahalie finally found him in January of 2016 and brought him back to Relic Lore, though his personality seems much less innocent than it did before. After his father's third litter was born Drift decided to take a vacation, citing no particular reasons before packing up and heading south.

Triell and Naira's First Litter (2016)

Treyah Tainn

Treyah, is the firstborn child of Triell and Naira, was named for her father, though in the end she seems to have inherited more of her mother's "do what I want" attitude and is an inherent fun-seeker.

Reiko Tainn

Reiko, on the other hand, was named for his uncle Ruiko. It is suspected that he will develop the characteristic Tainn love of adventure.

Triell and Naira's Second Litter (2017)

Cannon Tainn

Named for his grandfather on his mother's side, the boy will be boisterous and bold. Forever seeking the next big adventure, his brother will often be his greatest partner in crime, much to their sister's dismay.

Suka Tainn

Perhaps named with a hint of irony, the last to be born is known as fast, not just of body, but also mind. Named for Naira’s mother, the boy makes up for his smaller stature by being the brains of the operation. Often torn between his sister and brother, Suka is known to only side with one or the other if they can guarantee him the highest probability of success.

Lana Tainn

Smart and strong, with a very short temper, but also prone to bouts of sarcasm, Lana is sharp as a tack and more than capable of solving her own problems. She is a resourceful child used to pulling her brothers into line and rescuing them from all sorts of misadventures, though often tries to avoid recognition for her efforts by humbly accepting it as all part of her job as the oldest of the litter.

Relatives by Mateship

Arlette Dieudonné Lyall (Mate to Fenru)

Arlette is the second-born of her litter and the one and only daughter of Alexander Dieudonné and Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné. She is the sole survivor of her biological family. Like both her biological and adoptive mothers, she is gentle-hearted and kind; at times, quiet and thoughtful. When she was old enough, a few weeks away from becoming a yearling, Borden granted her the truth about her family and how she and her biological brother, Theo, had come to live with him and Jaysyek in Grizzly Hollow. Armed with the actuality of her parentage, Arlette found the means to strike out on her own and escaped Relic Lore for a time. She came upon the White Cove pack, where she was reunited with Kiche, a former member of Grizzly Hollow. Once settled, she was bound to become a mate to the pack's successor, Merlin, but fled. In escaping her suitor, she was soon reunited with a childhood friend - Fenru Donata of Oak Tree Bend, the pack formerly known as Swift River - and, together, after Fenru's mother's death, escaped from the Lore to begin their lives anew... away from the loss, abandonment, and overwhelming grief that had plagued their nearly similar pasts. By the end of Spring in 2014, they claimed a vast expanse of a forest-lined prairie for their own and welcomed the first members of their now growing family.

Maksim Baranski (Mate to Kisla)

Maksim Odin Baranski is one of six children born to the Baranski clan of Tall Trees. He is a large and impressive beast, with a dark coat and striking light green eyes that contrast with the dark mask-like markings on his face. Under Kade Attaya's reign, Maksim became apart of Grizzly Hollow then came to help the Attaya family establish themselves as the wolves of Darkwater Rapids. When a flash flood wiped out the pack along the riverbeds of Secret Falls, Maksim gathered everyone he could, including the cubs, only to find that Kade and his mate Ava had gone missing. Taking the lead, he relocated the pack back to the safety of Cedarwood Forest where he eventually met Kisla. He and Kisla, the ruling Leaders of Cut Rock River, are now the proud parents of five cubs.

Serach Donata (Son of Corinna)

Strictly speaking, Serach and his brother Sceral are not blood relatives to the Tainn family. They are the sons of Corinna and Ice, and are the half-brothers to Rihael, Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, Rissa, and Torrel. Serach is the older of the two brothers. Born in Oak Tree Bend, he has remained a member of his birth pack his whole life. He has a complicated relationship with the Tainns, as although he accepted as family by his uncle Triell, he often feels excluded from the larger Tainn family. Serach was close to his mother, and was devastated after her death when he was a yearling. He was also close to his agemate and older siblings, but has learned to cope with their departure from the Bend over the years. In May 2016, Serach became one of the leaders of Oak Tree Bend when a hunting accident injured Triell, forcing the older wolf to step down, and has remained leader ever since. When Aponi joined Oak Tree Bend after the fall of Silent Moon Plateau, the pair quickly developed a tight bond. Serach encouraged Aponi to challenge Spieden for leadership, believing her to be a better woman for the role. Ultimately, this created a huge rift in Oak Tree Bend, but brought Aponi and Serach closer than ever. They became mates and, when the time came in March of the next year, they gave birth to their first litter: Corsair, Mabel, and Ayla. Serach is currently awaiting the birth of his second litter with Aponi, with the pack and his relationship equally on the rocks.

Sceral Donata (Son of Corinna)

Like his littermate, Sceral is not a direct member of the Tainn family. He is the youngest son of Corinna and Ice, making him the half-brother of Rihael, Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, Rissa, and Torrel. Sceral was close to his family, but was devastated by the death of his mother in 2014. In a bout of depression, he withdrew from his relationships with his family. In 2015, Sceral went missing and despite efforts by his brother Serach and other members of Oak Tree Bend, has yet to be found or heard from.

Kite Tainn (Mate to Mirren)

Kite is average to small on the scale of wolf stature. Her colors are suited for the plains that she had come from, and so is her lithe build. She had a decent winter and is of good health, and her hazel eyes are consistently bright. Kite seems to be quite chipper. Seldom is she seen without her crow companion. Her coat is filled with beige, tan, and blacks, not at all unique except for the two markings that wrap around her chest.

Sköll Archer (Mate to Celandine)

Sleek, pitch black fur with just a touch of white on his muzzle and chest. Very lanky and tall in stature with gangly and willow-like limbs. Also has a leathery nose, characteristically striking gray eyes, and two large, black and pointy ears. Has two long scars that have long since healed over; the fur has grown back but in a startling silver color; these start at the bridge of his muzzle and snake over to the left side of his face and over his left eye. The right side of his face remains unscathed.

Alastor Leigh (Mate to Sahalie)

Kino has, in short, become somewhat of a puzzle. His emotions in general are in disarray, all over the place within his own mind though on the outside be might seem to only be contemplating something as simple as the time. He has yet to get a good hold on expressions, but when need be he is able to carefully blank his emotions from others. He firmly believes he had been cheated in life, and has a hard time fully trusting others.

Draven Leigh (Mate to Treyah)

Draven is mainly black-furred with streaks of brown and dark grey through his pelt. His eyes are a soft fern green in color though he mostly holds his gaze at the ground and one rarely gets a good glimpse of them. Eventually he will grow into a frame that barely passes as large but rather lean and long rather than bulky and compact. However, despite his lean frame Draven is very muscular beneath his thick raven pelt and is much stronger than he may initially appear.
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2023, 07:20 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Datura who has 159 posts.

The Fourth Generation of Tainns

These members of the Tainn family are the great-grandchildren of Rihael Tainn I and Lani Tainn.

Kisla and Maksim's First Litter (2014)

Aleksei Baranski

Aleksei is the first born of the litter. His name translates from Russian into "defender", fitting him well as he slots into the role of typical big brother. He looks out for his timid sister, Karina, and is often seen play fighting with his brother, Orren. He has verdant green eyes—typical of the Baranski line—and a pale coat of greys and browns. At the age of seven months he disappeared from Cut Rock River in the winter of Relic Lore on some unknown adventure, returning briefly in the winter of 2015 to Hearthwood River before leaving once more.

Orren Baranski

Orren is the second born of the litter and his name is a nod to his birthplace, meaning "River". It is clear he owes his rich coat to his mother's family. Consisting of saturated grey-, brown- and rust-colored fur, Orren is outgoing and rather mischievous in his youth. His eyes are a bright orange, full of life and energy. He looks very similar to his uncle, Fenru.  Unlike his older brother, Orren stayed close to home throughout his childhood, learning many things from their scout Naia as he developed aspirations of becoming a hunter. When tensions rose between Cut Rock River and their new neighbors in Grizzly Hollow, Orren went with his family over the mountain to Heartwood River. He stepped up to the plate as an older brother to younger sisters Lekalta and Inna, and was forced to deal with a lot when his father Maksim was attacked by a bobcat and needed to step down, along with several other leadership swaps. After the death of his father in the summer 2016 followed shortly Naia's death, Orren decided to leave his family to do some soul-searching.

Karina Baranski

Named to honor Kisla's mother, Corinna, Karina is the youngest of the litter and could be described as the runt. She is small compared to her brothers, though her heart is just as big. She's quite timid around strangers, though once she opens up she can be as playful as Orren. Karina suffers from a visual impairment—her eyes remain blue throughout her life and, due to this, her eyesight is weaker. Not being a very capable hunter because of her handicap, the girl took to the pack's healer Lachesis and began to learn medicine from an early age. After her first birthday she discovered teachings of The Mother and found a friend in Kjors. Despite the animosity directed towards Kjors, the pair mated in secret and produced an heir: Bennet. After the death of Naia Karina offered to nurse both Atropos and Kyrios.

Fenru and Arlette's First Litter (2014)

Coraline Dieudonné Donata

Coraline is Fenru and Arlette's first-born daughter and the eldest in her litter, commonly nicknamed "Cori" as a nod to her late grandmother Corinna. She and her twin brother were born on May 31st, 2014 within the sanctuary that her parents established called Atonement Arbor. She boasts her father's striking coat and has inherited her mother's sunrise gold irises. Her cub-hood has had her want for nothing, though, as her yearling days approach, a longing for something more has begun to take root, much to her parents' dismay...

Finn Alexandre Lyall Donata

Finn Alexandre is Fenru and Arlette's first-born son and the youngest in his litter. Ever since he was a cub, he has had a zest for life and a voracious appetite. He plays by the rules and does what is right, but when his sister is involved, everything just goes right out the window... He has become his father's best friend and is the keeper of his father's heart and soul. It has been said that he was the missing piece that had left a hole in Fenru's core for so long, that Finn and his sister's birth was the clarifying moment in which everything in the past been amended. Now in his yearling days, the boy continues on in his love for his home and everything in it, but, namely, his parents and all they have overcome and stand for as the Leaders of their little family.

Mirren and Kite's First Litter (2015)

Lyanna Tainn

Lyanna Tainn is the only child of Kite and Mirren Tainn, the first "grandcub" of Aeylen and Ruiko. Shortly after birth she was abandoned by her mother and was raised by her father and the female leader of Secret Woodlands, Nina. Despite everyone's best efforts to take care of the child and make sure she behaved herself, the girl disappeared in the early months of 2016, following the footsteps of her father who had vanished a month prior.

Kisla and Maksim's Second Litter (2015)

Inna Baranski

Lekalta Baranski

Dusky golden, Lekalta's fur is an iridescent blend of silver, cinnamon and ivory. Slender and feminine in build, Lekalta moves with an easy grace, though it is her eyes that are truly captivating. Bright, apple green eyes look out to the world, much like her father's, though untainted by the world, they dance with mischief and amusement. With her non-identical twin sister as her best friend, Lekalta finds herself easily drawn in to Inna's antics -- if not trying to encourage her own.

Darrah and Messier's First Litter (2016)

Vulcan Andromeda-Tainn

Born into a pack that gets it's kicks from eating mushrooms and 'seeing ghosts'. He likely only began to take the mushrooms out of curiosity, or perhaps even as a chance to speak with new wolves. The day his sister was ousted from the pack was a rough day for him, but he knew she'd be happier wherever she ended up.

Saros Andromeda-Tainn

Born into a pack that gets it's kicks from eating mushrooms and 'seeing ghosts'. He, out of the four siblings, was probably the most eager to begin taking the mushrooms, seeking answers of 'true power' from those beyond the grave. The least likely to leave his family behind, with the pack practically willed to him when the time comes. The 'Ghosts' started telling tales of his demise. Angry with this, he decided that they'd been 'fake all along' and left to pursue a better life.

Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn

Socially awkward but definitely a try hard in the politeness field. Spiritual and hates to feel chained down. Doesn't understand why some wolves make the decisions that they do, but understands the phrase 'to each their own' quite well. Kind to all and eager to please. A cinnamon roll if you will.

Perseus Andromeda-Tainn

Born into a pack that gets it's kicks from eating mushrooms and 'seeing ghosts'. He was the most reluctant to take the mushrooms, but after a little push from his father he eventually gave them a shot. They helped him cope with his depression, acting as an amazing escape from reality. However once his sister was ousted from the pack he gave up the strange addiction. She hated the very idea of the mushrooms, and he let her down by ever participating in their consumption in the first place. He didn't have much of a reason to stay within the pack, but he knew his sister wouldn't take to his company very well with the betrayal he'd committed.

Kisla and Ice's First Litter (2017)

Mathéo Tainn

First born to Kisla and a mystery father, Mathéo is tall, but more slender than his biological father. Cloaked in a pelt of tawny and reds, Mathéo has cream accents and bright green eyes, just like his mother. Named after a wolf Kisla had heard of in stories when she was younger, the meaning means 'gift of God' — something the she-wolf tentatively wonders if there is such a thing as a higher power, though believes this litter is the beginning of the next chapter in her life with her family.

Risaela ???

Second born to her brother, Risaela is named after both her dead sister, Rissa, and her wandering brother, Rihael. Built much like her mother, Risaela sports a paler tawny coat, with flecks of cream and silver throughout. It is Risaela's eyes that are unique to the Tainn family lineage — a silver/grey, that would be identical to her biological father's.

Celandine and Skoll's First Litter (2018)

Anduin Archer

Even though Anduin will possess the airs and graces of a prince, he'd find such a title.. unsavory. While his ambitions will almost certainly drive him to the top, he'd rather pull strings behind the scenes. His loyalty lies with those he deems worthy, but once it's given, he'll be hard pressed to take it back. A little eccentric, the boy will be prone to bouts of intrigue, and fancy that his friends, and family might not understand.

Vaeda Archer

With proud parentage Vaeda has been blessed with an impressive appearance, her coat a mixture of red, cream, grey and white. Her silver eyes speak of her Archer blood, but it might take one a while to make the connection as the girl prefers not to make eye contact. Falling dead-even in the middle size range her physique is perfectly average when she stands at full height, a rare occurrence. Overall, Vaeda appears smaller than she actually is.

Celandine and Skoll's Second Litter (2019)


Vanadis, Sawyer, and their siblings were ushered into the world deep in the lichen-covered forests on the outskirts of Loch ???. Though they were the second litter born to Celandine Argyris and Skoll Archer, they were the first born outside of Relic-Lore. Their parents settled, and laid claim to the untouched lands, beckoning in a new era for their growing family.

Sawyer Argyris Archer

Tucked away in the moss-covered boulders and lichen-covered trees, Sawyer and his littermates were born into a world of new possibilities and ushered in the golden era of his parents' newfound reign as they established Lichenstone Loch. Here, the descendants of Elettra Archer and the Archer clan of the kingdom of Torbine, finally regained their footing. Prey was plentiful, water and other valuable materials were fresh and abundant, and the seasons continually turned in a cycle of loss/gain and hardship/prosperity. For Sawyer Argyris Archer, the Loch was a well-guarded safe haven and playground for the resource-rich and privileged. The moment his sister Vanadis was able to leave their familial pack, Sawyer decided for himself that he was going to follow suit. He wanted what his adventuring sister was after.

Sahalie and Kino's First Litter (2018)

Arcus Leigh

Sahalie and Kino's Second Litter (2019)

Juniper Leigh

Juniper has always felt like she had to be the mediator in a family full of large personalities. With something always going on, Juniper is very eager to remain calm, to help where she can, but ultimately go with the flow. She loves her family dearly but finds them exhausting at times. More often than not she is taking the time to relax by herself. She is soft spoken in her opinions but does try to guide others towards her perspective where she can.

Jasper Leigh

Jasper is blunt, to put it simply. He says what he thinks when he thinks it and doesn't give much of a care what anyone says about it. His father raised him to be strong, to protect his siblings being the only male in his litter while his mother raised him to be open. Because of this the dark boy is rather bad at keeping secrets from his family if and when he ever tries. He comes off as rude and perhaps a bit brooding to those who he doesn't know, something definitely inherited from his father who made that his famous personality traits. But, he is loyal to a fault. To those he deems worthy of his protection they may find themselves wanting for nothing. He is their guardian and best confidant, charming and witty. He loves with all his heart but also hates with a passion. He is a whirlwind but to those willing to withstand his buffeting winds it will be one of the best decisions they've ever made.

Incus Leigh

Incus, though definitely taller than her mother, is built in much the same way. Her hips flare out in a womanly fashion and there is certainly more meat on her bones than one might consider average, though not by much. Her legs are long in comparison to her body, something she gained from her father, making her a little offset. Her fur coloration comes directly from her father's Lagina side of the family, covered in bright silver from head to toe. Darker greys are swirled in, especially along her neck, shoulders, parts of her back and the tip of her tail, softened and blended with creams and off-white. Essentially, it looks like her mother's printer ran out of colored ink. From her face peers the same bright golden eyes as her mother.

Treyah and Draven's First Litter (2018)

Scorpius Leigh-Tainn

Secretive, sarcastic and short-tempered the boy can come across as abrassive on first encounter. Those that pursue his company may slowly begin to unwrap his softer side, revealing an intelligent and ambitious wolf with a chaotic streak wider than the swift river. He enjoys the process of achieving a goal more than the end result and while he appreciates order and discipline he is not above bending the rules to suit his own needs.

Aquaria Leigh-Tainn

Aquaria is a rebel at heart. Sharp and perceptive, the girl is a whirlwind child bound to keep both her brother and her parents on their toes. Her wit often manifests as sarcasm, and while at her core she is fiercely loyal to her family, from an outsiders perspective the girl will seem detached, struggling to express her emotions in a way that others will readily understand. She won’t be likely to hold it against them though, more often than not wearing a smile that stretches from ear to ear.

Relatives by Mateship

Lorcán Artemieva (Ex-Mate to Inna)

Lorcan could only ever be described as plainly handsome. Easily one to become lost in the crowd, the male is adorned with a common agouti pelt, made up of natural earthy tones including rich brown, pale silver, warm tan and coffee cream. Typical wolfish markings scatter his pelt, including white underbelly, a black tipped tail and two pale eyebrows which stand out well against the tawny mask that covers his face. These, along with his bright piercing gold eyes, make his face all more expressive and easy to read.

Kerberos Rigel (Ex-Mate to Inna)

Deacon (Mate to Lekalta)

Viorel Valle (Mate to Vanadis)

Heir to a prestigious name of his own, Viorel and his relatives were relocated to Relic Lore and scattered by humans. With Vanadis' help, he gathered most of the lost members and founded the pack Dead Empress Backwater, which still stands strong under his leadership.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 04:44 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Sahalie who has 612 posts.

The Fifth Generation of Tainns

These members of the Tainn family are the great-great-grandchildren of Rihael Tainn I and Lani Tainn.

Karina and Kjor's Litter (2016)

Bennet Kjorsdottir

The unexpected child of Kisla's daughter Karina and Kjors, Bennet stands to make a huge impact on the wolves of Heartwood River. She is a princess, she is an heir, she is bold, smart, and brave, and the repository of all her parents’ hopes and dreams. 

Inna and Lorcan's First Litter (2017)

Oksana Baranski

Oksana spent most of her youth traveling alone with her mother Inna. She spent some time away from Relic Lore after her mother's passing, and returned to end up a part of Sanguine Cove. She fell in love with Aleister Vuesain, and eventually stepped up to lead beside him as well as have pups with him. She went missing in the year 2023 after her mate's death and the disappearances of several of her children.

Inna and Kerberos' First Litter (2018)

Orionis Rigel

He was borned to his mother as a lone wolf and almost ended up being coyote food.

Lekalta and Deacon's First Litter (2018)

Kisetra Baranski

A beautiful wolf with a coat much resembling delicious cinnamon. Her size will place taller than her mother's, but shorter than her father's. She will take pride in her beauty, more specifically the contrast between her coat and her piercing spring green eyes and how well they compliment one another. Due to the fae's strong fascination with bodies of water, it can be assumed that her appearance comes off as quite clean more so than not.

Vulcan and Sigryn's First Litter (2018)

Sága Tainn

Saga got wrapped up early in founding a pack with friends and a wolf named Huddy Macieo. While he led {Fools Gold Chasm} she birthed his first litter, and then he was gone. Saga hung on for a while, asking Adelard to step up in her place, but as one by one her children disappeared, she ended up folding and leaving to search for them.

Vanadis and Viorel's First Litter (2021)

Eros Valle

Alongside a myriad of siblings and other relatives, Eros was raised with love and perhaps a little more freedom than most pups his age are given. Since entering his 'teens' he has begun to realize just how complicated adults and their lives can be. While he still loves each of his family members, he's begun to question if he belongs somewhere outside of the Backwater.

Archer Valle

Once incredibly loyal to his littermate and father, Archer has renounced the name of Valle and grown bitter and moody. His old self only shows through with Ally.

Vanadis and Viorel's Second Litter (2022)

Sephrina Valle

Sephrina was born with weak eyes and a penchant for envy. She was babied by her parents, but this didn't save her from drowning to death after falling through ice on the annual pup exchange with Sanguine Cove.

Nix Valle

Nix had a habit of getting lost. At one point, he had joined Paradise Falls under the care of Reika, but has since disappeared from the Lore completely.

Isla Valle

Born to the once-mated pair of Viorel and Vanadis of Dead Empress Backwater as the last born triplet. Isla proved mildly troublesome from the start, but as time went on it only escalated. Most notably was the death of her sister, Sephrina, that seemed to be the final straw in her descent. After witnessing the death, Isla has become excessively violent and cruel to even those she might claim to love. She has seemingly struggled to stay rooted anywhere long after the loss as well. Briefly she returned home only to drift away once more, feeling dislodged and angry with her place.

Incus and Leith's First Litter (2021)

Sirius Rayvne

Desperate to be an adult, Incus did everything she could to become pregnant with pups. Having them, however, was a harsh bite of reality and she ended up surrendering the surviving pup, Sirius, unto an older wolf named Rhaegara Rayvne. The woman strove to raise the boy as her own, but his health was already frail and failing. He passed away just two weeks after his birth.

Relatives by Mateship

Aleister Vuesain (Mate to Oksana)

Aleister spent a lot of his youth away from Relic Lore. He came back with his sister Neha, the two promising to restart their parents' old pack together. When she disappeared, he continued with the plan, and along with the help of those who would become his pack, he founded Sanguine Cove. While he had several lovers, he ultimately committed to Oksana as his mate. He passed away from wounds inflicted while fighting off a cougar in 2022.

Kateri Vuesain-Slayer (Mate to Archer)

Born of a fling between her parents in Sanguine Cove, Kateri felt displaced when they both moved on with new mates and resulting children. She chose to run away to Dead Empress Backwater where her friends resided, and from there her and Archer's bond deepened. Their union resulted in their banishment from the pack, and she disappeared shortly after one of the pups grew deathly ill.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 04:48 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Eros who has 513 posts.

The Sixth Generation of Tainns

These members of the Tainn family are the great-great-great-grandchildren of Rihael Tainn I and Lani Tainn.

Saga and Huddy's First Litter (2021)

Marrah Macieo-Tainn

Born to Saga and Huddy she has been raised with her littermates and Enera primarily by her mother, as her father left shortly after her birth. Since leaving the den for the first time Marrah has been caught in multiple sudden storms and as such has developed astraphobia - a fear of storms and tornadoes.

Caelyn Macieo-Tainn

Aweho Macieo-Tainn

Oksana and Aleister's First Litter (2022)

Galen Vuesain

Diantha Vuesain

Diantha is the second born of Oksana's first litter, daughter of Aleister. She was fortunate to experience the drought next to a lake that didn't dry up, though the Cove was not immune from disaster. Diantha's father died as a result of a battle with a cougar, plunging the entire pack into grief. She soon had more agemates to play with, however, when the wolves of Fool's Gold Chasm disbanded and joined the Cove instead.

Star Vuesain

Her namesake explains almost everything about this girl as she not only takes after her paternal grandmother’s color and build, but also much of the Star Dancer’s personality as well. Her father will have a lot to reminisce with Star as she goes about life with the family’s heterochromia gaze. Taking on a medium, lean physique, Star will always be the honest and polite one of the siblings as she leads with her empathetic heart just like her Grandmother Namid did.

Feyre Vuesain

The wildest of the five children Feyre will keep her parents on their toes. With the wanderlust of many generations of Vuesains behind her it may be difficult to find her at home. She will do before thinking in most instances, unable to help herself and seeming to never learn from her mistakes. She won't be told what to do by anyone. Feyre has a wild streak in her and she means to let everyone know about it. Aside from whatever forces call to her she loves her family and will stick by them no matter what. It won't matter how far she goes Feyre will always return home.

Archer and Kateri's First Litter (2023)

Andy Vuesain

Andy, named after his grandmother Vanadis, was born frail and became sick early on. His parents tried to save him but could not. He passed away at only a month old.

Ally Vuesain

Ally was named for her grandfather Aleister, and has traveled far and wide with her father in search of a home as they grieve her brother.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 04:51 AM by Eros.)